Bold? Yes, the truth hurts when you are the most murderous, dishonest, and oppressive regime in history. American Thinker is blatantly, ( honestly ) partisan. Unlike Forbes or CNN, etc. I doubt they care If they offend Xi the Pooh. It's not like it hurts their ratings, or they care if China complains.
As to mutations... I thought I posted an article on the Science thread on the vaccine development a few days ago...But must have imagined it. In any case, IF the "paranoid fantasy" of Xi's Breath ( Covid-19) being a bioengineered weapon is true, then there won't be the high mutation rate.
Other recent reports say that Xi's Breath is an engineered test virus designed to test vaccines and test kits, and not a weapon. ( snort, giggle, cough )
The bottom line is if the 'Thinker editorial is correct, the initial hit on the stock market and the Chinese economy, won't be as bad as some predict. But the longer term, 5+ months, could be much worse... Depending on how bad Covid-19 really is. And we just don't know yet.
I found your posts on the "storm" issues with Coronavirus interesting and a must read.
Death rates in American hospitals should be low because of our health care system, unless we get overwhelmed by numbers.
( You can complain about costs, insurance limits, and politics of the American system. But there's no place better to be if you need rapid attention with a heart attack or metabolic storm. Arguments on the system belong in another thread )
Europe, Mexico, Canada, Japan & Taiwan also can handle a few score cases with better odds on outcome from secondary problems than the overloaded Chinese system. Which, to be fair, would have a better recovery rate if it was only a dozen new cases a day and not hundreds.
If a hundred cases hit our local hospital, which is world class, that would probably overload too. A hundred a day? Disaster.
And...I had cataract surgery Tuesday. They did ask If I'd been to China... And again today, asked as part of the prep for another surgery in two weeks. ( "oh, no, don't go to China!" Actual quote. ) Mental note, careful with jokes. My anesthesiologist had a great sense of humor. She initially was almost offended when I asked exactly what drugs she was using, but when I explained my Father was a Drug Pusher ( penicillin... Pharmaceutical company ) cheerfully told me in detail how she'd control my horizontal and picture!
I want to go shopping in a store with a long checkout line. Start by coughing. Then proclaim just loud enough that this cough has been getting worse since I got back from China.
Do you think it is a bio-weapon? A good weapon would neuter those it didn't kill. Lets take another look at our little friend:
Here in this study, we analyzed the online datasets to uncover the expression pattern of ACE2 in urinary and male reproductive systems, which is the potential mechanism of abnormal renal function or even kidney damage in patients infected with 2019-nCoV. Moreover, we emphasized high ACE2 expression level in testis because of the potential pathogenicity of the virus to testicular tissues, especially the potential risks affecting fertility.
This at a time the Government has reversed it's one child population control program, a disaster of literally Biblical proportions, that has killed a major percentage of female babies born & unborn. They now offer cash incentives to have babies.
That doesn't mean you're wrong.
Elimination of a broad swath of the population, if it got rid of the majority of dissent, would be a win for the regime. With less crowding, more food and better ( less demand ) health care AND regime policy changes they'd have a population explosion.
Much like Europe during the Medieval warm period after the plagues, starvation, and wars of the Dark ages. But bigger and deliberate.
( The following is sarcastic humor and not to be used to have me committed or against me in politics! )
If we could only do that just to D.C.
( Back to serious speculation )
If a biowar attack, it's also a temporary fix for the most serious problem, the insanely high percentage of males with zero hope of marriage or even getting laid. Unless there is a radical shift to legitimize homosexuality, ( a crime today & unlikely, that's one aspect of the conquest of the West ) embrace polyandry, ( unlikely ) or conquer foreign land with more women. ( in progress )
Xi's Breath could even be a natural plague and still be exploited as described. That's less risky in terms of foreign powers deciding to nuke Bejing and shorten/prevent the upcoming wars of conquest Xi is building towards. More risky in terms of mutations and out of control spread and preservation of the Elite.
This at a time the Government has reversed it's one child population control program, a disaster of literally Biblical proportions, that has killed a major percentage of female babies born & unborn. They now offer cash incentives to have babies. This helps with the imbalance too. It kills off smokers faster than non-smokers. Asian males smoke more than Asian females.
Hundreds of american passengers (nearly 400) on the boat are about to be rescued. 5 americans on board test positive for the virus. There are 355 confirmed sick on boat now.
So I wonder, in the light of this new viral threat, do the Dems still push open borders again this election? It would seem to be an impossible position to win with when talking to any reasonable person who understands the threats involved.
Who you can trust. Not China, certainly, the WHO? Not if China is involved. Your government? Meh. CNN? Ha!
More importantly, What works to control/contain/combat plagues.
One history lesson is they Always slam the City Gates shut too late to keep the plague out. That mountain top sanctuaries like monasteries and survivalist enclaves are found empty of life or nearly so.
But washing your hands and avoiding crowds works pretty good.
The lazy people have come up with hand sanitizers to lull you into a false sense of security. SOAP AND WATER and your own towel! When I leave a public restroom I use my paper towel to open the door. I then throw away the towel. No trash can at the door? I just drop it. It now has the germs from the schmuck that didn't wash their hands and opened the door. Here is a bonus; I turn the sink off with a separate paper towel if it doesn't turn off by itself. I do not use that towel to dry my hands.