If you want a decent zombie novel series, John Ringo's Black Tide Rising series, first book, Under A Graveyard Sky. Typical Ringo pro-military attitudes and improbable heroines. Great soundtrack. ( Ringo lists the tunes he played as he wrote each chapter, plus his characters play music... )
Make a MUCH better movie than the trashed World War Z.
Spoiler! ( Let The Bodies Hit The Floor, played on loudspeakers on a tank.... Good scene! Track lube! )
Other excuses for the repeated problem is that Chipolte uses fresh ingredients that must be washed and properly cooked by the employees. As other fast food chains have discovered, "organic pre-washed lettuce" isn't safe out of the bag. And heavily chlorinated wash water isn't safe to leave on the food, so it's safest to wash then rinse, which stores like Chipolte & Taco Bell aren't really equipped or trained to do.
My only point here is that this is a tiny amount of people in the grand scheme of things.
The media have latched on to this, and made it the scare dujour.
My house had the flu last week. I didn't get it. Victims stayed upstairs while the rest (me) stayed downstairs.
I'll take the mild back pain from couch surfing over the flu every day of the year.
take the prescribed medicine per Doctor's orders
Yeah... no. I take one aspirin 81mg per day. The Atorvostatin and Metropololololol and other crap can sit there and rot in their containers.
I do keep the nitro around just in case of an infarction, but my blood tests show my cholestorol levels are where they should be. I'm not going to just keep taking pills forever. Not going to happen.
Latest word is that it can spread via anal to oral route, which is as disgusting as it sounds. Wash your hands, people, especially if you’re in food prep. They think this is why it’s spreading so fast in China.
Hey youn's- I recommend keeping some Oscillococcinum handy in the medicine cabinet. It's a homeopathic remedy, intended to be taken when you begin feeling like a bug's setting in. It basically minimizes the symptoms of flu- you'll still know you've got a bug, but remain functional and not miserable with full symptoms. It's widely available, Wallyworld should have it too. About $15, well worth it. I've not come down with much more than a head cold in years, but if I feel like the flu is kicking in, I'm ready with that stuff.
As far as homeopathic stuff goes, the elderberry gummi vitamins worked wonders. A coworker had the start of a cold two weeks ago, popped them like candy and was good two days later.
Early last week I woke up with a sore throat, runny nose, etc. I popped elder berry gummies that day. The next day was a better and I was back to normal on the third day. Its anecdotal, but I'm a believer.
Overall, this outbreak is small and lethality isn't that bad, but it seems to double every three days. Knowing Chinas propensity to keep things interall7 until they cant, makes me feel that it's worse than they say it is.
Every time I see a new drug commercial on TV, I wish I had an instant anagram generator handy. I think it's fancy, how the drug might help (not cure) some affliction, and also might kill you a half dozen different ways.
When it's not so profitable to manufacture someplace, companies now just move. It appears the threshold is near with China, just like increasing wages in Japan slowed their economy.
I'm not as optimistic on the fall of the Dictatorship, though.
Ob, thank the Communist Party for the surveillance apparatus that lets them track every person who tells the truth about the epidemic!
It's so convenient! Shoot a few loudmouths in the head, zip up the body bag, and deliver to the incinerators fogging the skies, unnoticed in the flow of bodies. Except by family and "friends".
It's so convenient! Shoot a few loudmouths in the head, zip up the body bag, and deliver to the incinerators fogging the skies, unnoticed in the flow of bodies. Except by family and "friends". There were bodies delivered to the incinerators without proper documentation.