Sounds like he was authorized to carry an M4 an M9 on guard duty, or they would not have signed them out to him. Not all those authorized to carry when I was in were able to hold it all together. I lost friends to them. Guard duty was sometimes punishment for misdeeds. I got looked at strangly when I was in the dessert for volunteering for a solitary post in the dessert for 6 months on nights. I had it all figured out. It was a post with a starlight scope on my M-16. I layed on top of a bunker for 6 months watching the stars through the scope. I loved it. I also studied for my 7 level tests in my career field. When I took the test I scored the highest to date score on it. 3 gallons of ice water and an in-flight meal every night. I even had a pet scorpion that I kept in the butt stock of my M-16.
"I even had a pet scorpion that I kept in the butt stock of my M-16." Ourdee, something tells me you got a head just full of interesting stories like that. I need to get to more events so I get to hear them.
If you went to the armory late at night and stood at the window where they issued weapons, you could hear them scratching inside of the butt-stocks. I was not the only one with a pet.
I read some of the other articles on that site too. The spin was incredible. Then I realized it was an Iranian news/propaganda site. I began to consider whether the spin may be valid, but then I read the ‘about us’ link. No, it’s pure propaganda.