I suggest we contact Jim at TWoS, see if we could have a fiddy's race this fall. Glitch deserves it, and I'll try to win. Heck, now I might have to carry one of those one the BMW.
Actual quotes from my 12 year old grandson: - If I'm eating, something is dying. - I'm a 2nd hand vegetarian. Cows eat grass, I eat cows. - What have you got against plants that you have to EAT them?
Zacks- a sense of humor like that is rare for a 12 YO. Awesome! His first quote is a bit off nowadays- there are a couple or more outfits that are "culturing" meat, even producing "heme" which is analogue to hemoglobin. Essentially they say they can make a meatless burger that you can't tell from the real thing. One of these days I'll check into that. I'll probably skip the Burger King version though- IIRC that's already available.
That's already on the market. IIRC Froggy has had some.
The next big thing is getting folks to warm up to insects as a viable, regular source of protein. Great idea, in so many ways, much more efficient production versus animals, but... fat chance here in the USA. UTK's agriculture and food departments put on an annual, free bug buffet, to demonstrate how insects can be made into dinner. Might try to make it next time.
Yeah, that's how most Westerners see it. Many other cultures see differently. I appreciate the whole idea from an intellectual standpoint, but... personally, it'll be a stretch to actually TRY bugs as cuisine. (Eaten a few over the years whilst riding, ack.)