After the 30 days have elapsed, all images which became public domain or property of Facebook then will be disassociated with your name or any other electronic link to you personally.
Amazing how many steps it takes, and how many hoops you have to jump through, to cancel a "free" service.
Hmmmmmm....wonder why that is.....?
And, by the way...i'm perfectly fine without it. And I still have to turn away business. Contrary to popular belief, farcebook is NOT required in order to have a happy life.
Been gone from Farcebook for years now. Besides, I got tired of people who I didn't care for in HS, suddenly wanting to be my "friend". OK, maybe after 30 years, you're not a dick anymore, but I still am!
Posted before I watched the video. It's gotten kind of surreal when a company of the type and power of Farcebook, actually creates a list of people who they will "allow" you to threaten with violence. Talk about doing the tip-toe dance around just promoting violence!
I had thoughts that a sane man can't post when I saw that crap. They probably were informed by their lawyer just how expensive it could get. I would guess that there are already grounds for a case in Britain.