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| Posted on Tuesday, May 07, 2019 - 04:28 pm: |
Hey all- before I go noodle around on Amazonky, any opinions as to my best bet for a secondary brake light? Definitely looking for LED, something (1) effective and (2) hopefully looks good on the back end of my '77 BMW. Those of you who've seen it know I've got plenty of area under the milk crate, back end of the luggage rack. Hyperlights are nice, but I'll wait to research until tomorrow, see what youn's come up with. Bonus points for discount MC retailers. Or, if anyone simply has something laying around not being used, let me know. |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 07, 2019 - 04:38 pm: |
This or similar? 534bak-led-3-4-in-round-red-clearance-and-side-mar ker-light-with-rubber-grommet?cm_vc=-10005 |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 07, 2019 - 04:56 pm: |
Whelen TIR3 emergency light: p2380057.m570.l1313.TR3.TRC0.A0.H0.Xtir3.TRS0&_nkw =tir3&_sacat=0 Combine with a flasher unit like this: OBE-FLASHER-MODULE-2-CHANNEL-16-PATTERN/2834440958 74?hash=item41fe95ab82:g:tgYAAOSw27lcMlgz and you'll give 'em seizures! I have a TIR3 on my Uly where the tag light used to be, wired to steady-on with brakes (I use tag light bolts now). The factory brakelight, plus a small LED strip that I added to the topcase, are wired into the 1 and 2 channels of the flasher box on a 5 flash per second wig-wag (back and forth), in addition to the TIR3 being steady-on. It's bright. |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 07, 2019 - 07:32 pm: |
Joe, I know you of all of us have done your research... stopping behind me is the goal, not seizures, might get run over anyway. I just reminded myself of an idea that I should see about designing and marketing... car and MC applications might be remunerative if done right. |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 07, 2019 - 08:13 pm: |
| al-led-license-plate-frame?rrec=true Brad, I ran one similar to this on my Buell and was very pleased with it. Also, I just saw one for $20ish but it only had one row of LEDs. They are not huge. They will not be confused for an emergency vehicle. But they beat the hell out of that single filament you have right now and they are really easy to mount. |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 07, 2019 - 08:15 pm: |
| cycle-License-Plate/dp/B076F6B4P2/ref=asc_df_B076F 6B4P2/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=318581707 819&hvpos=1o34&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1408220843415734408 2&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocin t=&hvlocphy=9058940&hvtargid=pla-593149781702&psc= 1 And here is the $20 version. |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 07, 2019 - 09:46 pm: |
I use the TIR3 mounted smack dab in the center of the tail box on the Ulysses. |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 07, 2019 - 11:04 pm: |
Didn't the TIR 3 come on the PD version of the XB12XP handguards? |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 03:18 am: |
Hey Brad, I might have a box truck oval shaped stop/tail light with a pigtail hanging around the shop somewhere. I'll squirt you a picture if I can find one tomorrow. If I have,one, a good used unit like that would be free for the cause. |