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Message |
| Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 07:25 pm: |
Knocked this thread as far off track as Sandy the bartender is. |
| Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 08:05 pm: |
Knocked this thread as far off track as Sandy the bartender is. Yeah, BadWeB has never had any type of thread drift. What's up with that? |
| Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 09:09 pm: |
Speaking of Sandy, why is it that whenever she opens her mouth, I can hear the ocean? |
| Posted on Friday, April 12, 2019 - 12:40 am: |
| Posted on Friday, April 12, 2019 - 06:30 am: |
She seems like a good candidate for the "speak less, listen more" mantra . . . Color me in . . . . (Message edited by court on April 12, 2019) |
| Posted on Friday, April 12, 2019 - 02:06 pm: |
| ans_old_deal_.html Speaking of the premise for Starship Troopers political speculation. |
| Posted on Friday, April 12, 2019 - 02:14 pm: |
| s_ben_rhodes_so_hellbent_on_defending_ilhan_omar.h tml Sandy the taco gal accused us all of racism for noticing a Congresscritter supports Islamist terrorist groups to the point of erasing their crimes from history and, oh, yeah, accusing us all of racism. Yep, 9/11/01 proves we are racist, when "someone" flew hijacked airliners into 3 buildings full of people. ( presumably George Bush's clones, as she reboots the conspiracy theory ) |
| Posted on Friday, April 12, 2019 - 02:48 pm: |
| national-security/kirsten-gillibrands-talk-of-tact ile-nuclear-weapons-had-john-bolton-in-stitches Kirsten was chosen to be the Handmaiden to Chuck Schumer. Her mental deficiencies are a feature, not a bug. ( mentioning them is sexist and racist, btw ) I use Chosen precisely. Chosen by Chuck and the Party. You'd think being in close competition with CA would give me a sporting enthusiasm for the Worst Representatives race. Instead, I'm unhappy. |
| Posted on Saturday, April 13, 2019 - 12:25 am: |
| e-we-been-overestimating-omar.php What does it say about a Party and it's Leaders when the good news about a hateful person they defend is that they are probably just really stupid? Transitive dependency? |
| Posted on Sunday, April 14, 2019 - 06:43 am: |
Satire or Not? on-price-is-right-guesses-everything-is-free Yeah, just as bad as Ebutch, but I couldn't resist. |
| Posted on Sunday, April 14, 2019 - 01:54 pm: |
The tiny tin god hates to be laughed at. Mock her daily. Her Muslim sisterhood colleagues deserve mockery and truth. We will not tolerate their hate. Or allow Sharia. |
| Posted on Sunday, April 14, 2019 - 02:41 pm: |
| nter-for-american-progress-creating-smears-against -progressive-candidates-31013 Gee, I thought their description of his carefully crafted image spot on. But Bernie needs and wants more substantive criticism, not fashion advice. So. Bernie, Progressives, or to be honest, you communists, are profoundly and systematically dishonest. Your religion is based on lies, lying, theft, personal attacks and murder. You are an intolerant priest of a religion of hatred. From Lenin to Stalin to Mao to Pol Pot to Sandy the Boss of you, the greatest contribution your kind has given us is new words for mass murder. Every place your kind took power became hells on Earth, with informants, secret police, families wakened in the night to have fathers and sons taken away to be "disappeared" aka murdered ( see! Contribution! ) in basements or forced to dig their own unmarked graves before being shot in the back of the head. Every place on Earth your perversion of faith takes hold, the kind of psychopath that ends up in American prisons for assault and murder, become the government, police, and willing thugs, beating, torturing, and murdering the people in a never ending campaign of terror so a rich elite can live as kings. See, Venezuela. Your precious Soviet Union. Red China. Most of Africa. And Eastern Europe. I assure you, Bernie, your hair style, an affectation of Soviet incompetence, is the least of your problems. |
| Posted on Monday, April 15, 2019 - 11:48 pm: |
It says something about the Democratic Party that Buttigieg’s religious-based authoritarian line enhances his political prospects, while his desire to rebuild slums and have a clean police chief may hurt them. e-buttigieg-black-voters-and-mike-pence.php He references a rant against the Mayor for being a lying sack and anti civil rights scum. The rant. south-bend-david-horowitz The feud with Pence is understandable, although it's conduct is evil and hateful. I'm sure if I was married to a black woman and the Veep opposed such marriages, I would condemn his attitude and motives, just as Mayor Pete the lying sack does with his personal life. However, claiming someone must have abandoned his Christian, or ANY OTHER faith, simply because he works for or agrees with Trump, is a dishonest, anti religious tactic of an evil man. ( I assume he identifies as male ) I'd be happy to mock the ways the Bad Orange Man is not a social conservative guy. Multiple divorces, affairs, nakedly egotistical, certainly no Christian ideal role model. ( or Wiccan role model either! ) But supporting a vain, human, jerk, in politics requires you to take such support in context. Every human is an imperfect person. ( and those who claim perfection are insane and dangerous ) And the context is his political opponents. Just two examples should do. Jeb Bush, who supports illegal immigration and claims they are better than Citizens. An obvious shill for Big Business, and if we'd ever been told his proposed policies, certainly they'd have been a continuation of Obama's fascism, just with a few different cronies. ( we don't know because the Democrat Media had chosen Trump, and didn't report on the other 15 R candidates except to destroy them ) And, to keep things even handed, Bernie Saunders, a Communist Soviet parrot who honeymooned in Moscow to attend an indoctrination school for Revolutionary Useful Idiots. ( and might have been his opponent, except the Clinton Campaign DNC stole the election for Her Satanic Majesty. Legally, I must point out, by writing the rules to ignore voters and elections and making the Party choice one for a secret star chamber. Essentially, the D Party primary elections were mostly propaganda, not democracy. But those internal club rules were known to those who looked, and they have the right to run their private club as they choose. ) Thus, given a choice to support a lame dynasty heir, a Stalin wannabe, or a Game Show Host, many Americans, many of strong religious faith, had to choose from indifference, religious hostility, or uncertain support for religious tolerance and freedom. |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - 12:45 am: |
Hunnhh? There is such a thing as loghorrhea, from what I've been told. Still following you, Patrick. You and I have different approaches to whatever is/becomes Truth. |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - 01:11 am: |
Dang! Sorry, no insult intended. You and I wake up in different places. |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - 01:23 am: |
I struggle with being Baptist, Catholic.... it's hard to say, but |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - 04:24 am: |
My point is that accusing Christians of abandoning their beliefs to vote for a divorced guy who is not "one of them" ( evangelical or whatever ) by people who have open contempt for people with any religious faith, is just more open contempt for anyone who believes in any God but their Holy State. ( except Islamists which they consider allies/tools to take power ) Too long winded, sorry. Mayor Pete the Gay candidate obviously thinks you, us, are stupid. And that he thinks he can tell Baptists and Catholics etc. who they are supposed to hate, is proof that he doesn't respect you. That he believes you must be as intolerant as he is. I know "liberal" folk that oppose the second amendment because "if they had a gun, they'd kill lots of people that anger them". And assume everyone has the same lack of empathy and self control. Thus YOU must hate Donald, because Pete would never think to forgive another for being a sinful imperfect human. Btw I'm fine with a Gay politician. Far better than a closeted one, subject to blackmail. ( as we may find evidence of in the ongoing investigation ) I don't like Pete because he has contempt for me, and openly wants to destroy my Civil Rights. |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - 08:36 am: |
| eep_state_idiots_and_knaves_and_crazycakes.html |
| Posted on Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 06:35 am: |
| ocortezs_message_from_the_future.html |
| Posted on Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 09:10 am: |
Well that's 5 minutes I'll never get back, Thanks, Bruce! |
| Posted on Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 10:31 am: |
I honestly hope this is a fake. Sadly, I'm not sure, and haven't found confirmation either way.
| Posted on Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 10:40 am: |
Well, just think of all those pent-up greenhouse gases that were released when millenia-old wood was burned. How can you NOT understand that?
| Posted on Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 10:57 am: |
I still hear the ocean... |
| Posted on Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 11:06 am: |
I'd like Alexandria to Rub Lotion on my Bed Sores!!!!!
| Posted on Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 11:30 am: |
Did anyone else get the impression from Occasionals video that the young person took over for her because she became president... Woe the Republic. |
| Posted on Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 03:24 pm: |
I get the idea that she isn't any good at fairy tales either. What is she good at? She could be a poster child for stopping immigration from Puerto Rico. |
| Posted on Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 03:26 pm: |
More a condemnation of Boston College. |
| Posted on Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 04:50 pm: |
Wasn't it BU? |
| Posted on Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 05:04 pm: |
Boston College and Boston University are two very different schools. |
| Posted on Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 06:37 pm: |
I sit corrected! It's important not to accuse the wrong school of Communist indoctrination and exploitation of the mentally disabled. |