On another note, for the last two days every time I think about this get together Charlie Daniel's song Stroker Ace keeps running through my head, but its mutilated.
Stroker Ace was born to race He had an ego ten feet high Dumb as a stump And his back was humped But man that boy could slide Take a flat track curve With the devils nerve Flat out up against the berm He'd drink some shine From time to time But something something rhyme with berm
Jerry & Carol; I just got off the phone with Roy and Ourdee and we're all agreed. We'll be at your place on Friday afternoon and we can all go pig out on BBQ and Ice Cream. Matthew's going to be there, and who knows who else. It looks like you're having a Pre-Race Party!
It’s gonna be a great pre-race party!! The Ruffner’s are looking forward to hosting some of the greatest guys (and gals) around! Carol already has Saturday morning breakfast menu planned! Can you tell she is excited!!!
Pwnzor.......I’m glad she’s coming and hopefully my cooking won’t turn a flip-flop since I will be serving company!! Since retiring, I have gotten pretty good. And in addition to visiting the ice cream and BBQ joints, I hear a nice big homemade lasagna is gonna be available too!!!
As it gets closer shoot me a time for the BBQ meet up. I plan on riding over for the feast! I might ride out to see my old friend before the Mile, if I do I'll contact you guys. It's an hour and a half away.
That’s great Greg!! Will be nice to see ya. It’s up to the crew coming in as to what time we go eat. The joint says they have plenty of seating and they are expecting us!!! Our porch light is always on for our friends. (Just like motel 6).
Just scanned the local hotel offerings, including Route 66 Hotel. That one's a little distant but not too bad, and the reviews were mostly good. I'll continue research, but anyone with two shiny pennies speak up- I'll repay with a beer.
I've never fiddled with AirBnB or Uber or any of that stuff... looking to set plans on a budget and giterduun!