If the slant of the piece is any indication, sadly, I'm sure these asshats will get off.
We're getting past time for the Right to start fighting back. "Higher ground" isn't working so well anymore... These little pricks won't even show their faces going to court. Cowards.
Interesting. “white supremacist” becomes “wet back”. I guess the name calling was the thing, not the ethnicity of the victim. I hope they get jail time.
Amongst the noise of the mob on TV and the threats to our liberty, it is good to remember that we are blessed with opportunities undreamed of on most of the planet.
We won't have the riots of Paris. Oh, we might have riots, but they will be the tools of the Party, not the People.
Why won't the District of Columbia be like Paris?
Because for most Americans, the vision is very different than in France.
Despite 8 years of being told we are evil by being free, and that universal poverty is The New Normal by our card carrying Communist President, we didn't believe a word. He may have ruined race relations, tarnished our Nation's reputation, and corrupted our Justice system into a political weapon, but we didn't buy it.
Because we operate under a different set of fundamental beliefs.
We are not quite to this level of Christmas enthusiasm. Maybe in Detroit, next year. Or in 2021, after Hyphen Cortez and Bernie paint the White House red.
But we have two years for the House to legalize ballot fraud and weekly impeachment votes. Trump could be the most successful President on the economy and world peace and not get credit until a generation from now.
The Dems are pushing for a ruined economy, higher crime, unlimited illegal alien slave labor, abandoning the Constitution, Electoral College, and, shortly, imposing the Chinese Social Credit System that will take away all rights from those who disagree.
With only California and New York dominant in vote numbers and you being denied a vote because you posted a Gadsen flag on your Facebook page, I don't see the happy side.
I really hope I'm being Cassandra here, and there isn't a loss of freedom to the evil ones. I pray I'm overly pessimistic.
But give up? I won't go gently into the night. Rage, rage, against the dying of the light!
I'm also not stupid enough to call for illegal acts. To quote Richard Nixon, "that would be wrong".
Feel free to think about it. That technology isn't legally admissible, Yet.
Maybe it's time for cops to become judge, jury, and executioner. "he broke free from restraints in the jail and attacked a cop, so we had to put him down".
The article does not give a figure for the percentage of undocumenteds in CA, but I believe it is twice the national figure they give as 3.5%. Let's go high and call it 10%. The Hill says in CA, there are 92 undocumented imprisoned per 100,000 undocumenteds (about 0.09%) whereas there are 74 citizens/documenteds incarcerated for every 100,000 citizens/documenteds (about 0.07%) The population of California is about 40 million. If we assume the 10%/90% split between the undocumenteds and all others, that would mean 4 million undocumeteds live among 36 million citizens/documenteds. If we apply the rate of incarceration figures the prison population is about 360,000 undocumenteds vs 2,520,000 citizens/documenteds. Even if the rate of incarceration of the undocumented and/or their total population was higher, the characterization of California prisoners would still be more citizen/documented than undocumented.
This is why I don't consider the wall cost effective or rational. Why spend extra money to focus on a minority of crime when we should focus on the majority of crime? If someone is trying to kill me or rob me, the least of my concerns is their current documentation status. Had Trump approached the wall as a law and order tax increase I would have been much more receptive of it. None of this makes any sense unless Trump's taxes showed he invested heavily in domestic steel.
On another note regarding California cooperation or lack thereof with ICE I was surprised that at least Sacramento County gives regular access to ICE as detailed by sheriff Scott Jones at https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article223217855 .html which is headlined "Sacramento sheriff: ‘I give ICE unfettered access to our jails’"
As I have mentioned in the past, I neither work in immigration nor law enforcement, so lacking a working knowledge of either I tend to support the majority opinions of the local police who I think are performing reasonably well considering how sh*tty the job is.
If you don't like enforcing our laws that were passed by Congress and signed by the President, change the laws and start leaving your front door unlocked because random people might like eating your food and using your stuff in the mean time.
Shouldn't the perspective on illegal immigrant crime rightly be in contrast to legal immigrant crime, which is almost nonexistent compared to the national average? Illegal immigrants perpetrate crime at a MASSIVELY higher rate than legal immigrants, and significantly higher rate than Americans in general. Seems like a good idea to spend a little money to stem the infiltration of criminals into our nation, no?
Shouldn't we vet all immigrants? Don't we want to avoid allowing any criminals to immigrate?
The facts on this issue are not that tough to find. See www.justfacts.org for objective analysis and fully referenced academic type critiques of other media reporting on such issues.
Why spend a little money to stem the flow of child sex trafficking?
Why spend a little money to help reduce the massive flow of illegal deadly drugs coming across the border?
Why spend a little money to prevent more criminals and violent gangsters from sneaking into the country?
Better to let them all in and deal with their crime after the fact?
Guess how many murders have been perpetrated by illegals in the last ten years, virtually all of which got here by illicit border crossing. I dare you. Come on man.
The Hill says in CA, there are 92 undocumented imprisoned per 100,000 undocumenteds (about 0.09%) whereas there are 74 citizens/documenteds incarcerated for every 100,000 citizens/documenteds (about 0.07%)
What you've just said is that every single illegal coming across the border is 22% more likely to commit a crime that gets him incarcerated than people who are here legally. 22 freaking percent! And these are the people that you think we should be encouraging to come to our country? Seriously!!! By definition of this, you are making our country worse off, just on the crime statistics. There are plenty of other good reasons we could get into why these are not the immigrants we are looking for, but that alone should be a dis-qualifier. Then I have to wonder what percentage of those who committed serious crimes, then fled back "home" before being convicted of their crimes. I know this happens, and would make the actual crime rate higher than the 22% higher that you specified.
I can't say that I'm the least bit surprise by this. I would fully expect that a person who doesn't respect a nations immigration laws, will probably not respect their other laws either. Thank you for providing the statistics that prove this bit of common sense to be true.
Shouldn't the perspective on illegal immigrant crime rightly be in contrast to legal immigrant crime
Why you would give native born criminals a pass? That's why I lock my doors. I don't want to get robbed or murdered by criminals whether they were born here or there.
Hello Sifo, Merry Christmas if we don't speak until then, this does appear to be a rare case where we agree. I think the figure is more like .02% higher chance of criminal behavior though, which is ultimately overwhelmed by the massive population of domestic criminals.
EDIT: I guess with these number both figures work.
No, it's .2% higher incidence among the illegal population. It's about a 22% change between the two populations.
I was just thinking about a local issue while shoveling snow. About a week ago I had a discussion about gang problems in a local school district, Suttons Bay, MI. I was shocked to hear that this small town had gang problems in it's schools. Then it was explained to me that it's a problem of American-Indian gangs vs. Hispanic migrant worker kids. Guess what both groups have in common... A lack of respect, right from the start, of the laws of the land in which they live.
Consider the irony. Barry, who famously asked the President of Russia to convey to his Master, Vladimir, that he'd have more flexibility ( to destroy the U.S. Military ) after his reelection, ( and carried through on his promise ) so implied asking Vladimir to stay low profile on his conquest of Europe for a few months. ( which he did, to help insure the reelection of a card carrying Communist Party member, Barry )
Pretty blatant collusion with Russia to influence the Presidential election, eh?
That's irony #1.
Irony #2, is the Democrat Party position that Russia is a rogue state, ( true ) an ally of TrumpHitler, ( ha! ) and the subject of a massive propaganda campaign by the Hillary Campaign/Party/Soros Trinity of the Unholy.
Which may trigger nuclear war with Putin using their faked, but now real, Russophobia, as an excuse/reason.
Irony #3 is that Obama & Soros now have a literal partnership in creating a globalist dictatorship..... And Soros would be arrested for interference in national elections, thus can not return to the land of his birth, or be tried, & hung. Or visit Moscow, where he would be, um, one of those suicides that shoot themselves in the back 30 times.
Irony #4 is a bit subtle, and only funny to history buffs, ( and over the head of far too many ) and is that Vladimir is hostile to Soros just as Hitler was hostile to Communusts, because he cannot tolerate competition. ( Also while Vladimir wasn't yet born when enthusiastic young Soros was denouncing his neighbors to his Nazi brothers, there's still the institutional memory of the Great Patriotic War between the Nazis and Stalin's Soviet Union. )
Deliberately shipping the criminal & desperately poor across the border, for multiple reasons. Get rid of them, give the Nortes a crime problem to disrupt the society, support the Democrat Party ( sympathetic to the Leftist Mexican gov. ) through high crime and illegal votes, etc.
Thus while "Mexicans" as a people are no more likely to be criminals than " Americans", we get the distillation of criminal population here as illegal trespassers.
The fact that a major factor & direct cause of crime in Mexico is because of the U.S. Drug War & Black Market, is something to be seriously considered. It's our fault, ( not you, or me... Congress ) that MS13 is a thing to be feared.
The responsible citizens of Mexico do the paperwork and come here legally.
No one objects to legal immigration, except in the cases where Big Silicon Valley/Disney/etc. import foreign workers, have the Americans currently on the job train them, then fire the Americans and pay the imported help less. Which is illegal.
That anyone with a sense of fairness should object to.
My ancestors came here legally. One came as an indentured servant as a 16 year old girl and worked as a housekeeper/slave for many years. From Norway, btw.
One Granddad came here after the War, WW2, since there was a lot of hard feelings about the Resistance in Norway, where the Nazis practiced the old Roman method of Decimation on the populations of the villages in areas where there was Resistance activity. The Resistance would derail/blow up a train full of ammo, or troops, and the Occupying Germans would gather all the men of the closest town into the town square, and shoot every tenth man. Very publicly. They'd "invite" the whole town to watch, or else.
This led to lots of hard feelings, discouraged the locals from sheltering or helping the Resistance, and made returning home again nearly impossible to a lot of brave men & women who fought long bloody years with very little support. There were also the folk that supported the Nazis, and some came here too.
Sometimes, back in the 1950's there would be unexplained murders in places that normally had a near zero crime rate. Often following a letter to the effect of, "That Nils Hansen you sent me the picture of? He's really Sven Hagen who was police chief in Skogstad and helped the Germans rule the town, and was responsible for.....".
Some folk have long memories.
And a big chunk of my extended family is legal Mexican immigrants & their families. They laugh at the fact that I have more Hispanic blood than some of them. ( but they have me beat on Native American blood )
If it wasn't for Immigration, few of us would be here.
Bill Murray's speech in Stripes says it all. "Our Forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world. We are the wretched refuse. We're underdogs, We're Mutts."