This is truly hilarious- basically, these 3 folks got together and wrote 20 completely BS papers and submitted them to highly respected academic journals and managed to get a quite a few of them published.
The parallels to climate studies are incredible. Complaints about the peer review process in climate studies have been around for many years now. Essentially, you could get just about anything published if you blamed CO2/climate change. The best of studies that showed CO2/climate change to not be a crisis fail to be published. The current state of "science" is really disappointing.
And that's just the thing. Liberal theology these days keeps dividing our society into smaller and smaller segments, that are being taught to hate those to do not fit who they are. They have actually gotten so successful with this brainwashing that you see whites hating people for being white. Eventually everyone will hate everyone.
For the "royal rumble" above...really?!?!?!? "you can't protest the establishment the same way we do because we did it this way first"?
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I don't really like either group or what they say they stand for (I'm a unity guy, not a divisive guy)...but if one group takes out another, it's still one less pain in the ass splinter group to worry about.