The desire of the Democrat leaders is that the mobs they point at their enemies get killed, so they can use that as an excuse to confiscate all guns from citizens.
They really want dead minions. The more the better.
Anyone want to place any bets on whether the news outlet in MD was a gun free zone? I say was because as soon as the guy shot his way through the badge access glass door it was no longer a gun free zone. Unless you were unlucky enough to be working there that day.
"There is nothing more terrifying than hearing multiple people get shot while you're under your desk and then hear the gunman reload"
If it weren't in the People's Republik der Marylanden...he might have been able to shoot back instead of hiding like a scared puppy. But, the whole STATE is a basically gun-free zone thanks to the libs in Baltimore and the DC suburbs...
"he might have been able to shoot back instead of hiding like a scared puppy"
My thoughts exactly. I am similarly a sitting duck in my badge access glass doored office. I have a carry permit. Can't carry in this building. I'm going to bring this up to management and global security. I can see not wanting people to carry in plants (which have greater physical security - armed guards, gates, etc.) but in an office with only a secretary sitting at the front desk? Stupid rule.
Kennedy, LBJ, ( but not Nixon! ) ( no mention of Carter, The Forgotten President, 2nd worst, ever.... If 3rd, if you include Wilson ) Clinton, Obama. All users of the DOJ as a political weapon.
Is there a pattern here? What do these men have in common?
It's always interesting that the gun used barely merits mention if it's a pistol or pump action shotgun. It's as if they'd want to push the narrative that certain guns are worse than others.
I've been out with my bro in law at the park, "state lands", legal shooting fields, with a manual trap and a case of clays, in winter.
After emptying the case, we went out and picked up the misses, and tried again. And again. A few clays survived three tries. ( I admit I suck at that ) Eventually, only one was left and we pardoned it. I think it's on his mantle at home with a blue ribbon.
You mean all I need to do to get rid of a Federal bureaucracy is to protest?
BATF, here I come. ( the IRS gives me my money back. BATF stomps kittens. )
I'm looking forward to the 2020 election cycle when California, who registers criminal trespassers, non citizens, to vote, will have no electoral college votes, as they are breaking Federal election laws.
If it isn't obvious enough, that means Elizabeth Warren will lose.
It's possible no one in Governor Brown's staff has thought that their plan for permanent one Party Rule would mean disenfranchising the entire State, or that could be their actual goal, to wreck the system in California so that they have burn the cities down rioting.
After all, they don't live where the riots will be, they live in guarded enclaves, with walls, gates, and armed police protection. And the more suffering, the better the sound bites.