I left Colorado about 5 years ago, at that time car dealers still couldn't sell on Sunday, but that provided a day to wander through the car lots looking, without the hassle of salesmen.
Kansas used to allow hard liquor at private clubs only. My father was a traveling salesman and had membership in Elks and some other club, just so he could have a drink after work somewhere. Also the clubs were good for pancake breakfasts on weekends and in some small towns the only alternative to the diner for dinner.
That means I grew up visiting versions of English Clubs ( see Around The World In 80 Days ) full of wheat farmers and small town pharmacists and working people. Sheriff deputies and veterans and big game hunters..... wrapped in quiet worn leather club chairs and polished oak. I learned to be quiet and listen to stories of battles past from the Frozen Chosin to Bull Run from survivors and safaris to darkest Africa. Complete with zebra heads and Martini Henry rifles on the walls. In little towns the highways bypassed into oblivion today.... but the history stuck with me.
We had a neighborhood reunion last week and reminded the parents of my youth that they'd go to jail today for the stuff the children did when I was a kid. Made more ironic that there was an entire generation that all had had me as their babysitter. We also had the first swimming pool in the 'hood, which my father bought with prize points from work, we dug the hole by hand, had to install a fence, and were so inundated with children my mother would raise a flag when the pool was open and a lifeguard was on duty.... ( I was certified when in Jr. High school )
Typical suburban '70's 'hood complete with swap parties, ( who do you think babysat for multiple family's children in one place as Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice went live in America? ) the obsessive school organizations, bake sales, & status games. ( soap opera is real life time compressed from years to days )
Breaking the typical mold a bit were the older lesbian couple down the street, and my flying hang gliders down the hilly streets at all hours. But utterly normal was the Bands practicing in garages, the hot rods worked on Sunday afternoons, ( V-8 powered Beetle with sectioned luggage in the back hiding the engine that opened by flipping latches and pulling the puzzle pieces out, down the street, with '40 Ford Gasser the other way, & the gals had a Jaguar XK120. For a time only the lesbians and I rode motorcycles.
Consider the snowflakes missed all those chances for human development and growth. Helicopter parents determined that their children would have a better life so absorbed in getting ahead they passed their kids off to Nintendo and kid's cereal programs while never letting them get their hands dirty or catch fireflies.
The participation trophy culture where obsessive parents who didn't have time to play ball with their children insisted they not be hurt by competition.
Do not hate the snowflakes. Pity them.
Slapping them around a bit, metaphorically, would improve the chance civilization survives the next few decades.
I agree. We've insulated them to the point where they couldn't make a decision if their lives depended on it.
They'd go to a safe zone and cry about it.
I watch Last Man Standing with Tim Allen. I'm still amazed the show stays on the air, as conservative as his views are! But, he shares a lot of ideas that I grew up with. His character does a blog for work - he runs a store called "Outdoor Man" - and last night was a re-run where he is spouting off about "what's all this video game crap?? GO OUTSIDE!!! You'll see this bright thing up in the air...it's called THE SUN. It will burn you if you spend too much time in it. Why do you play video games, when you could be OUTSIDE playing the REAL THING??" He also goes off on a daughter's boyfriend - "what do you mean, he can't change a tire?? You're never going to be able to count on him...and you're grounded until YOU learn how to change a tire."
Snowflakes are the victims of handouts, and protectionism, and insulation. They don't know how to work or take care of themselves...and that scares me for society.
Slap 'em around...hmm...I learned how to do drywall when I was 7. I'd misbehaved. Dad had...communicated to me that he didn't approve, we'll say. And then, I learned how to patch drywall (since my shoulder and head had damaged the drywall in the first place). There was no lawsuit. There was no federal case. I won't say there was no crying...there was, from both parties involved. But the end result was a better behaved boy...who'd started learning a skill. And who started to learn the VALUE of skills in general.
I was building stage sets; doing electrical wiring and troubleshooting; and building complete audio and lighting and rigging systems, by the time I was 14. I've always worked on my own vehicles and houses. I can THINK, I can solve problems (my uncle taught me to play chess at 5), and I can conceptualize.
Snowflakes? Not so much.
I taught a 100-level college course not long after I graduated. Mid 90s, I guess. I was AMAZED at how many college freshmen - i.e. "adults" - were unable to even IDENTIFY a "screw gun", much less use one productively.
Ah, yes, the terror of the generation. Not only should we fear that the young ones will feel no obligation to support the elderly, ( Obamacare was sold with that tactic. A deliberate ploy to remove empathy & responsibility. ) But also that they are incompetent to.
Sure, not everyone in our generations learned drywall and wiring and how to make a solar still with a plastic bag to survive in the desert. There's a lot of 50 year oldmen who can't change a tire.
The difference may be you & I may mock and pity the incompetent. The younger generation doesn't know it is incompetent, and telling them hurts their feelings. ( telling the 50 year old hurts his too, but it's ok to insult old folk )
I wouldn't say it's OK to insult old folk (ask my mom about that...then DUCK). Difference is, they don't cry and whine and make a federal case out of it.
We old farts know how to shrug things off. To pick our battles. To be...grown-ups.
Where I worked my supervisors had masters degrees. I got new supervisors every couple of months. When they were introduced I gave them a number, Then ask them if they knew why they had to get a degree. I'd hold up my hands and tell them it was because they didn't have any skill in these. I did meet a few remarkable people. They usually changed jobs on their own. The others were helped out the door. I felt sadder with every new face. I coped with the environment by remembering I was taking care of the customer. I miss people but not the job.
While the complaint in the article that England quit the profitable slavery business when the demand went down is true, & that slavery is still in business in the Arab world ( in fact the same markets the Brits bought their slaves at are still in business ) run by not-white people, I have to agree with at least part of the cornrowed whatever's basic premise. European Caucasian cross breeds of Neanderthals and Cro-magnon man have a good shot at being the most aggressive violent monsters on Earth.
Continuous war since before written history. Pretty much non-stop war until the pax Americana in 1945, & that only in western Europe. Arguably only infighting in Europe stopped the conquest of the rest of the planet.
Personally I'd argue that until Marx the benefits may have outweighed the genocides, but post Marx even modern medicine has been out murdered by European origin evil. ( Marxism killed more people in the 20th century than cancer )
It's enough to make you isolationist.
Except every time we've done that for 200 years Europe burned. Oh! Look! Paris, Stockholm, have no go zones where the police fear to drive, much less walk, & Poland is closing it's borders in self defense!
I thought my son was smarter than me in that I thought he would never breed. Wrong! So I spend a lot of time with my grandson (I mainly work nights). He will be 4 years old this coming February (born on 2/14 and his retarded parents didn't even name him Romeo or Valentino). So I take him to the Y (in a very wealthy town) for school and he needs a picture of himself to put on his cubby under his name. He wants a picture of him on his dirt bike (PW 50 or the Razor eceltric). No problem, I got this. So several of the mothers have commented on it saying that they are amazed he can ride it. A few have had the audacity to make their disapproval known to me. Those are the ones that I tell he's been doing it since he was 2 1/2. We ride our bicycles to school (2.1 miles each way) most days. I've learned that NOT ONE of his classmates can ride a bicycle ! (been doing this for over a year too) So my point is that these parents are so scared that their precious babies will get hurt they are robbing them of their childhood. Maybe some of them are just lazy. So in school we go to the pool and damn near half these kids are afraid to put their faces in the water whilst "Speed" (as in racer) as he likes to be called and I are swimming and diving, not off the diving board as those were trashed in favor of slides.
So just yesterday my son shows me a picture that he received via text from one of the teachers of the kids in class and he points out Nicolas (not Nicole) wearing a tu-tu !!! WTF!? apparently they are in the classroom and available for ANY of the students to wear should they be so inclined. I now have to go to school tomorrow and tell both of his teachers that he is not allowed to wear girls clothes. I fear that this will not be well received. Hell in a hand basket I tell ya. I really thought he was too smart to breed.
I nominate these two fruitcakes for Snowflakes Of The Century. Both are effen morons who have never worked a day in their lives and send out sporadic bursts of Mean Tweets like teen-aged girls from an Alternative Universe.
By the time he's in jr. High he'll have figured out that by pretending to be gay he'll get to go to girls sleepover parties. Get him into martial arts and he'll be James Bond & lose his virginity to the neighbor lady by 13.
His autobiography will mention you fondly when he writes it while taking a break from his job as Emperor of California.
Steveford, one is not a snowflake and has worked many a day in his life. Granted his mediums and methods of work are far different from mine. But I couldn't do the work that he has been doing for a very long time.
The other i'll give you.
If Trump is a snowflake, please explain how.
Snowflakes are thin skinned and can't handle people disagreeing with them, and throw an irrational fit about it. That is the polar opposite of Donald Trump. Nearly every day there's a headline about Trump sticking to his guns, doubling down on a decision that makes him unpopular amidst his current peers. He voices his opinion but he doesn't throw a fit, he works his way around the problem by finding different avenues of approach. I'd call that the opposite of a snowflake. The snowflakes are his peers who have refused to work with him because they know that they, like him, will not be accepted amongst their elitist crony buddies.
Cool beans, neighbor lady is hot and (from my life experience) will be in 10 years too. I'm still telling the teachers that he is not permitted to wear girls clothes though. That poor Nicholas boy don't stand a chance.
I found out about the "gay guy at the girls party" long after it would have done me good. I dropped by a friends house & my buddy's daughter had a sleep over, he's sitting in the living room, shaking his head. There was a guy giggling with the girls, and he explained that he was told, "It's ok, he's gay" The head shaking wasn't concern over shenanigans, it was the realization that he could have pulled that ploy in High School.... Followed by my recollection of the Playboy Interview with David Bowie, who said that women always assumed he was gay, and were determined to save him. So he let them. Lots of them.
Then we both sat there, shaking our heads over a lost past that never was.
Of course yours has at least a few years before that's a concern.
Not at all, except the thin skinned part, and maybe a bit on the temper tantrum.
I'll give you Kim on the unearned self esteem aspect, and lack of touch with reality.
And the tantrum part isn't necessarily Snowflake, Hillary is thin skinned and notorious for violent outbursts, but she's no snowflake. Monster, harpy, Fake, Sociopath, Pathological liar, Sure.
And to be fair, Harpy is sexist and wrong of me, but Greek Mythology sticks with you, and when you see the victims turn to stone, you think Medusa, no matter how impolite.
I'm happy to complain about the thin skin/twit idiocy of the First Orange President. ( wasn't the last Rep. candidate a bit orange? Is this a trend? Should I bet that tanning spray causes brain damage? )
I'm all for speaking truth to power, I get the good cop/worse cop ploy, and I'm certainly happy that the talking heads on TV are being shown to be the spoiled children they are. However, I find it unnerving that Donald can't seem to keep it shut. ( and I say this from experience ) I'd like a little decorum, from time to time, and just because the Pompous is funny, compared to Barry's Pompous with Loathing, doesn't mean it's not bad form.
Kim, OTOH is a scary crazy. Snowflake is just too mild for a guy who's idea of party fireworks is to strap people who mildly annoy him across the mouth of a cannon, and then giggles while tanks roll the spray into mud.
Even Trump's most psycho haters can't say he does that for fun.
Steveford I WILL give you bursts of Mean Tweets like teen-aged girls from an Alternative Universe. That's true, and Funny. You're not quite correct on the Snowflake term, it has a meaning and they don't qualify, and The Donald is actually quite hard working, even if you don't like his schtick. ( I don't ) I did like the photo a lot, made me snort.
I'm hoping he is a poonsmash champion without having to stoop that low, his daddy certainly was. My goodness the quality of what he was wrecking when he was younger.
And they both have exceptional manners and yes I take full credit for it.
Years ago, before I ever heard the term snowflake I used to wonder "who is going to fight our future wars ?" because every year the kids just seemed to be getting softer. I still wonder...
“Unacceptable costumes” listed on a University of St. Thomas diversity flier are “wearing Native American headdresses, dressing up as a ‘Mexican’ by wearing a sombrero, dressing as a ‘geisha,’ any form of blackface.”
It doesn't matter what you dress like, someone will find a way to be offended. Want to dress like a witch? what about all the wiccans you'll be offending? Want to dress like Batman? His stance on justice is offensive to anyone who's ever committed a crime. Mr Potato head? You're clearly making fun of the Irish who suffered in the potato famine. Wonderwoman? now you're appropriating feminism. Humpty Dumpty? you're making vegans uncomfortable.
If you're breathing air, you're "triggering" somebody.