Amazing how people all around them go to prison following their orders while the Clintons never pay for their crimes. The same with Barry Taqiyya Obama.
Feel free to tell the truth about her connections to America's crime family.
Just don't be a Mean Girl and pick on her looks. Not relevant.
Chelsea started an audit at the Clinton Money Laundering Foundation. Discovered there was crime being committed. Now she's complicit. I wonder how big a shock it was to "discover" her parents are criminals? How the conversation went when it was explained to her that even she can be brutally murdered to keep Mommy's money coming in? What agony Chelsea must have felt before deciding to join the international criminal conspiracy to avoid a shallow grave?
But even without those questions answered or even "what did she know & when did she know it?" It's plain obvious she is now criminal too. Unwilling at first? Who knows? Doesn't matter now.
Why is she being persecuted for things the Clintons do daily?
You really want an answer? "you can't handle the truth"...
But I bet you can.
She Isn't A Clinton. In 2017 that's enough answer. She's not The Aristocracy. She's Not One Of Us. ( from their point of view. She's a lot closer to me than Multi-millionaire Nancy, in background, at least. )
She doesn't have dirt on vast numbers of rich people, politicians included. Hillary does.
You bribe someone, they now can blackmail you. It's a desperation move, but everyone with a clue know a Desperate Clinton has no qualms about killing as many people as needed. And it's not like Hillary admitting to "reluctantly taking what she didn't know was a bribe" is going to hurt her reputation at all. Her loyal fans will rationalize it as being the bribers fault. They always do.
She's, as Bill would have said a few years back, a Negro. If they aren't useful, they are an annoyance. ( If you are a racist democrat ) She's going down? Bill don't owe her a thing, let her fry. In one of the rare cases Barry was right, Bill Clinton's mentor was anti-black, and so Bill was indoctrinated very early. The only reason Bill doesn't have a white sheet & hood in his closet is they've moved several times since he was AG in Arkansas.
I'm all up for parody laughter. Chuck Schumer being led around on a leash by a male Dom? Ha ha. Scott Baio in a plane crash? Not funny.
Site gets a thumbs down & is blocked.
Like I told folk for 8 years under Bush. There's plenty of reason to complain, but his enemies just flat out lie about him.
There was more of the same about Obama... but Obama is such an evil man that to this day I can't tell you for sure if he's gay. Or his kids are adopted. Or Michelle has a bigger penis. I never really cared. All I know for sure is he will lie to my face, and his agenda has never been for the American people. That's enough to not like a guy.
Now with The Donald, they lie so stupidly about him it drowns out any real problems...
I wish I was rich so I could sue the richest news agency for malpractice.
Don't get me wrong. Hillary is certainly capable of murdering women she finds with Bill. Or might turn on her to get out of legal trouble. Or leak that the DNC screwed Bernie. Heck, I wonder if we ever find out how MANY people the Clintons have had murdered.
But that's all serious.
"Hillary caught devouring Bill's latest lover" is better than the above bull.
Now with The Donald, they lie so stupidly about him it drowns out any real problems...
The boy who cried wolf, you say? If something actually really heinous or egregious actually happens, and the media and the whacked out lefties report it, will anyone actually believe it?
Ya gotta believe that many people, myself included, pretty much disregard anything mainstream media that is reported at this point because of the lies, intentional deceit, under reporting of things that don't suit their agenda, and sensationalism.
I'd like to apologize for my intemperate post above. Please insert "Allegedly" where legally and morally appropriate, where I accuse the Clinton Family of being murderous thugs.
Thank you.
The boy who cried wolf, you say? If something actually really heinous or egregious actually happens, and the media and the whacked out lefties report it, will anyone actually believe it?
Exactly. That's been my concern with politics & political science.