The nice folk in the U.S. that gave Hillary a Billion dollars in bribes are demanding to know why the Hillary campaign was so dumb.
I'm curious about the reaction of the Jillionaires from other countries that gave massive amounts of illegal bribes to Hillary. You know the Russian Mob types are less than forgiving for poor performance.
Hillary's minions & followers are threatening Trump and the Electors with murder. Assassination threats. Daily.
But I think Hillary is the real one in danger. It couldn't happen to a more deserving soul.
I find it strange that they choose to focus on their belief that the Russians exposed Hillary's crimes and not that Hillary is a criminal. Classic misdirection.
I find it funny, all the talk going on about getting the electoral college to turn their vote against Trump. The people pushing this are correctly pointing out that the electoral college was put in place, partly to protect us from electing an unqualified candidate. I wonder if any of them understand the irony in the fact that a clear example of that might be electing someone who should have their security clearance taken away for their crimes relating to the handling of classified materials. I do believe we narrowly dodged a bullet.
Ratbuell, No, not the illegal, unsecured, hacked Hillary's bathroom server. Only the FBI has released emails from there.
It's the poorly secured, incompetently run, Democrat National Committee Server that got hacked. THOSE are the Damning E mails about cheating, hiring thugs to start fights at Trump events, etc.
And any hack wasn't where the Emails came from. They were handed over to wikileaks by a few inside folk at the DNC. ( One of which got shot in the head in a "botched robbery" attempt, that left the staffer with his wallet, keys, phone, watch, and a new hole in the back of his head, KGB style. Poor fellow. Robbery in D.C.? )
The RNC also had a hack attack, but their security was better.
Regardless...the "news" is still failing to report the fact that the very action the Dems are crying about...came from their own incompetence (or...imagination...because I'm still not positive any of this actually occurred...)
Thought I'd toss a rant in here about radical feminists.
Because Hillary is rumored to be in that camp.... the "all sex with men is rape" loons. ( which is why when some story came out that some guy was supposedly hooking Hillary up with male sex partners, I dismissed it )
And you are likely to run into these crazy people, I know I do.
And....I'm a feminist. Equal pay, equal work, ( those go together, believe it or not millenials ) Equal opportunity.
Heck, I'm firmly convinced Women are the superior species. Sure, men, statistically, can lift heavier things. Run further with a full combat load. Ignore their feelings.
But I will point out that women have something we're willing to lift heavy things, open stubborn jars, etc for. See? Superior.
from the article.
The dishonesty appears again in their attitude toward rape. Rape is packaged as a women’s issue, the implication being that men are unconcerned about sexual attacks on their mothers, wives, daughters, friends, and for that matter women in general. Oh sure. The fact is that a man’s usual response to hearing of rapes involves either rude surgery or a rope–but what do radical feminists know about men?
If there was ever any question about the pay-to-play nature of the Clinton Foundation, let the employee layoffs, caused by the sudden absence of donations post election loss, guide you toward an answer.
Democrats must provide “training” that focuses in part on teaching Americans “how to be sensitive and how to shut their mouths if they are white,” urged the executive director of Idaho’s Democratic Party, Sally Boynton Brown, who is white.
The candidates uniformly emphasized that the party must embrace the activists unreservedly.
“It makes me sad that we’re even having that conversation and that tells me that white leaders in our party have failed,” Brown said. “I’m a white woman, I don’t get it. … My job is to listen and be a voice and shut other white people down when they want to interrupt.”
“This is life and death” she emphasized. “I am a human being trying to do good work and I can’t do it without y’all. So please, please, please, get ahold of me. Sally at I need schooling so I can go school the other white people.”
Asked whether they would agree to work with President Trump, the candidates agreed they would never do so, which drew some applause from the otherwise quiet crowd at George Washington University.
Wow. That DNC candidate is representative of why the Democrat Party is going to die. The Democrat Party has been racist for almost two centuries (founded in 1828) and now they are saying that everyone else is racist. How racist is that? I want everyone on Badweb to know that I am not a racist; I fully support Keith Ellison for DNC chair .
That woman feels so much guilt that she would gladly board the train to Auschwitz. This is mental illness for all to see and hear.
PS: The black woman sitting and applauding behind her, is a frequent contributor on Fox News.
Gads . . . . I did a little reading on that Sally Boynton Brown . . . I hope the dems elect her. She's never held a job beyond working in campaigns and appears to lack even the most rudimentary "real world" perspective or experience.
She's a human wasteland caught in a whirlwind of ideology.
And this is a big part of the problem of the politics of the left. You slice and dice the population into smaller and smaller groups, all with the reasons that they should get special consideration, apart from all other groups. You don't bring people together that way. You isolate them. We are creating a fractured society, potentially worse than the fractures that existed in Iraq when it's boarders were arbitrarily drawn, ignoring the various tribal areas. Eventually, all you create is various groups who can only agree that the Republicans are the great Satin, because that is what they have been taught. The become equally resentful of the other groups that have been created by identity politics. Good luck controlling all those competing groups when they have to fight for their own wants, and are virtually ignored, except on election day. Is it any wonder that we are seeing violence spawned from this?
Nah, Knowing that family is massively dysfunctional, I don't care in the least who is who's daddy. If Bill is willing to accept her, good enough for me.
Simply, the real, criminal, probably murderous activities of these people make me not yearn even a little bit for false gossip.
Remember George the Younger? Day after day his enemies lied about him. Day after day fools repeated the lies. Until all that remains of "news" and "public opinion" are lies.
There was plenty of reasons to disagree with George. He did things, legal things, that were worthy of anger, worthy of discussion. Do you remember ANYTHING he ACTUALLY DID that you disagreed with? I doubt most people can say yes.
But all you will ever hear, are outright lies and twisted half truths.
In the case of Hillary, there's ample evidence that she is a criminal. Even the FBI clearly stated she's a felon, with over 30,000 felony counts, felonies admitted to, even bragged about by Clinton Minions. The FBI just declined to break the rules and prosecute when Bill's AG refused to, and set the FBI up to be blamed for anything having to do with the Clintons.
I'm open minded about the many people who died, mysteriously & suddenly when it was convenient to stop prosecutions of the Clintons. Probably half of those were natural deaths. It won't be until these monsters are dead that we find out who was murdered.
So "gee, Hillary who has refused consensual sex with her husband for decades ( true ) got pregnant in an affair with a minion" while possible, doesn't bother me a bit.
Although I am surprised she's bi. I thought she was hard core Lez.
The mental abuse of having Bill as a husband so publicly cuckolding her for decades makes me actually sympathetic to her decision to prefer girls. Heck, I like women too.
I saw all the crap that Chelsea was saying about President Trump and I was reflecting back on how we gave her, as perhaps one of the least attractive children to inhabit The White House . . a pass.
Can anyone . . . seriously . . tell me one thing she has accomplished?
Qualifications? Uh. Part owner of a multi million dollar criminal enterprise? A potential fat black book of contacts?
That's all I got.
I'll agree with you except on the attractiveness part.
I really thought it unfair that people picked on her looks when her Daddy dragged her onto the international spotlight. How cruel to an adolescent girl in that awkward between stage, when she feels like she looks like a horse, and harpies on tv are picking on you.
She didn't turn out bad. I admit looking at Mom would scare me, but some of that reflects the inner person.
I know I'll probably regret any sympathy for the spawn who may be known as President for Life Clinton, but fair is fair.
now if you want to pick on Hillary for her looks, go ahead. Ageist
Better by far to criticize the blackness of her soul, the crimes she's admitted to, and the many crimes she denies.
Hillary for Prison 2017.
( betting pool started on if Bill will toss her under the bus so he can go back to doing teen age girls at his Library's roof top pool and penthouse. )