You have to understand, Obama's crew was already poking at Bill for being racist. When you've got Bill telling Ted Kennedy ( another pussy hound and racist ) that Obama.. pardon me "That Boy should be getting us coffee" you've got a pretty clear case of hypocrite. ( Please correct me if that's a misquote. I'd rather be right than win an argument with BS ) To be fair to Bill, not that I want to, That's also what old farts say about the blatantly unqualified new kid, with no racist overtones intended.
Also Bill's political mentor was rabidly anti-equal rights for Negros, and if not an actual stooge for the Soviets, was at least a Fellow Traveler. ( Meaning a Communist using a different name, Like Bernie, or Hillary, because admitting to being an ally of the Supreme Soviet was, until recently, considered treasonous. It still is, but years of Pro-Soviet propaganda means it's not as bad for your rep as it should be )
So the Clinton '08 campaign didn't DARE open that up to scrutiny, and thus fed the "Obama isn't American born" BS to the press, and from there to the Right wing, to damage Obama as much as they could... and failed to win anyway.
Obama's lack of emotional connection to the country that gave him birth and paid his way though college ( With allegedly grades that would have cost any of US our scholarships ) is obvious if you read his ghost written biographies/fantasy novels. But while there is no solid proof Barry was born in Hawaii, ( it may have actually been Seattle ) The only evidence he is foreign born is from Obama's publishers. Who used the lie that Barry was born in Kenya to make his story sound even cooler.
Yep, pretty much anything these people touch is dishonest.
(Message edited by aesquire on September 16, 2016)
To now be blaming this on Trump, and calling it racist is... Well she doesn't deserve the word deplorable. I'll wear that label myself. Let's just point out that it points out that Hillary is completely dishonest, and the press will cover for any lies she tells. Don't be misled by the lies of Hillary and the media.
BTW, dishonesty is one of my least liked human traits. Once someone has shown me that they are dishonest, I really have little use for them. At that point, I know not to trust them with anything, and really want them out of my life. Many other terrible traits stem from dishonesty. It is the root of all kinds of transgression.
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 01:02 am:
There's a big difference between "never" and "always".
Hogwash, you've said that you're a gay man. Would you rather vote for someone who has fostered the islamization of the world, or someone who said that we should stop bringing unvetted muslims into our country?
Shariah is not pretty, towards me (Christian) or you (homo). I'll vote for the person who would not stand by silently while i'm locked in a cage and burned to death, just because I don't believe the same things as folks who believe that rape is fine, that the sun sets in a muddy spring, that women are inferior, that the wings of flies hold the cures for diseases, that sucking on a womans breasts will eliminate your desire to have sex with her, that peeing the wrong way sends you to hell, that enslavement of blacks is fine, that all who do not believe (these things) should be killed violently....
etc, etc, etc. Take your pick. we don't have a saviour to vote for. But we can make an intelligent decision between the two choices that we have. One takes bribe money from islamist fascists, the other opposes them. That alone is enough to settle my mind.
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 07:32 am:
H0gwash, there's no doubt that Trump is far from a perfect candidate. I think you would be hard pressed to find him starting a rumor, then blaming his opposition for that rumor. That is exactly what Hillary has been documented doing. It's been cross checked from multiple sources, that it came from her campaign. Now if this were the only glaring example of her lying, I wouldn't be quite so condemning of her. Although, this incident taken as a whole, is the kind of thing that I expect to see coming from a young child. Telling a lie, then lie about telling the lie, blaming it on some other kid? Incredibly childish. It shows a person who has never learned any sort of personal responsibility.
The problem with Hillary, is she is a person who was fired from one of her earlier jobs as a lawyer, for ethics violations. Look it up... It's documented. That's an example of what stems from dishonesty. Hillary has been documented lying to the public, to the victims of her incompetence, to Congress, and to the FBI. Hillary has been documented habitually lying for decades now. Dishonesty is in her DNA.
Here's where I'm going to get personal. If you are a person who is accepting of this sort of dishonesty, then I doubt you are really much different. I see it daily on the school bus where 5 and 6 year olds have the understanding that associating themselves with the kid that is fundamentally dishonest, leads to bad things for themselves. That leaves a few fundamentally dishonest kids that tend to group together. That's the core group of trouble makers that you have on the school bus. In the case of Bill and Hillary, you only have to look at the Whitewater investigation where everyone around them was going down with criminal charges. Bill and Hillary were leaders in that scandal ridden episode of history. Is a good leader really going to be surrounded by such dishonest people, and not know it? Or are they simply dishonest leaders who threw everyone else under the bus when it all went to hell, in order to save their own skins? Well, as I've already pointed out, Hillary is one to start from a point of dishonesty, and then lie about it, blaming someone else, simply to avoid the consequences of her dishonesty. As I've pointed out, it's in her DNA. I'm also guessing, that if you are supportive of such actions, it's likely in your DNA also. An honest person will put as much distance between that and themselves as possible. Why aren't you?
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 09:15 am:
In case somebody has never seen it, The Clinton Chronicles is from before Bill was President. I said back then, that if just a fraction of what is in that video is factual, they belong in jail, not in the White House. Sadly, the more we learn, the more it looks like they should be in jail.
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 09:18 am:
As for the character of the Clintons... Let's just look at the fact that when they left the White House, they stole a bunch of furniture. Seriously, what kind of person serves as President of the most powerful country in the world, and then steal the furniture as they leave? It's in their DNA!
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 09:21 am:
Nothing exposes the Democratic party like the Email scandal house oversight hearings. Not a single damn person involved/questioned can answer a single damn question straight.
They really want Hillary to win. Many have staked their reputations and careers in that happening.
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 09:54 am:
>>>They really want Hillary to win. Many have staked their reputations and careers in that happening.
There are, I'd wager, folks like Lois Lerner, perhaps the F.B.I. dude and the IT guy who did her server (the one who ignored a Congressional Subpoena) who are DEPENDING on her winning to keep them shield against the people of the United States for crimes they committed, against the people of the United States . . while being paid by the people of the United States.
They have made a laughing stock of the American Judicial system . . . . "I'm not answering" and getting up and walking out didn't work well in the "good old days".
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 10:05 am:
They didn't just steal stuff, they trashed the place. Their staff even took all the "w" keys off the keyboards. Petty. Common. Not to mention destruction of government property. GW didn't make a big deal of it. Class.
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 10:30 am:
Trump has multiple positions on every major political theme and now has claimed belief in both positions on Obama's birth status in as many days. I'm pretty sure there's lying there somewhere between both positions.
Here on the Coast the recovering economy and social diversity strongly support Clinton even though we find her character boring and uninspiring. BTW there is no shaira jihad here.
I understand the political climate in the Midwest is exactly opposite so there is pressure to support any candidate of change no matter the risk because there is nothing left to lose.
Mudslinging and preaching to the choir is fun and people like to keep score but I think disillusioned midwesterners would be better served by pressing Trump on policy articulation about saving the midwest. That is a real problem and the answer is hardly clear so there is much work there not being done.
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 11:16 am:
Trump has multiple positions on every major political theme and now has claimed belief in both positions on Obama's birth status in as many days. I'm pretty sure there's lying there somewhere between both positions.
The ONLY thing I've seen Trump say about the birther thing in recent days is that BO was born in the US. That was at a news conference to respond to Hillary. It was classy of him to announce the news conference, and use it to honor our military heroes then just give the press that one single line about the birther issue. Feel free to post any other references to the birther thing if you can. Hillary's been pounding the pavement on it. Flat out lying about it BTW. Sad to see you support such character. You will be known by your associates.
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 11:27 am:
Sometimes these things get "fuzzy" . . so let's use his EXACT words . . .
"President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period," Trump said
There . . that should help some.
I suspect someone is going to want to go back and take a quote from the past. If so, let me know . . . I have all the Hillary quotes from when she was fired from a government job for "ethics violations" as well of all of her support for George W. Bush's bombing campaigns.
I also have the quote of Bill Clinton's words to Ted Kennedy, about Barack Obama . . saying . . .
“That boy should be getting us coffee.”
Donald Trump was asked his position yesterday and could not have been clearer.
I am no Trump fan . . but he is the ONLY one in this race that is articulating detailed thought out positions and policies . . . you may not agree with him . . but he's quite open and up front about his views and vision.
Hillary, on the other hand, has a website that allows users, through a series of pull down menus, to find a quote from Hillary that agrees with their desired position and they range the entire spectrum from anti to pro on some topics.
I also think there is a groundswell of potential Trump voters who would NEVER admit to being for Donald Trump.
Frankly, if I had a Trump sticker on my car, in NYC, I'd risk physical injury and loss of a job. The Democrats here are true nut cases.
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 12:04 pm:
My memory reminds me that Trump got the most mileage out of birtherism, so much so that the White House couldn't ignore it and pulled out the certificate.
I don't think Trump actually believed the lie, I think he kept retelling it simply for political gain. At the time he had nothing to lose. It is hardly unusual that politicians lie, and Trump is no exception.
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 12:18 pm:
Correct… He is no exception.
However… In the instant collection… We have an unusual situation where he doesn't even the scale in comparison to the Clintons.
By the way… Have you look at the birth certificate they tender? What was your PERSONAL open y by the way… Have you look at the birth certificate a tender? What was your PERSONAL opinion?.
Options, regarding the authenticity of the document, tend to be wildly scattered. My opinion is, and this is sincere, is that I could care less.
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 12:19 pm:
I'm not getting sucked into that whole line of reasoning. There are rules about who can be president. You either meet those rules, or you don't.
It isn't fair to criticize someone for wanting to investigate if a law was broken.
One candidate was on record in a previous publication claiming something that would have prevented them from being eligible for office. Questions were raised about it, and the information they found raised further concerns.
People keep telling me the situation is resolved, and I'm not wasting much time on it, but I never really saw clear evidence that it *was* resolved.
My suspicion is that he actually was born in the US, but claimed otherwise to get admitted to a college he wasn't qualified to attend, and to get financial aid meant for people that weren't US citizens. I think that is what is being hidden, and I think it should have been brought forward when considering him as a candidate for president. I don't think it would have kept him from winning, but I think it would have lead to a better and wiser dialogue about race and racial issues and class issues and better outcomes for the country.
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 01:38 pm:
The Birther "controversy" is purely a political ploy and a distraction by the Democrats but is actually a moot issue. Obama is a lame duck and is quickly losing his power. Arguing about him is pointless or in other words:
"What difference, at this point, does it make"?
Order of importance of what we should be debating: 1) The economy 2) Foreign relations. .... 999) The Birther "Issue".
Hogwash, I am truly sorry that you support Hillary who is not a liar but an "evolver".
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 02:00 pm:
HOgwash, let us be clear on the Birther thing.
Hillary Clinton started it. Fact. Barry blew her off. No legal response. Nancy Pelosi claimed to have seen proof & screw you. That's partially because it was a Great ploy by Barry's campaign to make people look like idiots. He knew he started that lie to make money. Or he went along with that lie to make money... depending on if you believe Barry or his publisher.
Years later Trump said "prove it" & enough press coverage happened for Barry to release his pdf file.
Four plus years ago. Trump at that time said it was a rumor that needed an answer. He got one & dropped it. Crappy answer, but once he got one he knew Barry had it covered and the press on his side. The lie to cover the lie to cover the lie was now out & the accepted mantra for the press.
Four years ago.
Then the Clinton machine re-issue on the dead subject comes out as an attack on Trump. Trump makes the statement Barry's born here. Where were you four years ago?
Was the Birther thing part of the 2016 campaign until this week when Hillary's minions started it AGAIN?
ALL bs. All Clintons all lies.
Don't be an idiot.
Even the Obama administration release of a multi layer pdf file instead of a photograph was intended to drag out the conspiracy theories.
It was a distraction from the beginning. ..... 8 years ago.
Like Hillary's illness. Multiple lies multiple layers multiple reasons. Mostly to screw you.
While you bitch about stuff old enough to go to kindergarten the theft continues with old & poor people getting robbed by credit card fraud by the Hillary campaign.
You are being suckered. Don't be an idiot.
Listening to npr yesterday. The "Republican" economist insisted Trump's brag that he's going to make 25 million jobs happen by easing the crushing regulation this regime has imposed ( which cost more jobs than that ) can't be done without importing more immigrants. Total bull. A hundred million Americans don't have jobs and half that are eager for one.
So was the "Republican economist" a liar for the Republican establishment or the Hillary campaign?
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 02:05 pm:
As to what Trump's plan is for the Midwest? Beats me.
Wrong thread to ask it on but that's my answer. I think he's full of crap but absolutely right that backing off on never voted for regulation will allow growth. It always does.
And Hillary's campaign has no plan at all to reduce the power they want to screw with your business. Four more years of low growth & increasing unemployment.
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 02:31 pm:
I was aware of the birther controversy when it first arose. It was an exaggeration few took seriously for a long time and ultimately it was a lie and failed.
It's okay, it got Trump into the big leagues at terrific speed at the mild cost of his integrity. That's just life in Washington DC.
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 02:38 pm:
HOgwash, are you a fan of irony?
This new troll, Milo. I know little about him that hasn't been pushed down my throat. I don't follow him closely on social media.
What I find hilarious is that Barry is apparently his type. And from rumors from Chicago, Trump is Barry's type.
Who does what with consenting adults is none of my business, none of Trumps's, Barry's, Milo's or your business. It sure as hell isn't Government's business.
But I can laugh at it all day long. The particular triangle above just breaks me up.
And, to be honest, I'd rather have a cocktail with Milo than either of the others. Far more entertaining. ( and no, I'm told I'm not his type, which is fine with me, He's not my type. My type? Mila Jovovich. Allison Hannigan. Jewel Staite... Moreena Baccarin........ )
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 02:52 pm:
It's okay, it got Trump into the big leagues at terrific speed at the mild cost of his integrity. That's just life in Washington DC.
And I've been joking about that for 4 years.
2008, Hillary campaign starts Birther Movement. Barry ignores Hillary's request for Birth Certificate.
2012, Trump jumps on bandwagon, Barry releases pdf file. Birther movement enters new phase of people pointing out that it's a freaking multilayer pdf file. They are labeled crazy... ( the purpose of releasing the pdf file.. Brilliant )
2012-2016 I make fun of the whole mess by repeatedly pointing out Hillary couldn't get Barry to release Birth stuff, but the Freaking Game Show Clown could.
2016, Hillary makes you look like an idiot by bringing this crap up again & you are suckered in.
Does than make it all clear?
Barry laid the foundation, Hillary built on it, Barry bitch slaps Trump with it, and Hillary starts it again....