I think this is a joke . . .but it's sure making the rounds of the inter webs.
U.S. Citizens Officially Request Emergency Electoral Assistance From The United Nations
James Carter Colorado Springs, CO
We the people of the United States of America are officially requesting the United Nations to monitor our remaining 2016 presidential election. So far we have seen evidence of massive election fraud all across the country, which gives us reason to believe that the fraud will continue. We have a reasonable suspicion that our government and the integrity of our electoral process has been compromised in order to place their chosen candidate in power against the will of the American people.
The U.S. State Dept. says that a discrepancy in exit polls of more than 2% indicates fraud, we have had discrepancies outside of that margin in at least 16 of the state primaries all the way up to a discrepancy of 23%. These discrepancies have only happened in one of our political parties and they have all been in favor of one candidate. On top of the exit poll discrepancies there has been reports of ballots cast in the names of deceased citizens, patients of mental hospitals, and elderly people with dementia. There has been reports of registration purging, switching of party affiliations, vote flipping, and massive voter suppression. Not to mention the millions of voters who have not been allowed to vote because they do not claim any party affiliation. Multiple major universities have calculated that in order to get our current results without election fraud, the odds would be 1 in 70 billion.
This level of election fraud is usually only done covertly and in 3rd world countries, now it's being done openly and blatantly in the United States. Our democracy is being stolen and we very well maybe on the brink of a dictatorship, we can no longer trust our government and we need help from the outside. So we are respectively requesting the U.N. to step in and assess the integrity of our electoral process. We also request that you review the apparent fraud of our current results and ensure credibility and transparency moving forward. We feel that your help is imperative to avoid an inevitable major conflict in the U.S. due to corruption in our government.
Brian will have a chuckle at this . . . he, having predicted it about 2 years ago.
I find it amazing . . .that no one is more concerned about this.
How . . .think about this for a moment . . would you feel if you had given Bernie $1,500 and later found that he never had, thanks to active DNC intervention, the slightest chance in the world.
He, and his supporters, have been played for the biggest "useful idiot" role in recent history.
I'm trying to imagine what would happen to me at work if I was to offer to award certain contractors jobs based on their "contribution" to me.
I had a similar situation occur last week and called our "Ethics Hotline" within minutes.
I'm trying to imagine what would happen to me at work if I was to offer to award certain contractors jobs based on their "contribution" to me.
That's illegal.
(You need to form a charitable foundation, which is controlled by you and employs you and pays you and your family and your close friends most of what it collects. Then it's totally cool, apparently. Well, its cool so long as you bought and paid for the attorney general, and pander enough to a gullible idealistically aligned media that they won't hold you accountable either. Then you are good to go.)
Who these folks escape being put in cuffs is amazing . . . .like I have said before . . . if you are stuck in that "exposed" class of folks making less than $300,000 you are essentially a human chess pawn thanks to these folks.
Folks need to be doing something . . . convince 1, a single, person to look at facts and reconsider their position or volunteer to help.
I'm no Trump fan. . . . but if Hillary gets in . . it'll be a game changer,
I watched "Clinton Cash" and have linked it on my Facebook page. Buzz me if you wish to be friends.
The collusion of allowing Putin to control America's access to uranium supplies is especially disconcerting. It is not hyperbole to suggest that the Clintons will sell out their country for more money that they don't need.
I suspect the DNC leak is a direct warning from Putin to Hillary that she is nothing but his lap dog. Putin has ALL the emails and will bring impeachment and trial if she is President but does not obey her Russian masters.
You know what's missing in the latest email scandal? Oh, I'm talking about the one that has Shcultz resigning. What's missing is the shock. The surprise. I mean, was anyone really caught off guard with the news that the DNC was in the bag for Clinton? Perhaps some of the naive Bernie supporters, but that's close to the definition of a socialism supporter, isn't it? Even the Bernie supporters were warned many times by Bernie that the system was rigged.
Is this what democracy looks like in the Democrat party? Talk about lipstick on a pig!
I saw this and had to verify that it's true. I guess Illary simply doesn't care about the optics of the corruption. Perhaps she simply can't see it. It does seem a bit like sticking a finger in the eye of Bernie voters though. If Illary looses them in droves, it could cost her the election.
The Russians released the emails supporting Bernie because he would be the best possible thing for them. They *know* how destructive socialism is, it would (is?) doing to us what even the Russians never could.
Hillary hasn't been held accountable for anything else yet, and Wasserman is her pet attack dog with no ethical boundaries whatsoever. Why wouldn't she keep her?
Watching the DNC it is so hard to believe people fall for this shit. Dumbing down schools over the last forty years has apparently worked quit well.
Amazing how they discuss the economic problems, children's problems, women's problems, racial divides, terrorist murders and dismiss or totally ignore the reality that they have been leading this train wreck for the past eight years. Sure four more years of this same shit lead by the head criminal of the team will surely cure all of our Nation's ills.
Bernie, bless his heart, is rambling on about the financial divides, but again, these people have been driving this train for the past eight years. They sure do bitch a lot about what they have built, again.....
I am attempting to watch both sides to be a little better informed. I cannot watch this anymore tonight.
I just watched Bernie speak . . . this is all I could think of . . . .
I'm eager to see how many folks he can convince that Hillary is the candidate who will straighten out Wall Street corruption . . . there folks tonight were so full of crap I'm surprised it wasn't running out their ears.
How is that we live in an age where obvious election rigging is swept under the rug and business proceeds as usual?
I tend to wonder how many Bernie supporters find this to be worth shooting over. After all, one can only assume that supporters of a professed socialist have to have at least some number of violent radicals amongst their ranks.
Just imagine for a moment the kind of chaos that would ensue if Bernie were to take the stage tonight and say to the crowd - "You were outright CHEATED. Do NOT settle for this".
His ONLY motivation for not doing so would be the fear of a Trump presidency which he himself HAS to know would be far less damaging to the country than the woman who would likely have him disappear were he to pull ANY shenanigans.
In the beginning, the Chavistas were wildly enthusiastic about the Socialist Revolution in Venezuela. They sounded like the mob at the DNC last night with Bernies call for "revolution" and "struggle".
They are now killing each other over food.
The DNC was a sickening, disgusting spectacle and that was only day one. VI Lenin could not have done it better.
Well, sure, everything from the Clinton Campaign is a diversion from the Clinton Campaign.
Wouldn't want to have a discussion of how Clinton would cancel your civil rights, or how she's willing to send people to prison to cover up her & her boss's incompetence... or why everything she tell you is a lie.
Elections are like racing in many venues.....when all of the parties are cheating no one from any of those opposing parties complain about the other.....until it looks like someone is going to win!