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| Posted on Sunday, January 03, 2016 - 12:15 pm: |
I posted this on the 1125 section, but Froggy suggested I post it here for more response. I'm about to have L4-5 and L5-S1 fused. My surgeon seems to think I should be able to ride safely and comfortably within a few months. I haven't discussed exactly what I'll be riding yet... Anyone here who has had those levels fused and continued to ride a Buell? An 1125R? |
| Posted on Sunday, January 03, 2016 - 12:35 pm: |
I had similar problems in same area but fusion never took. (micro-discectomy) That said, My Uly has never irritated my back ...ever. OK..not never... If I feel good on a certain day, and something happens like my Uly falls over, I will stupidly try and save the fall or worse, try to pick it up myself after the fact. Things you have to train yourself not to do in the future. (at least in my case) I think if they fuse it the way it supposed to be, it will be as strong as your femur. (which means you could probably pick up the Uly no problems) If it doesn't fuse, (unlikely) you will only need to get the shots once in a while. (I haven't yet but need them) I would love to get a fusion, pain sucks. |
| Posted on Sunday, January 03, 2016 - 01:36 pm: |
I blew out L5 S1 25 years ago. Caused scar tissue damage to spinal chord. Surgeons did not want to fuse it due to situation, they also said that I would have been a high probability of blowing out next one up in a short time. I did not ride for about ten years mostly out of fear of falling or tipping over. With my issue I likely could have ridden in about five years. But mine is messed up a bit. One of the deciding factors of my Uly purchase was the long travel suspension. The bike actually became good therapy for my back problems, it made me hold my back in a position that relieves pressure on spine in the affected area. I did ride a new '05 City-X for a year before I got the Uly, hard bumps, like potholes, were a pain for me on that bike. What Xdigitalx will spend the next couple of years training yourself on what NOT to do. First thing I had to learn was moving slower for everything. Resistance to stop movement in opposite direction was not there. For everybody it is different. I wish the idiots in the ER had done an MRI that day and had me in surgery the next day to fuse it. Due to insurance BS they let it ride, and me suffer, for a couple of months. Finally did MRI but damage was done because disc was pinching spinal chord nearly in half. If they make a plastic body brace from a cast, keep it. I still use mine 25 years later. I use an inversion table and we have had a swimming pool since my surgery. These things let me relieve problems caused by slip ups and overdo's. Best of luck! |
| Posted on Monday, January 04, 2016 - 12:40 am: |
I had L5-S1 fused two years ago on Oct 1. The doc let me back on the Uly second week of Dec with the promise that I don't see him in the ER. That joint is not bad, first one that moves. Doc said not to worry much as it is now pretty secure with four screws and a titanium plate, just wanted the surgical site healed. So, as far as that one goes I'd say you're good there. No experience with the other, might affect range of motion. When you see the doc again just ask if he sees any cause for concern. If anything he may just want to be sure you strengthen your core for general well being as well as riding. |
| Posted on Monday, January 04, 2016 - 10:06 am: |
The post fusion risk is damage to joint above and below the fusion point b/c it can no longer move. There are a few exceptions as noted above but usually the fusion takes. The hardware is just there to support the joint until the bone grows, then it is solid. My wife had a neck fusion. She was back on her Blast within 6 months. We used a com headset though so I could help navigate and watch for traffic to limit her head movements. Friend here at work had her back fusion done 5 or so years ago. She has gained weight and refuses to exercise so now she is having trouble again. The best thing you can do for yourself and your body is strengthen your core muscles. As noted above, holding yourself upright helps with this but at the end of the day, you have to exercise. Proper stretching and planks are best but follow doc's plan. I haven't ridden a 1125 yet but I could see a softer suspension helping. Everyone is different though. I hurt my back repeatedly over a 4 or 5 yr period to the point I could barely sit to work or do much else. Some PT, mostly learning what not to do, stretching and traction got me to about 90%. Good luck and wishing for a speedy recovery. |