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Buell Forum » Quick Board » Archive through February 11, 2016 » Before You ASS-U-ME you know a celebrity « Previous Next »

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Posted on Friday, January 01, 2016 - 09:48 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Sophie B. Hawkins featured in Breitbart's GOP event for Gays/Lesbians.

Who in today's divisive times would think of the GOP as an "INCLUSIVE" party? Glad to see that the radical right isn't totally dominating the discussion any longer.

Interesting perspective on limited government, free market, gun ownership and freedom in general ... from Sophie B. Hawkins, someone you might think of as a "liberal,"

From the Youtube "Liberal in bed, conservative in the head"

(Message edited by slaughter on January 01, 2016)
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Posted on Friday, January 01, 2016 - 02:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I'm pro-abunchastuffothersmaydisagreewith.

On a planet where the President declared war without legal authority on multiple secular governments and pushed for Obedient Islamist dictatorships, signed a feel good treaty to allow Iran to nuke Israel, Europe, and America, where the leading Democrat candidate has promised her supporters that she will use treaties to take away your rights, ( and send masked, armed men to your homes at night to kick down your doors, steal your property, and kill your pets ( that's always in the past been called an unfortunate accident, when they stomp your cat or shoot your dogs ) and possibly you and your children..( he had a toy gun, I feel horrible for shooting the 12 year old 44 times ) ......

And unemployment has increased every year since Barry the Weasel came to D.C.

What, exactly, the couple next door does with their genitals sure seems to me be to A. unimportant, and B. none of my Damn Business.

Gays, straights, furries, I don't care.

Freedom is the cause.

Rejecting other people because they want a relationship you don't want, is like being angry at a person eating a donut because you are on a diet.

It's especially stupid if they want freedom, and you do too.
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Posted on Friday, January 01, 2016 - 02:46 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

[quote]It's especially stupid if they want freedom, and you do too.[/quite]

Wish more people would "get" this.
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Posted on Friday, January 01, 2016 - 05:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Aesquire, I think you sum it up with '
What, exactly, the couple next door does with their genitals sure seems to me be to A. unimportant, and B. none of my Damn Business.

Gays, straights, furries, I don't care.

Freedom is the cause.

Rejecting other people because they want a relationship you don't want, is like being angry at a person eating a donut because you are on a diet.

It's especially stupid if they want freedom, and you do too.'

I think most Americans, short of FAR right or FAR left, agree with this. It's just that the extremes seem to get the coverage, mis-representing the true thoughts of Americans to the rest of the world.
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Posted on Friday, January 01, 2016 - 05:43 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Rejecting other people because they want a relationship you don't want, is like being angry at a person eating a donut because you are on a diet.

That describes the Mayor and Governor of New York perfectly.

Right Wing / Left Wing doesn't not really matter they are both connected to the same bird. Sometimes it's an Eagle, sometimes a hawk but recently it is a damn buzzard.
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