If you are a Jihadi, aka Islamist, aka Radical Muslim aka.....
THEN you just might be a bigot and a hater. Might be just brainwashed and ignorant, but Hate is part of the package if you bother to look.
Millions of peaceful Muslims in this world. Know a bunch, and get along with them just fine. I even know the difference between Suni and Shia. Actually Read the Koran. ( that's how I learned to spell it, Blame the English )
There's relative handful of folk in the context of the Billion's on the planet, who Do want to drag the rest of the planet back to the 8th century, whether they want to go or not. The Law they are taught is Sharia, and if you are ignorant of it, I can give you references. It sucks.
My personal opinion take on Islam is that Muhammad was an OCD bastard who was genuinely religious and synthesized his faith from those who went before. ( like many others, I'd bet, but this one we have documentation on, it's post written word. )
The Koran is a rip off of the Torah, the Bible, and the local Arabic pagan faiths. New religions torque the old ones off, and went to war. That influences the book a lot, and it's printed form is sorted by length of verse, not when it was written or what it's about.
Did I mention the whole thing is Poetry? It'd be easier to rewrite the Bible in iambic pentameter than to write it in loose verse in the first place... ( which actually it was ) IMHO Muhammad was seriously whako. Pray multiple times a day on a clock schedule?
So part of the Book is "what god wants you to do" and being OCD the list is very extensive. I suspect if he wrote it today you'd flip the light switch 3 times in praise of Allah.
Part of the book is how to kick ass when everyone want's you dead, and has good advice on how to screw your neighbors, influenced by millenia of Arab tribal warfare. Not quite Sun Tzu, or Von Clausewitz, but fairly good. If he lived today, he'd do a best seller self help book.
That's the printed page. It's been called a barracks religion, and there's some truth to that, but I don't see that as a bad thing or good.
The trouble really comes with the aholes since 632 AD who have used the faith to keep and steal power. Countless interpretations by countless shamans in countless schizmatic fragments of the original have given us a minority sect who view all that ails them as some one else's fault and are taught that lies are good, if it gives them power. The speeches of Hitler, Mao, Chavez, Abbas, the meaning is the same. Tracing the origins of the hate in their speeches I leave to someone who reads Sumarian.
btw, My personal faith is informed by George Carlin's take on the 10 Commandments, Sam Kinison's experience as a Preacher, and Comedian, and Heinlein's "Notebooks of Lazarus Long".
What is bigoted about noticing that we are in a war?
I live in Dar El Harb.
Ask any Muslim. He will tell you.
Are you in submission to the will of Allah?
If not you are at war with the jihadi. By definition.
Do you insist I talk about the evil visited upon the unbeliever by a different religion?
Want to pick on Christians?
Fine. Look at the deliberate use of Protestents vs. Catholics in Ireland to screw the native population by the English. Seeking revenge for centuries of raids across the Irish Sea in boats made of leather and wood, the English....... who's official religion was started to let a horny King divorce a wife that "wouldn't give" him a son....( they didn't know the male's sperm determines sex ) led to many years of deliberate religious strife and oppression. Terrorism, reprisals, bombs and innocent civilian death. .....military attacks and innocent civilian death..... martial law more oppression check points..............revenge begat revenge begat revenge...........
Tomorrow if you like we can discuss medieval Norway.
But You are still in a war today accept it or not.
May I ask your faith? You don't have to answer if you are afraid.
I'm Asatru. I don't proselytize so you must seek details on your own. ( I don't try to convert others......or bore them with details....... or tell you my faith is The Only Way or you go to Hell )
Even if you are a Muslim you can be a victim of the Jihad. Look at Iraq and the ISIS jihadi killing and burning mosques.
ALL Islam is a victim of the jihadi. All Muslims are tarred with the same brush by the ignorant. That is deliberate.
Don't sweat it Patrick. Yeah, we're bigoted towards naziism too! <gasp!>
Some people have trouble recognizing truth. This has been understood from antiquity. See the apostle Paul's letter to the church in Rome, Chapter 1:, verses 18-32.
It'd be no surprise at all to learn that Owens fits the profile of the 1st century Roman unbeliever.
I Am bigoted against Nazis. Not prejudiced, my judgement is post facto.
I will argue that Roman was probably not an unbeliever.
Yeah in 1st century Rome they were into the decay that produces/is caused by cynical rejection of faith..... but the majority, if not daily church goers, had faith and probably a small shrine in their apts.
Might be an interesting study to see how old the upended bathtub half buried in the yard with a statue really is.
I only had to skim through the qran to develop an understanding of it. I completely agree with the guy being interviewed in the last video. There is no such thing as "radical islam", as defined by the media. Islam is extreme, so a mediocre muslim is extreme. A muslim which is not extreme is not following the qran.
The shining example of islam is a rapist, a pedophile, a murderer, a liar, a con artist.
islam is a relatively new religion, fabricated by a crooked man, which has spread like wildfire due to the consequences of refusing to submit. Muhammed took Christianity, Judaism, and Arabic paganism (which likely evolved from Egyptian mysticism), and kneaded them together with his own personal decadence to create a "divine authority" which served to advance his own personal lusts.
Not arguing mind you. My post was enough to get a fatwa declared on me. But what the heck, as a "pagan" and infidel and proud I'm automatically on the execution list anyway.
A few centuries ago I'd be in trouble in some Christian countries. Not killed but run out of town. Except here in America. . ...... which is how the pilgrims ended up here..... ok I'd get run out of quite a few towns.
Banned in Boston is a phrase no longer used much but it is a point of pride for many authors.
But as I've said elsewhere, I'm the kind of guy that reads Huckleberry Finn to children now that the dominant religion has banned it. ( an intolerant and evil religion imho.........ymmv )
Islam is a constructed faith with the purpose of control of people. You want to argue that other faiths are too, go ahead. But few others have "ok to lie to the infidel" as a decree by the church elders.
Scientology , another constructed more modern religion, can be viewed in like manner but other than the box office seldom makes bombs. ( a Tom Cruise burn ) Ironically the founder may have suffered the fate of his fictional counterpart in the novel "Stranger In A Strange Land". The rumored answer to the rumored bar bet that rumor says started the very profitable religion. Allegedly. L. Ron is Foster? Bet ya.
As previously stated most Muslims are just people like anyone else.
As the anti religious.....or annoyed by the religious say you should he executing people for eating shellfish because it is forbidden by the Bible. .......... true. ......... but we don't do that anymore. ( cross your fingers )
Compare and contrast to the public execution of gays in Iran and the mosque and church burning ISIS in Iraq.
Or the honor killings of young women worldwide, including here.
"or annoyed by the religious say you should he executing people for eating shellfish because it is forbidden by the Bible"
Old testament. Christians don't put much stock in that. Jesus said, and I'm paraphrasing, "it isn't what you put in your mouth that makes you a sinner, it's what comes out". Jesus destroyed the temple, I.E. the old church. Holding Christians to the tenets of the old testament is silly.
And FYI, those "thou shall not eat pigs and shellfish" rules in the old testament were the first food safety laws. You weren't supposed to eat them because people often got very sick when they did.
If you read the study, and not just the HuffPo piece, you'll see that the kids exposed to religion, when reading a religious story, are more likely to believe it. When reading non religious stories, they are no more likely to believe it than any other children. But I guess that kind of misrepresentation is to be expected from HuffPo.
You'll notice he doesn't answer my question, so I am left to guess he has never read the Koran, thinks of himself as morally superior, and may, ( just a guess, based on behavior ) just may consider himself an Atheist or Agnostic.
You would only believe a news article like that if you were racist against Islam, women, and global warming. After all, Jews own corporations, and they didn't build that.
Come on guys, we know that islam is a religion of peace, because that's what we've been told.