The primary mechanism of action of levonorgestrel as a progestogen-only emergency contraceptive pill is, according to FIGO, to prevent fertilization by inhibition of ovulation.[3][4][5][6] The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) has issued a statement that: "review of the evidence suggests that LNG [levonorgestreol] ECPs cannot prevent implantation of a fertilized egg. Language on implantation should not be included in LNG ECP product labeling."7][8] In June 2012, a New York Times editorial called on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to remove from the label the unsupported suggestion that levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive pills inhibit implantation.[9] In November 2013, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved a change to the label for HRA Pharma's NorLevo saying it cannot prevent implantation of a fertilized egg.[10]
This tells me it's a preventer of Ovulation, ideally, and thus should be put in the barrier methods ( Condoms, Cervical caps ) category for function AND morals.
(There's also a para about being ineffective on heavy patients. Which makes a rule of thumb sense since some drugs seem to like to hide out in fat.)
If you want to argue the moral position that freedom from unintended pregnancy caused a sexual revolution and has morality problems that we have not as a society solved very well......... well sure...
As a Great Philosopher said, "With great power comes great responsibility."
"The Medical, what does what and how, should not be subject to opinion. Facts, dammit."
I have said nothing about regular old birth control pills up until this sentence, so I'm not sure why you think I've put them in the same category as the morning after pill.
That ones too easy. Nair hand lotion. Keeps your palms baby smooth.
There are of course side effects.
Like Obamacare. You may experience loss of civil rights, quality of care, suppression of First Amendment, and mandatory euthanasia.
Discontinuing use may result in electile disfunction, riots, extensive lies and civil war.
Also if used with undocumented immigrant encouragement programs may result in epidemic, stockpiling of undocumented Democrat voters in inhumane warehousing and societal breakdown.
Reading what you guys write about what women can and can not, should or should not do with their bodies is as laughable as the Supreme Court decision (five men voted in favor). Stoning them for using birth control will soon be declared constitutional. What a joke.
What we oppose is a pill that prevents a fertilized egg (a genetically unique human being) from implanting itself on the uterine wall, thus preventing pregnancy, and ensuring the death of said human being.
Plan B prevents the fertilized egg from implanting, thus preventing pregnancy. It still results in the death of a human being.
according to the wiki article Plan b does not prevent implantation, but suppresses egg expression, thus is not an abortion pill. Right? It's the same drug used in one kind of birth control pill, and a component of other birth control therapy.
Not the same as RU-486. That kicks off a period and technically, a miscarriage. ( or abortion )
There is more than one kind of "Morning After Pill".
I may disagree on the morality of IUD's and other implantation prevention methods, but that's a minor disagreement compared to medical misinformation. Happy to discuss the fine points once the factual stuff is clear.
I may be wrong & I think the facts matter. 2 areas where leftists and I are in opposition. They are never wrong, and facts don't matter, power does. ( see "death panels" and propaganda about them. )
Kenm, I still don't understand your point on IVF, please explain.
Sharia law tells me what I can and can't do. That's offensive to a constitution and freedom loving American.
A health care tax that obligates a company to fund something that 48% of Americans believe could be murder is also offensive to a constitution and freedom loving American.
It's not that complicated.
If we wanted Hobby Lobby to ignore the laws, we would have rooted for them to ignore the laws. We didn't, we wanted them to take it to the supreme court, which ***ruled*** that Hobby Lobby was in fact on the right side of the law, and the department of Justice was acting illegally.
You guys always circle back to the same thing liberals baddddd.
That may just be because it always comes back to liberals telling us how to live our lives. What is at issue here is that liberals are forcing people to pay for things that they find morally offensive. Leave us the F&CK alone and we wont bitch so much. Did you notice that the Supreme court just ruled we are right on this one? There's been a rash of rulings this week that have proven us right. What's the saying again? STAY OUT OF MY BEDROOM!
The only issue at hand was who pays for it. This doesn't restrict women from doing anything they please. You are either terribly misinformed or spewing lies.
>>>>Did you notice how the only women on the Supreme Court voted or doesn't that matter to you?
Hmmmmm . . . . trying to limit women's votes? Dems have tried that before.
Democratic Efforts to Limit Voting Rights for Blacks
During Reconstruction (1865-1877), Republicans passed four federal civil rights bills to protect the rights of African-Americans, the fourth being passed in 1875. [54] It was nearly a century before the next civil rights bill was passed, because in 1876 Democrats regained partial control of Congress and successfully blocked further progress. As Democrats regained control of the legislatures in southern States, they began to repeal State civil rights protections and to abrogate existing federal civil rights laws. As African-American US Rep. John Roy Lynch (MS) noted, “The opposition to civil rights in the South is confined almost exclusively to States under democratic control . . .” [55]
Devious and cunning methods were required to circumvent the explicit voting protections of the 14th and 15th Amendments, and southern Democrats implemented nearly a dozen separate devices to prevent blacks from voting, including:
Once again, we have the libtards misinterpreting the obvious.
Hobby Lobby pays DOUBLE minimum wage to START. They restrict nobody from buying anything. The OWNERS of the company do not want to pay for ABORTION because it is MURDER.
What don't you get? You don't have to be religious to understand MURDER, do you?
I'm pretty sure Jesus and The Flying Spaghetti Monster both agree on the subject of MURDER. It's wrong. Don't do it.
And FURTHERMORE, they made their CHOICE when they threw their heels up in the air with no PROTECTION.
Lazy, no good jerks having sex without condoms or any other form of prevention, then want the fallback position of MURDER to exonerate them from their foolish CHOICES.