Posted on Wednesday, December 04, 2013 - 05:07 pm:
the only drawback left is the color, it's still a bit on the blue / white side, and some people like the yellow that tungsten puts out.
The ones I found had the color dead on with the old incandescents. When you look at it, some of the individual LEDs are amber. When lit, you can't tell at all. The price is where it makes sense, but it's still a tough sell to think that long term. It will get better as they gain acceptance.
Posted on Wednesday, December 04, 2013 - 08:01 pm:
We've had very good experience with the CFLs. I am looking forward to replacing them when the time comes with LEDs. Not missing the incandescents at all. They failed far too quickly and just heated up the house in the middle of Summer; not good in Texas.
Posted on Wednesday, December 04, 2013 - 10:05 pm:
"What Newtown Anniversary Party are you attending, or are you throwing one of your own?" the heck you talking about? if youre trying to state that I am anti-gun, then you got the wrong guy and need to check your facts.
and speaking of facts - people over-reacting about the smelter.
Push mercury laden light bulbs onto all, but shut down a lead factory?
The hypocrisy is beyond the pale. It's not over-reacting when so much of this administration's policies are clearly blatantly damaging to America. Reducing lead smelter emissions standards ten-fold is nothing but tyranny. See Gibson Guitars for another example of tyranny in action by the Obama administration. From Obamacare (bribes, subterfuge, and lie, after lie, after lie), to gun control (Fast & Furious, people murdered), to Benghazi (Americans murdered, followed by bold-faced lies and blatant cover-up), to "Climate Change" massive power grab, CO2 is pollution, open agenda of causing a skyrocketing cost of energy), to welfare for all (advertising to Mexicans on how to get food stamps), to rampant crony capitalist (criminal) corruption (Solyndra and a plethora of others), and on, and on, and on, this administration is absolutely the most deceitful, corrupt, non-transparent in history.
But it's "over-reacting" to talk about EPA heavy-handed tyranny that is forcing businesses to close, sending the jobs and industry to China.
Meanwhile China publishes plans for nuclear attack against America and openly fantasizes about establishing a "Death Star" like base on the moon, all the while grossly artificially manipulating the value of their currency so as to impose what amounts to a 40% tariff on all American exports and a 40% subsidy on all Chinese exports to America.
REP. BOB GOODLATTE (R-VA): Professor Turley, the constitution, the system of separated powers is not simply about stopping one branch of government from usurping another. It's about protecting the liberty of Americans from the dangers of concentrated government power. How does the president's unilateral modification of act of Congress affect both the balance of power between the political branches and the liberty interests of the American people?
JONATHAN TURLEY: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The danger is quite severe. The problem with what the president is doing is that he's not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system. He's becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid. That is the concentration of power in every single branch.
This Newtonian orbit that the three branches exist in is a delicate one but it is designed to prevent this type of concentration. There is two trends going on which should be of equal concern to all members of Congress. One is that we have had the radical expansion of presidential powers under both President Bush and President Obama. We have what many once called an imperial presidency model of largely unchecked authority. And with that trend we also have the continued rise of this fourth branch. We have agencies that are quite large that issue regulations. The Supreme Court said recently that agencies could actually define their own or interpret their own jurisdiction.
Magpul Industries, one of the largest gun manufacturers in the United States, formally announced Thursday it is relocating its operations to Wyoming and Texas. The company is fleeing the state of Colorado following the passage of new gun control laws that “dramatically” limit the sale of firearms accessories.
“If I walk into a gun store with an Obama T-shirt — which I wouldn’t wear, because he’s too conservative — I don’t fit,” Democratic Party activist and Liberal Gun Club member Eric Wooten said.
“We’re the NPR of gun clubs — without the tote bags,” another member, Walter Stockwell, said.
Ok, laugh. But if you want to keep your rights, you have to embrace ( figuratively, some here would be nervous hugging a transgender queer activist ) these folk as being part of the solution.
Sure, the political views are a bit out there, but I think Jonah has a real point to make.
In the final analysis, when the barricades need to be manned to keep authoritarians from burning your town as an example to the rest of us that the Party Is Supreme........
Do you care if the folk next to you like kale & put pink sweaters on their dogs, or is it more important that they can hit a drone with an AK-47 at 150 yards?
I'll be with the transgender lass lad with the laser rangefinder.
Seriously, arguing about the best sights for a 1911 is more fun than about politics, and there are far less personal attacks. Just because the other guy doesn't like fiber optic front sights doesn't mean he's going to call you a racist and refuse to explain his point of view to you.
Interesting new concept for a bullet. Neat idea that your aim in a pressure situation doesn't have to be so exact to get a hit. I do kind of wonder if a well placed shot might now simply surround the vital organs. Thoughts?
I heard an anti civil rights fellow on NPR insisting that Hitler's gun control laws actually made it easier to buy a gun if you were German.....but not a Jew
I'm pretty sure I could get the same fellow to tell us how awesome it is living under Castro. }
I'm kind of curious what folks around here think about this story. There's some interesting comments too, basically pointing out that this guy was "setting up the police" walking around open carrying. I kind of accept that it's likely that he was, more or less, setting up the police, but what does that say about the state of our country when doing something that is perfectly within the law is considered setting up the police? Granted, the police got a call about someone walking around with a gun. I think an appropriate response to that call might be to question if there is anything beyond that going on, and if not explain that there is nothing illegal about that. They could still send a cruiser by to visually check things out, but their reaction of pulling their guns on him seems way over the top to me considering he did absolutely nothing threatening in any way to anyone.
This statistic is hard for the gun grabbers to explain: "Pretty much all gun owners also support enforcing our existing gun laws. Such enforcement has dropped off drastically under the Obama/Holder regime, with firearm-related prosecutions running 40% fewer than during the Bush administration. But Weinstein’s movie won’t mention that."
The anti gun crusade is all about sensationalism and exploitation these days. I think most people are tired of it, whether pro or anti gun.
The president and administration have been exposed as liars time and time again, so unless living under or rock or with a face buried in the TV they've lost the public's trust and confidence for the most part.
Which reminds me, yesterday I saw a middle aged woman in a gun shop with a large bedazzled Obama lapel pin. Made me wonder what world she was living in.
In short, Illinois, now that they allow medical marijuana, wants to revoke FOID cards for those who get that prescription. Of course medical marijuana is often just an excuse to use it recreationally, "legally". I really don't think that pot should be mixed with guns either. Or driving. They aren't talking about pulling their DL though, just their FOID. Clearly it's a gun grab idea, based on medical conditions. It raises another question. How will the state know that you have gotten a prescription?
I don't think you should smoke pot and handle a gun at the same time. But because you smoke doesnt mean you do both at once. If they take them away for that why not for people who take prescription meds? Drink beer? They're slowly finding any excuse they can to take away your rights.
Read the comments if you have time. I like the one that states that the Bill of Rights doesn't give us the right to bear arms, that it only acknowledges our natural right.
BO is the pResident that our Constitution is supposed to protect us from. Sadly both the Judicial and the Legislative branches are not doing their part. The world has seen this movie before. It's got a bad ending.
I don't think you should smoke pot and handle a gun at the same time.
Or drink whiskey, shoot heroin, or snort cocaine. It seems that while skipping your anti-psychotic meds, or anti-depresent meds, or on hypnotic sleep aids, you have an increased risk of violent behavior too.
And the recent shootings ( the mass murder suicide types ) show that being an Obama supporter is an unacceptable risk factor as well. Embracing hatred as fed you by evil men has been shown to create a callous attitude towards others.
There is a common factor in these murder/suicides in that the killer doesn't really see others as humans like himself, but objects in a world he's passing through.
That's unfair to Obama, just because he preaches hate to gain his political ends, well.... he's not the first, just the most powerful, recently, here. It's a much fairer statement that leftists, or shall I say those who embrace the collectivist, anti-individual rights and life philosophy, moral relativism, are far more likely to murder others.
While there is a difference between a sociopath because of chemical imbalance in the brain, and one created by propaganda, I wonder if there is, in the end, a real difference. Attitude can change the brain chemicals just as much as a drug, or a genetic defect.
It's be interesting to monitor the brains of, say, the ladies on "The View" when they have a guest with their own "sensibilities" vs. when their guest is, say, a Sarah Palin fan. I'd be willing to bet that under some circumstances they show the same signs of killing rage and callous indifference to human life that the Newtown CT. shooter had. Just be an interesting experiment. However, not going to happen, ( they are rich and protected by armed guards, while calling for YOU to be disarmed, you peasant ) so perhaps a "regular" Obama supporter before, during and after an Obama rally?
After some thought, the pot smoker has an increased chance of a negligent discharge, ( under the influence vs. sober ) but I bet a lower chance of intentional murder while under the influence than beer drinkers. By about 10,000%. ( I could be off on that last figure... ) I'm still waiting to hear about the many high speed 10 mph chases in Colorado.