A better deal according to whom? Say I like my current car. The government says under some new policy I will be able to keep it and maybe even lower my car payments. But once the policy is imposed, I'm told my car now isn't street-legal. Worse, I will have to buy a much more expensive car or be fined by the IRS. But, hey, it'll be a much better car! Why, even though you live in Death Valley, your new car will have great snow tires and heated seats.
So I tried healthcare.gov again yesterday. Still getting the same error. Cleared my cache/cookies, still same message. I decided to try a couple of other states and got different errors.
Meanwhile Sebelius sits before Congress explaining what she didn't know.
The Obama administration must have gotten the memo to CNN that they are now to throw Sebelius under the bus, so they can claim that the only problem with the ACA is the fact that the website had problems, and that Obama was betrayed by a trusted underlying. The poor guy. Give him a break. And that proves why the tea party is so bad.
(Message edited by reepicheep on October 30, 2013)
So what happens to a responsible person who has for year paid for insurance, but has had their insurance canceled because of this turd and they can't get new insurance because the system is broken? If they have a major medical expense on January 1st, who is responsible for that?
Never confuse coverage with access nor insurance; they are NOT interchangeable terms
wait and see Seen it too many times, across a dozen accredited insurance companies that launched new 'data' formats from legacy systems and older policy lines of exclusion.... that first to three months of 'coverage' are a pure gamble - now even worse with government involvement. Enjoy the show.
This entire administration reminds me of one of those "who can do the stupidest thing" videos.
Noi kidding . . . From Obama . . Rahm . . Jarrett right on down to Sebelius these folks are a bunch of incompetent idiots who got into office by convincing a bunch of gullible bastards they could have something for free.
Obama will doubtless enter the history books as the dumbest SOB to ever enter The White House.
We deserve better.
I loved my old Kansas pal . . . . "the President has no responsibility, I do . . he knew nothing about this".
But . . only 2 minutes ago you said you gave him detailed briefings daily.
Well . . kinda detail. . . . I didn't want to burden him with "little things".
Little things like the $900,000,000 didn't work as was months . . perhaps (2 years according to her) years from working at all.
From Obama . . Rahm . . Jarrett right on down to Sebelius these folks are a bunch of incompetent idiots who got into office by convincing a bunch of gullible bastards they could have something for free.
That about sums it up. the web site is a microcosm for the current admin.
why can't we get rid of this steaming pile, and clean house is beyond me.... }
The Sept. 27 memo to Medicare chief Marylin Tavenner said a website contractor wasn't able to test all the security controls in one complete version of the system.
"From a security perspective, the aspects of the system that were not tested due to the ongoing development, exposed a level of uncertainty that can be deemed as a high risk for the (website)," the memo said.
It recommended setting up a security team to address risks, conduct daily tests, and a full security test within two to three months of going live.
Wait so we put in sensitive confidential information and they get around to testing it - fixing it in a couple of months ?
HEY NOW do you want the NSA to actually have to work to see your info? What about the hackers from SEIU They have poor hacking skills give them a break. Hell Froggy probably has it hacked already.
HEY NOW do you want the NSA to actually have to work to see your info? What about the hackers from SEIU They have poor hacking skills give them a break. Hell Froggy probably has it hacked already.
I lived in IL for 27 years. Politics is a criminal enterprise. The only concern Obama has is looting the country. All else is secondary to lining the pockets of friends and supporters with our cash. He has no morals and he promotes and supports only other criminals like himself. Watch what is done, his words mean nothing.
Republicans are not much better, ie McConnell adding 3 billion dollars for his home district in the get government funding bill.
"Federal officials projected that nearly a half million people would sign up for Affordable Care Act-mandated health insurance exchanges, according to the Associated Press, not anticipating that the system’s computer glitches would render the site useless for many consumers. The projection was included in a Sept. 5 internal memo for Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and obtained by the AP. The memo listed monthly targets for each state, and showed that officials expected a slow start.
A big jump was expected after Thanksgiving, since Dec. 15 is the last day people can sign up so their coverage will take effect Jan. 1. The memo projected enrollment would reach 3.3 million nationally by Dec. 31.
The enrollment projections had not been made public before, to the dismay of Obamacare opponents and supporters alike." (source AP)
Quotas and numbers.... yes Komrade - now is the time to Enroll - Get covered Amerika.
"No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away, no matter what."
he only lied in his speeches - in the writing of the bill, and the subsequent policies from HHS/CMS - they all spoke the bald face truth of their true agenda. 1) It was a Tax from day one 2) It was BUILT to be unsustainable 3) It had a target event horizon of engineered failure to create the next 'reform' 4) It was NEVER insurance
and it was all in black and white - direct from the horses mouth; just never on the main stream media
"In many cases, consumers are shopping blind when it comes to what doctors and hospitals are included in their Obamacare exchange plans," said Josh Archambault, senior fellow with the think tank Foundation for Government Accountability. "These patients will be in for a rude awakening once they need care, and get stuck with a big bill for going out-of-network without realizing it."
That shiny new entitlement isn't worth the 7 feet of paper it is written on.... and wait for it.... the number of private doctors that are accepting the ObamaCare plans have been declining for the last 3 years - many are retiring early , or relocating overseas.
but cheer up - there are 3600 new IRS agents because of this bill