>>>So far everyone I know who is making less than $30,000 is getting almost free coverage paid for by all the folks making more than $30,000.
Part of the fallacy of this is that we have bred a generation of lazy sons of bitches (now roughly 49% of the population) who REALLY BELIEVE that if someone else pays for it . . it's free.
This includes Obama and Holders educations.
if it's so damn good why did the Democrats in Congress exempt themselves?
When I see the Big O (the national embarrassment) log the fucvk on and enroll, . . I'll revisit the issue.
Until then . . advertising budget (good lord, they spent nearly a $1,000,000,000 creating a damn website) or not it's all spin, hype and actuarially unsound logic.
The "GOP" ( which you can send into the sea like lemmings for all I care.... in fact, please! ) which did not vote for this rip off, at all, was elected by people who told them to repeal it, and have tried, ( but Reid refuses to allow a vote on that, or a lot of things, like a legal budget ) and planned to NOT fund it at all, so it would not happen are being yelled at for not funding the ad campaign for the program they want to repeal?
Is that about right?
The Program the President lies about, and has lied about since long before it was passed, illegally? The Program the President illegally gives waivers to those who have contributed to his ongoing campaign fund?
Just wanted to be sure we're on the same page.
I guess that concept might be a little complicated for some.
Nope, not complicated at all. I have a whole rant on it above.
The cost of anything that has mandatory requirements will go up as the requirements cost more. In a car, airbags, pollution controls, auto braking, gps, all are items that will increase the cost, EVEN IF THE GREEDY COMPANY DOESN"T WANT IT TO.
Some of those mandatory items are a good idea. Some even make sense to BE mandatory. Some are not yet, but will be, and some are horrible ideas, but will make someone who bribed the politicians to make it mandatory, mucho richer.
I'm all in favor of the 3 good ideas in the ACA being law. ( there HAVE to be 3 ) I'm just not in favor of the other 9000 pages of taxes.
It's easy to pick on Insurance companies, since we all hate them. They are bookies, and the local BC/BS ceo is quite well off. ( Funny enough so are the people who have messed up the ACA website, and both have contributed to Barry's Campaign. )
The insurance companies could have made their policies better/compliant or they could continue to try to rip off their policy holders and will have to discontinue the policy.
Wrong. many things that are mandatory under ACA were illegal before it. Many things mandatory under the ACA were too expensive before they became a requirement, and people didn't want it. So they didn't buy it. Those items are still too expensive, but now you have no choice.
And the "Cadillac" plans that did have most of the "ACA compliant" services, are the very plans that the ACA will destroy, by taxing them out of existence. ( unless of course, you bribed Barack Obama to give you a waiver ) general policy of the GOP working for failure in America...
Well, that's an opinion. It's not yours, mr. parrot, but it has a smidgen of truth. Mostly bogus, but if you are talking McCain and Mcconnell & their like, I agree. They don't give a damn about YOU, just their power. I also firmly believe that's true for most of the D's in Congress. Feel free to convince me different, some may actually not suck.
Where did you get that opinion? have you checked the CPUSA web site for more opinions you are supposed to have? They endorsed both Obama and the ACA, so I'm sure they have your talking points all ready.
BTW there's a Rolling Stones article how the GOP wants to starve poor people, I'm sure you'll like.
OK, what is the benefit of someone making $30,000 or less who gets cancer or heart failure or diabetes and needs healthcare but doesn't have insurance; or maybe its one on their kids?
That means you would. I'd thank you, but it didn't happen.
Your arguments are based on false assumptions, propaganda, and emotion, not facts.
In fact I seriously question one statement.
So far everyone I know who is making less than $30,000 is getting almost free coverage.
Is that PROMISED free coverage? Or actually signed up for an insurance policy?
because I don't think enough people have actually started actual insurance policies under the ACA for you to actually know anyone who has.
I could indeed be wrong on that, but as of last week ZERO people in New York State had succeeded in getting an actual policy.
Who ends up paying for their care?
I do. I share the cost with the productive members of my society, and we have no choice, because if we refuse we go to prison. ( unless we are minions or donators to Barack Obama. Like the former Sec. Treas. )
650 million for a website isn't enough to build it and roll it out?
No, apparently not. According to that opinion piece, the liar Sebelius wanted 500 million more to advertise it and pay drones to answer the phones?
Garryb, I think I see what a big part of your problem is. You actually read that piece and others like it, giving weight to the words in your own mind by coating the facts with a rose-colored slime.
Coat anything in slime and it becomes readily apparent that your perception of it becomes very distorted.
The average welfare recipient, or public leech as I like to call them, lives under a thick oppressive coating of it.
So far everyone I know who is making less than $30,000 is getting almost free coverage.
Those making under $50,000, are getting about $200/month federal aid that is making the better policy cheaper than what they were paying.
Those under $65,000 get some reduction.
I'd like to hear more about these people. You seem to know a lot of people who are getting new insurance. Please, please, please share some details about these folks. What's their family situation and incomes? What state are they in? Smoker/non-smoker? Ages? What plans are they getting? What kind of deductibles and max out of pockets are they getting?
I've asked earlier for real experiences with this. Please share some real experiences. So far the only good experiences being posted have been theoretical. My experience so far kind of sucks. Making some adjustments with my investments may just get me into that aid though. Still trying to figure out if it's worth doing that.
Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance By Lisa Myers and Hannah Rappleye NBC News
President Obama repeatedly assured Americans that after the Affordable Care Act became law, people who liked their health insurance would be able to keep it. But millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare, say experts, and the Obama administration has known that for at least three years.
Four sources deeply involved in the Affordable Care Act tell NBC NEWS that 50 to 75 percent of the 14 million consumers who buy their insurance individually can expect to receive a “cancellation” letter or the equivalent over the next year [emphasis mine] because their existing policies don’t meet the standards mandated by the new health care law. One expert predicts that number could reach as high as 80 percent. And all say that many of those forced to buy pricier new policies will experience “sticker shock.”
None of this should come as a shock to the Obama administration. The law states that policies in effect as of March 23, 2010 will be “grandfathered,” meaning consumers can keep those policies even though they don’t meet requirements of the new health care law. But the Department of Health and Human Services then wrote regulations that narrowed that provision, by saying that if any part of a policy was significantly changed since that date -- the deductible, co-pay, or benefits, for example -- the policy would not be grandfathered.
Buried in Obamacare regulations from July 2010 is an estimate that because of normal turnover in the individual insurance market, “40 to 67 percent” of customers will not be able to keep their policy. And because many policies will have been changed since the key date, “the percentage of individual market policies losing grandfather status in a given year exceeds the 40 to 67 percent range.”
That means the administration knew that more than 40 to 67 percent of those in the individual market would not be able to keep their plans, even if they liked them. [emphasis mine]
Rhetorical question: Is there ANYTHING 0bama hasn't lied about? I don't mean just 0bamaDontCare, or Benghazi, or Fast & Furious, or the IRS, or even the details of his personal life before he became a public figure.
Is there ANYTHING he's EVER said about ANYTHING that wasn't a flat-out, bald-faced lie?
Wow FB1,its like we live in two different dimensions.
In mine, my wifes and my 401k is much higher than we expected, as the stock market is at all time highs, and she is able to retire and join our family business.
Also in mine our business has grown every year Obama has been president.
I believe these are exciting times to be an American!
I believe these are exciting times to be an American!
Ancient Chinese Curse. "May you live in interesting times"
I am selling some stock at this time, just in case the tea party gets any traction
That's smart. Even if the tea party goes away, the pumping of money into the stock market to artificially crank it up is a long term fail. The inflation will catch up, and the stocks will fall, no matter what this or the next administration does.
The difference will be how bad the bubble burst will be. Since we are starting with the "worst economy since the Great Depression", it's going to be a rude awakening to a lot of people.
I know it doesn't LOOK like the "worst economy....." but that's because the artificially high stock prices from "QE" give the illusion that things have improved a lot, while unemployment rises, inflation soars, and taxes rise on the middle class.
WI? Is WI, like NY, one of those states so badly messed up by the socialists that even Obamacare lowers the prices, at first? In that case lower prices and promises of subsidy actually would make Insurance cheaper. Unlike the bilk of the nation with 200-500% price hikes. ( On Individual plans. So far no one talks about family plans or work negotiated plans, which are next on the menu for mass destruction. )
FB1, Well, in answer to your question, yes, Obama told the truth when he said he wanted to fundamentally transform America, that he resented the limitations the Constitution puts on his power, and the naked contempt he holds everyone who disagrees with him. ( although that last isn't honesty, it just bleeds through his pores. )
I wonder when Garry will realize that, just like the lies he's been told about unemployment figures, the quotes are probably lies as well? Other people have noticed this too.
Wow FB1,its like we live in two different dimensions.
In mine, my wifes and my 401k is much higher than we expected, as the stock market is at all time highs, and she is able to retire and join our family business.
Also in mine our business has grown every year Obama has been president.
I believe these are exciting times to be an American!
Sounds like you live in a one dimensional universe. There's a lot going on other than the stock market. At least in the universe that most of us live in.
Actually you are correct, I was really taking about quotes for me, my son, and some quotes we did for employees.
So why not share some of the details I asked for?
Please, please, please share some details about these folks. What's their family situation and incomes? What state are they in? Smoker/non-smoker? Ages? What plans are they getting? What kind of deductibles and max out of pockets are they getting?
FB1, Well, in answer to your question, yes, Obama told the truth when he said he wanted to fundamentally transform America, that he resented the limitations the Constitution puts on his power, and the naked contempt he holds everyone who disagrees with him. ( although that last isn't honesty, it just bleeds through his pores. )
Aesquire: Thanks for the reply. You are, sadly, quite correct on all counts.
I was nosing around the new Bill Whittle site the other night (https://www.billwhittle.com/) and re-watched this piece on the who and why of our president. He's kept us all very busy putting out fires of late, particularly since his second inauguration (I was tempted to write "second coming"...), but in the midst of fighting all the blazes he's setting, it's important to remember who he is, and where he came from. "Know thine enemy," or something like that. This really belongs on the Zero thread, but it'll fit here just fine, too.
The Enigma, Part 1: Strange Bedfellows BillWhittleChannel Uploaded on Apr 25, 2011
We're told Barack Obama's history and character are somehow off-limits. But personal history makes character, and the character of the President of the United States is something we have a right to be interested in.
In Part 1 of this meticulously researched and and sourced series, Bill Whittle examines both the Dunhams and the Obamas -- each steeped in Marxism and anti-Americansm and each a long, long way away from mainstream American culture.
Hi everyone, I’m Bill Whittle and this is the Firewall.
We’ve been told for years and years now that any discussion of Barack Obama’s past is somehow off-limits… that we need to challenge his policies, not his character.
You might be able to make that argument for a Senator. But for the Commander in Chief, who often must react in real time to existential threats to the country, who sets the national tone and agenda, and who conducts the nation’s foreign policy, well, policies are secondary. It’s character that counts. And Barack Obama’s character – like your character, and mine, and everyone else’s – is determined by his parents, his upbringing, and by the friends and associations and mentors gathered over a lifetime… and if we don’t know the history of the man we have elected to lead our nation, we can’t know anything of value about the man himself.
Barack Obama, you may be surprised to know, is descended from oilmen and bankers. The President’s maternal grandfather – Stanley Dunham -- worked on Standard Oil rigs in Kansas during the Depression. The President’s biological father, Barack Obama Sr. worked for an oil company, as did his stepfather, Lolo So-Toro. His mother worked for banks in Indonesia, Pakistan and elsewhere, and his grandmother, Madelyn, who raised him, worked as a banker in Seattle and Hawaii.
It seems odd that the President would consistently vilify these two trades – greedy oilmen and fat cat bankers -- whenever he waxes against the excesses of capitalism.
Stanley Dunham, Obama’s mother’s father, had a tough childhood.
Barack Obama, writing in Dreams From My Father, describes how:
"Gramps had turned out a bit wild. Some of the neighbors pointed to his mother's suicide: it was Stanley, after all, then only eight years old, who had found her body.”
Just a few lines later, the President adds this about his grandfather:
“By the age of fifteen he'd been thrown out of high school for punching the principal in the nose. For the next three years he lived off odd jobs, hopping rail cars to Chicago, then California, then back again, dabbling in moonshine, cards, and women."
Stanley Dunham married Madelyn Lee Payne on May 5th, 1940, and Stanley Dunham badly wanted a son. So when Madelyn gave birth to a daughter on November 29th, 1942, he named her Stanley.
Childhood friend Elaine Johnson, remembered how the President’s mother, Stanly Ann Dunham, introduced herself when they first met:
"I know, it's a boy's name “and no, I don't like it. I mean, would you like to be called Stanley? But my dad wanted a boy and he got me. And the name 'Stanley' made him feel better, I guess."
Now in 1955, Stanley Ann’s parents moved to Seattle, Washington. That same year the chairman of the Mercer Island school board – Mercer Island is an Eastside suburb of Seattle –John Stenhouse, testified before the House Un-American Activities Subcommittee that he had been a member of the Communist Party that there were several Marxist professors on staff At Mercer Island. Now this may not seem like a big deal today, when no self-respecting University can’t trot out enough Marxist professors to fill a gymnasium pep rally – but in 1955 it came as an utter bombshell to the conservative neighborhood of Mercer Island.
According to the Chicago Tribune, the Dunhams moved to Mercer Island the following year – 1956 -- specifically so that their daughter could attend the controversial school.
Two teachers in particular -- Val Foe-BEAR and Jim Wichterman – were delighting in teaching a curriculum that it seems safe to say could not be found anywhere else in the country: the rejection of social norms, attacks on Christianity and mainstream culture, and the promotion of twin 1950’s taboos of Communism and atheism.
The hallway between Foe-BEAR and Wichterman’s classes was known as "anarchy alley."
"I had them read 'The Communist Manifesto,' and the parents went nuts," said Wichterman, adding they would mockingly refer to the parental protests as "mothers' marches."
Speaking in 2007, Wichterman remembered the President’s mother very well. "As much as a high-school student can, she'd question anything: What's so good about democracy? What's so good about capitalism? What's wrong with communism? What's good about communism?" said Wichterman.
Long-time friend Chip Wall described Stanley Ann, the President’s mother, as "a fellow traveler. . . . We were liberals before we knew what liberals were."
“Fellow Traveller” of course is term first coined by Leon Trotsky in1924 to describe people who were sympathetic to the Marxist cause.
"She touted herself as an atheist, and it was something she'd read about and could argue," said Maxine Box, who was Dunham's best friend in high school. "She was always challenging and arguing and comparing. She was already thinking about things that the rest of us hadn't."
These radical ideas were taking hold in both the parents and the daughter. They shed their Methodist and Baptist upbringing and began attending Sunday services at the East Shore Unitarian Church in nearby Bellevue.
It was known as “the Little Red Church on the Hill” for their support of communist causes, especially their advocacy on the part of what was then known as Red China.
Oh, and by the way: Remember John Stenhouse, the Chairman of the Mercer Island School Board who was outed as a Communist? Well, he was also the President of the East Shore Unitarian Church.
By the time she moved to Hawaii in 1960, Stanley Ann Dunham was a long, long way away from the hardscrabble, all-American, Kansas farmgirl that Barack Obama sold her as during the campaign. She was – by many independent, well-sourced accounts – a radical, a Marxist, and an atheist; a rebellious, resentful young woman that everyone knew as “Stanley” who was carrying more than one big chip on her shoulder.
Now let me be as clear on this as I can be: She has a right to be all of those things. Americans have the right to believe in atheism, Marxism and all the rest – that’s America. But! The American people also have right to know about it. Because when young Barack Obama, searching for his identity, wrote “I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets,” he was following in the intellectual and philosophical shoes of the woman whom he repeatedly described as the greatest influence in his life.
If Barack Obama’s maternal Grandfather had led a rebellious and unsettled life after discovering his mother’s suicide, Hussein On-YAHN-go Obama had had it even worse, having been brutally tortured by the British right around the time of the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya, and naturally enough he never forgave them for it.
Hussein Obama died in 1979, by all accounts a bitter, betrayed and broken man. Barack Obama, in Dreams From My Father, describes in his own words what his grandmother told him about her late husband:
"What your grandfather respected was strength. Discipline… This is also why he rejected the Christian religion, I think… …He could not understand such ideas as mercy towards your enemies, or that this man Jesus could wash away a man's sins. To your grandfather, this was foolish sentiment, something to comfort women. And so he converted to Islam-he thought its practices conformed more closely to his beliefs.
Is this relevant? I think it is. As a young man, President Obama consciously chose to re-invent himself; no longer Barry So-TORO – the name he had carried for much of his life – but rather Barack Obama, Junior, son of a Kenyan economist. It seems fair to me to ask what kind of a man that in turn was and what forces had influenced him.
In 1959, a Kenyan nationalist leader named Tom Mboya travelled the United States to raise money, to be used to train a new generation of African elites. One of 81 young Kenyans sent to America on this scholarship program was Barack Obama, Senior, who was described by fellow scholarship student and current Kenyan journalist Philip Oh-che-ing as “charming, generous and extraordinarily clever.” However, Oh-che-ing also remembers the President’s father as “imperious, cruel and given to boasting about his brain and his wealth.”
If by all accounts Hussien Obama, the President’s grandfather, had been a devout Muslim, there is very little evidence his son, Barack Obama Senior, was religious at all: President Obama himself, writing in Time magazine, says “although my father had been raised a Muslim, by the time he met my mother he was a confirmed atheist, thinking religion to be so much superstition."
That certainly seemed to match the outlook of young, self-described atheist Anna Dunham, whom he met at the University of Hawaii in 1960. The girl from Seattle whose parents had moved so she could attend the Marxist school and little red church on the hill in Mercer Island met the brilliant Marxist economist from Kenya while attending a language class together. They were studying Russian. You can’t make this kind of stuff up.
Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. married Stanley Ann Dunham on February 2nd, 1961. In Dreams, Obama writes, “How and when the marriage occurred remains a bit murky, a bill of particulars that I've never quite had the courage to explore. There's no record of a real wedding, a cake, a ring, a giving away of the bride… The whole thing seems so fragile in retrospect, so haphazard. And perhaps that's how my grandparents intended it to be, a trial that would pass, just a matter of time, so longs as they maintained a stiff upper lip and didn’t do anything drastic.”
If the Dunhams didn’t approve of the marriage, Obama senior’s father – Hussein – was white hot with rage. As a young man Obama learned from his mother that Hussein Obama – his paternal grandfather – had written Anna and Barack Senior what Anna described as “a long, nasty letter” saying he didn’t want “the Obama blood sullied by a white woman.” For a young man abandoned by both his mother and father, and who turned to his African heritage in a search for his identity, this must have had quite an effect.
Anna did not discover until later that her husband had been married in Kenya in 1954 to Kezia Aoko, that he had abandoned her and their two children, and that he had not in fact divorced her but was rather still married to his Kenyan wife at the time of his wedding in Hawaii.
Barack Obama, Junior, 44th President of the United States, was born on August 4th, 1961 – and fifteen days later, Ann Dunham registered for night classes for the fall semester in Seattle, WA – leaving her parents and her new husband twenty-six hundred miles away in Hawaii for reasons that remain unclear.
In fact, the entire period between the birth of President Obama in 1961 and the finalized divorce of Barack Obama Sr, and Stanley Ann Dunham seems a little… odd. There is no real evidence that they ever lived together as a family, or even lived in the same state. There are no family photos.
Then, in 1962, while his still-teenage wife and child remained in Seattle, Obama Senior left Hawaii, having graduated with a bachelors Degree in economics and mathematics…a Phi Beta Kappa straight-A student. He went on to study Economics at Harvard University.
Ann Dunham filed for divorce, citing “grievous mental suffering” in January of 1964.
Barack Obama senior ultimately returned to Kenya where he married Ruth Nie-des-and, a Jewish-American teacher he met at Harvard. They had two sons before separating in 1973. Obama married a fourth time, to Ja-el Oh-tee-en-no, who is currently living in Atlanta, Georgia.
After his return to Kenya, Barack Obama Sr. published a paper called “Problems Facing our Socialism” in the East Africa Journal in July of 1965. In it, he called for such boilerplate Marxist policies as communal ownership of land and the forced confiscation of privately controlled land, the nationalization of "European" and "Asian" owned enterprises, such as hotels, with the control being turned over to the "indigenous" black population. He advocated raising taxes on "the rich" even up to the 100% level: "Theoretically, there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed."
Dreams From My Father, indeed.
In Part 2 we’ll take a look at the life of young Barack Obama, from his days in Indonesia, through his college years at Occidental, Columbia and Harvard, right up until his introduction to politics in Chicago.
If you find any of this surprising or interesting – I know I did – you can keep messages like this one coming – you know, actual journalism! – by becoming a Citizen Producer at Declaration Entertainment dot com. I’m Bill Whittle, and we’ll see you next for Part Two on the Firewall.
coming from insurance, I can tell you that none in the insurance industry that sell, broker, or administer commercial health policies were included in the construction and writing of this bill. Kaiser Foundation was / is a fat liberal bastige of liberal / progressive social meddling that has nothing to do with Kaiser Permanente Insurance. No non contributor entities were included, in many instances the Insurance Commissioners of the States were SPECIFICALLY barred from the meeting.
seek and ye shall find. This thing ain't insurance - any body that believes it is - hasn't read it, and would not know an actual underwritten policy if you spoon fed it to them.
ps- if you want to know how it fails, look no further than the Toxic Asset rebundling of the housing crisis - because BOHICA
Wow. In the past week we've seen Wussername-Schultz back in the news, then Axelgrease, now THIS:
Valerie Jarrett: Obamacare Doesn't Force Americans Out of Their Health Plans By William Bigelow, 29 Oct 2013
Barack Obama’s Senior Advisor, Valerie Jarrett, tweeted on Monday, “FACT: Nothing in #ObamaCare forces people out of their health plans. No change is required unless insurance companies change existing plans.”
This flies in the face of an NBC News report that not only revealed that more than half of Americans who buy individual insurance will have their insurance cancelled because of Obamacare’s mandates, but also that the Obama Administration knew that fact and covered it up.
You just don't like poor people and deliberately want them to suffer at the expense of rich people. You smell like you're a rich white man at war with womyn, homos, latinos, blacks, disabled, and granny. What is wrong with you? Why don't you start paying your fair share? Someone has to pay so quit belly aching.
I'd like to hear some real world stories of how this law is helping them. There have to be some. Somewhere. I read that even those who were behind pResident POS during his speech hadn't actually signed up yet.
Garryb, Do you and your family currently have insurance? If so, how does it compare to what you've shopped for. If not, why not? Details please!
I said it before, and I recommend anyone for or against the ACA to go do it now.
Go into facebook. In the search box, look for "healthcare.gov". Facebook gives you, as the owner of that site, a LOT of control about deleting disparaging posts. But it balances your ability to control with your ability to particpate. It is hard to let people post, yet be able to whack every negative post quickly and invisibly. So all sorts of stuff leaks on those kinds of social media sites, particularly if you are niave.
Plus, when you make a comment, you have to be reasonably un-anoymous about it. Sure, you can go to some trouble to set up a fake facebook page, but its a hassle, so most people posting there are real people with real experiences posting openly.
Go expand the comments and follow the threads. This plan is a disaster for everyone who is not destitute or who does NOT have a pre-existing condition.
It takes a bunch of people that were uninsurable on the open market due to pre-existing conditions, and makes them insurable. In exchange, it takes even *more* people who were insurable and who were doing the right thing and buying insurance and makes them now *uninsurable*, because their rates are now simply too high to be affordable on their budget.
So far, this plan has lost insurance for many people than it enabled insurance for.
And note that before this change, if you spent all your money on health care and were down to the poverty level as a result, you were then *already* *fully* *insured* as a result of medicaid. So it wasn't a case where you couldn't get free medical care. It was simply a case where you have to spend all your own money on your own medical care before you were allowed to force somebody else to pay for your medical care.
I feel horrible about people in that situation, and I would like to help people before it came to that, but at the end of the day in terms of forced redistribution, it doesn't sound unreasonable.
It takes a bunch of people that were uninsurable on the open market due to pre-existing conditions, and makes them insurable.
Of course most, if not all states already had state exchanges set up for this purpose. ObamaDontCare really did very little on that front.
And note that before this change, if you spent all your money on health care and were down to the poverty level as a result, you were then *already* *fully* *insured* as a result of medicaid.
I think that should read... And note that before this change, if you spent all your money on health care and were down to the poverty level as a result, you were then *already* *fully* *insured* as a result of medicaid. Some may have spent it all on health care. Many did not. I know a couple who are on Medicaid who's 4 year old has a far better cell phone than I do. I don't even have a data plan. He does! They also have a much bigger cable TV bill than mine that I get to hear about from time to time.
I was upset that because of the health care issue, I didn’t have a job anymore but still defended Obamacare because it would make health care available to everyone at, what I assumed, would be an affordable price. I have now learned that I was wrong. Very wrong.” ... Three years ago, she reportedly paid $225 a month with a $2,500 deductible. Her rates steadily increased and she was paying $291 a month with a $3,500 deductible as of Sept. 1, the Chicago Sun-Times reports.
Then she got “the letter” that people across the country are currently receiving in the mail.
“Blue Cross stated my current coverage would expire on Dec. 31, and here are my options: I can have a plan with similar benefits for $647.12 [or] I can have a plan with similar [but higher] pricing for $322.32 but with a $6,500 deductible,” Klinkhamer wrote. ... Klinkhamer says she is still a Democrat and believes in “health care for all,” but argued “this is not affordable to me.”
“Just call it, the Available Care Act,” she quipped.
Of course, health care was available before. Now it's just less affordable.
it is not about coverage- it is a registration for tax and confiscation - there is no new health architecture or delivery in the Bill. it is further a means and method to 'register' the 'undocumented' that are here 'illegally'
So I decided to compare my own situation. I recently started at a new company, and just signed up for the company plan.
So I went to Washington states exchange, and thankfully did not have to give up any info to shop. Though they didn't make it easy to find details of coverage.
Since I wont get a subsidy, because I make more than 46k a year, the site defaults you to the Silver plan, I couldn't find costs on the gold plan.
So Silver plan, $394 a month. Covers 70%, with a $6,350 deductible.
The company's plan that is closest to silver. Anthem blue cross. Total cost $408 -But I only pay $95. Covers 80%, deductible of $2,500. So this plan is roughly 4% more
The company plan-Anthem again. that is closest in benefits. $330 total cost I would pay $50, 60% coverage, $7,500 deductible This plan is 19% less
so you will pay about 10k out of pocket before your services are covered at 70% ....... how often did you go to the doctor last year, or the year before ?
You just lost 10K a year as a forced consumption as required by Unkle Barry.