Speaking to reporters after an address to the DNC's Women Leadership Forum on Friday, Wasserman Schultz said the law will help the party with female voters because of the benefits women will receive under the healthcare law. "No, on the contrary, we know that women are already benefiting significantly from the part of ObamaCare that's already been implemented," she said. Wasserman Schultz cited the ability of women to receive free birth control and preventative care under the law as examples.
How can one be in public office, but be so stupid as to believe that being forced to buy insurance that is forced to cover birth control expenses means you are getting free birth control?
(Message edited by reepicheep on October 25, 2013)
because you do not pay at time of service, nor do you pay a copay- nor can a provider balance bill you as a member of the new PPACA Mandate.... It must be 'free'.
This came through Washington over 15 years ago - line for line. Watch OB/GYN clinics start to limit service,close, and file for bankruptcy DAMHIK.
do - wa- ditty - ditty dumb ditty doo and the beat goes on.
So it looks like school districts are just as "greedy" as private business. They are finding themselves in the same squeeze and looking at the same resolution. Cut employees hours below 30 per week and not pay their insurance costs. THOSE GREEDY BASTARDS!
ObamaCare is becoming the best wake-up call for Conservatism in fifty years. I just hope its not too late as we are approaching a majority of voting Americans being addicted to hand outs. No, I am not a cruel person pushing granny off the cliff so don't go there, Liberals.
Conservatism will unleash this economy and help people help themselves. The truly indigent will still be helped.
Anyone who really wonders what the real world effect of Obamacare can get a great unbiased datapoint...
Go to facebook, and search for "HealthCare.gov ". That is the official ACA page for help and support. It is owned by the ACA supporters, so they purge comments pretty quickly and there are people there being paid to promote the ACA, so you have to take some of it with a grain of salt. And there are no doubt a few people there who would hate it no matter what and just want to troll.
But the majority of people there are people who want health care and are trying to get it through the ACA.
Read their comments and experiences, and judge for yourself.
Read it while you can anyway. No doubt they will be deciding it is better to shut that site down before long...
Florida Blue, for example, is terminating about 300,000 policies, about 80 percent of its individual policies in the state. Kaiser Permanente in California has sent notices to 160,000 people — about half of its individual business in the state. Insurer Highmark in Pittsburgh is dropping about 20 percent of its individual market customers, while Independence Blue Cross, the major insurer in Philadelphia, is dropping about 45 percent.
Both Independence and Highmark are cancelling so-called “guaranteed issue” policies, which had been sold to customers who had pre-existing medical conditions when they signed up. Policyholders with regular policies because they did not have health problems will be given an option to extend their coverage through next year.
source www.ncpa.org authors Anna Gorman and Julie Appleby
Reindog, I believe your correct. Every one of those people that have seen their costs skyrocket need to be reminded who foisted that upon them come election time. Hopefully this will energize the conservative base, and get people to vote conservative. But the republicans really do need to study the dems playbook in regards to how well they conducted obamas original campaign with social media and such.
Seriously, people that thought the ACA (or even electing Obama) was a good idea, and that don't want to argue here publicly (I don't blame you actually), just go read that facebook page and see the real impact on real people.
It's heartbreaking.
Before if you got some kind of devastating medical event, or got old and ran out of money to pay for normal health care, you would be in medicaid or medicare... so you would have to spend all your money (very sad) but you would have health care before and after. Sucks to be completely wiped out by a devastating medical event, but that's why they call it devastating. It is devastating. You do everything you can to overcome it, and when you have given up everything, we the people of this country catch you in a safety net.
Now, apparently, if you are a young adult headed for the middle class, you get financially wiped out regardless of if you have a medical disaster or not... seriously. I don't know how you pay those kinds of premiums and ever get far enough ahead to pay off student loans and ever get financially independent.
Did White House delay Obamacare rules ahead of election?
A Health and Human Services official involved in the preparation of the Affordable Care Act says the administration stopped issuing proposed rules for several months before the 2012 general election, causing delays as contractors, states and insurance companies awaited guidance to move forward
So, it's pretty damn clear that "white house source"'s are outright liars.
How does a parent get control of his out of control child? THATS how the Republicans will gain control over Democrats come election time. They have to treat them with delicately,..like parent treats a needy toddler crying for his ice cream... The Republicans cannot play the same way the Dems did in the past. They will look silly and wonder why the Dems are beating them again.
Hmm, good thing I'm not in charge of the Republican party.
My response to temper tantrums of the ice cream nature is to patiently, kindly, wait it out.
I am, after all, the adult. I have learned to stop and examine my initial reaction to the guilt button. If it's deserved guilt, if I acted in a manner not mature or unfair, I act accordingly. If it's not, then.....
I would do the same thing...but I'd buy the ice cream anyway and when we got home... serve it right away and I will have a bowl too!...Make sure bowls are filled and when I hand him his spoon... I say: Who ever finished first.. gets 20 buks!! Then just sit back and enjoy the show. As he starts to cry... act concerned... give him a pillow to lay on and suggest that his headache is from his temper tantrum earlier at the store... Or god was punishing him... something like that. Dam... raising a kid in the 80's...those were the days!
Thousands Are Quickly Becoming Millions As More Healthcare Cancellations Are Received – New Estimate Range 16 to 20 Million Will Lose Their Healthcare Coverage Posted on October 25, 2013 By Sundance
CBS’s front man, Scott Pelley, was visibly distraught and filled with tremendous anxiety as he seemed forced to report on the reality – Millions of Americans are losing their healthcare insurance coverage.
Indeed, it well appears the media are being dragged to report on the reality lest they see themselves completely disconnected, and wallow amid embarrassment.
All of this comes amid a new Weekly Standard report and Forbes report which outline the sheer magnitude of the cancellation notices now reaching homes coast to coast.
The U.S. individual health insurance market currently totals about 19 million people. Because the Obama administration’s regulations on grandfathering existing plans were so stringent about 85% of those, 16 million, are not grandfathered and must comply with Obamacare at their next renewal.
The rules are very complex. For example, if you had an individual plan in March of 2010 when the law was passed and you only increased the deductible from $1,000 to $1,500 in the years since, your plan has lost its grandfather status and it will no longer be available to you when it would have renewed in 2014.
These 16 million people are now receiving letters from their carriers saying they are losing their current coverage and must re-enroll in order to avoid a break in coverage and comply with the new health law’s benefit mandates––the vast majority by January 1. Most of these will be seeing some pretty big rate increases. (link)
Townhall.com outlines even more about the incredible size of the bait and switch broken promise from President Obama:
CBO has estimated that the number of people dislodged from their pre-Obamacare arrangements could reach 20 million, while other independent analyses have concluded that the eventual figure may be significantly higher. The low-ball estimates of 16-20 million would be the equivalent of the entire population of Florida losing coverage. CareFirst is the latest insurer to break the bad news to its customers:
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield is being forced to cancel plans that currently cover 76,000 individuals in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., due to changes made by President Obama’s health care law, the company told the Washington Examiner today. That represents more than 40 percent of the 177,000 individuals covered by CareFirst in those states. Though Obama famously promised that those who liked their health care coverage could keep it under his program, in reality, the health care law imposes a raft of new regulations on insurance policies starting Jan. 1 that are forcing insurers across the country to terminate existing plans. (link)
Forbes weighs in by sharing that more Americans have lost their health insurance coverage in just 3 states than have successfully enrolled in Obamacare in all 50.
This week the reality of the ObamaCare roll-out appeared in a set of news stories that serve as an ironic juxtaposition. Over 500,000 individuals have seen their insurance policies cancelled in just 3 states. In all 50 states, only 476,000 applications have been “filed” in an exchange. (Even though we are still learning the true definition of “filed.”) (link)
Later in that same Forbes article they predict the number of Americans who will lose their current healthcare insurance policy could reach well into the tens of millions.
Gee, it's not Obama's fault, he never read the bill. ( sarcasm emotocon here )
Dropping the personalities for a minute, ( please, they're greasy ) And the Party Politic, there are a few things that are just simple math and rational business sense.
If your insurance covers aromatherapy, it's going to cost more.
The new law calls for coverage you were not paying for before, as well as the cost of "free" services that will be "completely covered". As noted above, if Birth Control is Free, then everyone pays for it. That's true no matter what the item/service. If the law calls for free viagra, then the insurance company pays for the viagra, and that cost is built into the overall policy cost.
What should insurance cover? You can argue that all day. But you didn't have to argue about the basic stuff and you could buy the the plan of your choice. ( with stupid, arbitrary, and actual market available limits )
But. Each State, and the Feds have kept making more and more mandatory. When more stuff is mandatory, it costs more.
We/They justify each additional thing as something that would be nice for everyone to have. And there's a lot of grey area.
What about Plastic surgery? Fix that nasty scar? boob job? sex change? tummy tuck? Elven eyes? where do you draw the line? People ask for more, and the politicians give it to them by changing the law so more is mandatory. Politics. They had this problem in Rome.
That's why the prices are going up. Nothing to do with the Insurance companies, it's the math.
In fact that's why the prices HAVE been going up for years, as regulation made it so.
Which made insurance expensive...... so the politicians could justify making it......more expensive. Irony.
That's the insurance cost rant.
The ACA is a freaking disaster for so many reasons, but the above is just the math.
What the motivations of the players is, that's quite arguable.
"Liberal" used to mean equal rights, honest government, worthy causes. There's a split between "leave people alone libertarian", and the do-gooder folk. The do-gooders aren't bad people, they do stuff that leads to Public Radio and Art shows. No one notices the Libertarians until they come for the guns.
Now the right wing radio guys use Liberal like a curse, since the Progressive/marxist/psuedo intellectuals stole the name. ( for obvious reasons, Liberals were the mushy headed good guys once )
So, Liberal, Hawk, fiscal conservative, and soundly Counterrevolutionary.
I don't have the answer, as most do not but it is blatantly obvious that ObamaDontCare should re-written immediately.
I heard it is gonna be fixed by end of November... does that mean those folks that lost their existing insurance.. will they get it back? Seems like that should be part of the so-called "FIX" too don't you think?
...it is blatantly obvious that ObamaDontCare should re-written immediately.
I think we're on the same side here, but I disagree with your statement. With all due respect, ODC should be SHITCANNED immediately - we do NOT live in a country where the federal government is supposed to have the power to force us to buy a product. It's just that simple.
ODC was misrepresented from the get-go (not suprising, considering the man who was "selling" it), and the fears of conservatives from the get-go have proven to be well founded.
But that's not the worst of it, IMO. If the government can FORCE you and I to buy THIS product, it sets an ominous precedent, one that easily paves the way to being able to force us to buy (or do?) ANYTHING.
I repeat: This is NOT the system of government intended by our Founders and so eloquently, yet simply, enumerated in the Constitution.
I'll pause in my rant for a moment to reaffirm that I'm not yelling at you, as I think we're on the same side of this issue. I'm just venting in general, and I hope you take it my rant as such.
Cure? Simple: Return to our Constitution. It's really just that easy.
No, we can't suddenly flip a switch and eliminate all our federal entitlement payout overnight - anarchy would be the obvious result - but we can certainly begin implementing the changes, in small, bite-sized increments - we need to take to put our country back on solid financial footing. Paul Ryan is a financial policy wonk, and I posted-up a fair amount of stuff from him prior to last November's fake election. Fixing our economy is not rocket science - it's basic math, combined with sensible budgeting, just like any of US have to do to navigate successfully through life.
Progressives (note to Hoot: I will no longer call 'em "liberals") and RINOs are deathly afraid of the concept of Constitutionism continuing to gain traction, for obvious reason: Returning to the Constitution takes power and control away from them.
This reality, of course, is by design. The Framers WANTED it that way, and for damned good reason.
Sadly, men of power have usurped the Constitution badly over the intervening years. These men (and now, of course, also women) CRAVE the power and lifestyles they have, living like frikkin' celebrities on OUR nickel, and micromanaging our lives to a level that would make King George green with envy:
Progs and RINOs are SO afraid of Patriots and patriotism making a resurgence in this country, they're taking unprecedented steps to demonize us in the media, accusing us, among other things, as being anarchists.
Question to all y'll to call us anarchists or subversives or worse: Do you celebrate Independence Day? If so, WHY? (predicting crickets...)
The solution to our problems is simple, although the cure can't happen overnight: Return to our Constitution.
The politicos who align themselves with the Tea Party are really just pure Republicans - they're espousing a set of ideals in line with the Founders, and in lockstep with what the Republican party is SUPPOSED to be all about.
Sadly, most of the Republican party is corrupt these days, and they feel threatened (rightly so) by a TRUE Republican, and are joining the Progs to demonize us in very vile and heinous fashion imaginable.
Put another way, they are putting THEIR interests ahead of their country.
This, of course, is quite contrary to the spirit of our nation and its founding.
Folks who support 0bama and 0bamaDontCare? Same story: They're selling their soul, in return for something.
It's funny, in a maddening, non-hilarious sort of way, that folks like me are presently being painted as racists. Here are several men I'd vote for for President in a heartbeat, no questions asked:
I've never met a conservative, in person or online, who is a racist. NEVER.
And yet, we're being vilified as such, by the left and the so-called right, because it's about the only tool they have left in their arsenal. They are AFRAID of us. They are AFRAID of losing their power and prestige. They are AFRAID of being exposed for who they truly are.
They aren't the government of the people, for the people, by the people.
They're the government of the government, for the government, by the government, and they do NOT want to let go.
They own the media.
Hell, they own our very lives.
And everything they do is designed to take the rest of our God-given and Constitution-reaffirmed power as freemen and freewomen away, one right at a time. Why? Because THEY want it all, and will do anything and everything in their power to accomplish this goal.
Not much different than ol' King George, I'm thinkin.'
However, we will have to compromise, if ODC is scrapped, something will probably have to replace it to satisfy all (most) Same thing if it is re-worked, a compromise. Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Sebelius will do anything and everything to keep the legacy going.
I like your list. Don't know Jackson or Davis. However, Rice would be a slamdunk IMHO.
More folks like Dana Loesch, I'd also like to see Jon Taffer straighten some of the administration out. White House Rescue?
I like your list. Don't know Jackson or Davis. However, Rice would be a slamdunk IMHO.
E.W. Jackson is presently running for Lt. Gov in my home state of Virginia. Easy to find stuff about him on the 'net (hint: use https://startpage.com/ as your search engine).
Warning: Most of the stuff you'll find on Jackson from the left is vile and heinous.
I posted-up quite a bit of stuff on Artur Davis on the President Zero thread prior to the fake election last November. He's a former high-ranking Democrat, who quickly saw through 0bama's BS after he was elected and became so disgusted with the Democrat party that he changed his political affiliation to Republican.
I'm a little surprised we don't hear more about Mr. Davis in the "news." On the other hand, outspoken conservative blacks are like Kryptonite to Superman to the progs, and it's easy to imagine that Mr. Davis has been asked, in some way, shape or form, to keep his mouth shut.
Shame if it's true. We need MORE conservatives speaking out in this country, not LESS.
Dream ticket? Cruz/West, or West/Cruz. We could easily begin fixing this country inside of their first term, and their second term would be like icing on the proverbial cake.
Re: your compromise comment, I concur. It's what politics is all about (I guess the White House never got this memo...).
BUT: If compromise means socialized medicine (or socialized ANYTHING), count me out.