Just got done with our 2800 mile trip in the 911! So that means now I can start focusing a little more on prepping for winter.... Oh yeah! I'm ready to get back in the snow!
I edited down Trip 6 and 7 this weekend from last season.
Sometimes it's fun to drop these at this time of year. As the first snow falls, it's the heart of tweener season, and a person just dies to find any footage of riding.
So please enjoy trips 6 and 7!
So It's January 27, 2018 and time for a family fun ride. Dave, Jarred and I get the kids out for some miles. Our good friend Tom comes along for the ride.
We head out of Okeson's Off Trail North of Detroit Lakes. We run this route, as we know we have good trails and plenty of lakes to run in case the snow runs thin.
We actually had a bit of sun, but mostly light snow as we make our way up through the woods, across Little Bemidji, Elbow Lake and on up to Pinhurst Resort.
Steve joins Dave, Anna and I for a rip on Feburary 17, 2018.
We start out cloudy, but roll into Pinehurst Resort with the sun poking through. After a quick lunch we come out to bluebird skies!
We make our way across White Earth State Forest to Hoot Howl Resort for a bump and then back to our drop site, Elbow Lake Store. By the looks of things, we were not the only ones with this great idea!
I have been on a roll making mountain trips the last couple weeks. Supposed to head to wisconsin with the woman this weekend, but sounds like the warm weather trashed the little bit of snow they had last week... so may have to postpone that trip 😕