I see threads pop up now & again about certain films coming out, "Pacific Rim" for example. (btw when I saw the thread title I thought it was about certain activities being indulged in on the west coast)
Anyway, I've been seeing posters up here for the new "Lone Ranger" flick starring Johnny Depp, & I reckoned it was about time we had a clearing house for new movies.
So, who's seen it & is it any good?
What else is out recently that you might comment on? Worth seeing or don't bother, etc, give it a 1-5 * rating if you can.
A little bit off topic, a short film not a movie. But I just had to share. I apologize for the subtitles but this was the one version I found on youtube without a spoiler in the title.
I LIKED the new "Lone Ranger" movie. Technically, it should've been subtitled "Tonto's Story" because the whole story was told from his point of view. I thought it was very well done.
It kinda/sorta reminded me of the "Green Hornet" remake, in that the sidekick was the real brains behind the team. I'm not sure if that was the plan because, ironically, the Green Hornet was actually the descendant of the original Lone Ranger.
In case you weren't paying attention, the Lone Ranger was "John Reid." The Green Hornet was "Britt Reid." Look it up if you don't believe me.
I loved Tonto's explanation of what "Kimosabe" meant, too...
Coincidence notpurples2. I just watched that short with Thomas Jane for the second time a couple days ago. He was great in the Punisher role. They should make a Punisher2 with Jane with a feel like that short film.
Back on topic...I haven't seen many new movies lately but, I have been catching "The Bourne Legacy" on TV lately. Great movie AND great bike chase scene. Maybe the best I've seen in a while.
Just finished a documentary last nite, "The Queen of Versailles"... overall kinda depressing, but very interesting as a look into how things changed for one man/family/industry after the financial collapse of '08.
Got "Django Unchained" in the queue next, looking forward to it. Once I get the hi-fi rebuilt, hopefully in the next week or so, gonna bring in "Chico and Rita"- an animated film about life in 1940's Cuba with a whole lotta good jazz... I'll report back on that one.
I haven't been to a theater in years - about the same time as when everybody starting carrying cell phones. I've rented a few foreign films with english subtitles lately and a couple I can recommend is "Mongol". Supposed to be part I of a trilogy but so far just the first installment. The scenery gets me fired up to ride a dual sport through Mongolia. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0416044/
The second is a Korean film "The Good, the Bad and the Weird". I usually think of asian films as low budget, poorly acted affairs but this movie is well done in the spirit of the best Hollywood action/adventure/western style. Horses and motorcycles, what more do you need? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0901487/
I only go to the theater for movies if it's a special effects extravaganza or a Western. Big scenery, big explosions, both need a big screen. ( and Sensurround! ) Fried Green Tomatoes may be a great film, but it works just as good on a 19" screen. ( I count Pixar animateds as Effects Films.... "Brave" was fantastic! )
Sometimes I have regret at not catching a good one in the theater. "Next" w/Nick Cage, for example, I thought very well done, and one of the best cinema depictions of psychic powers, ever. Unfortunately, it seems to have missed my attention during the 3 days it was at the theater. ( Or 2 weeks, which seems to be the standard run time before foreign DVD sales and it leaves the theater....... unless it shows that it's going to be a serious money maker. )
Strokizator, you should check out "Knightriders" a G Romero film that I hope to find in the cheapoid rack at Walmart someday. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082622/
I finally got around to watching Old Boy. For anyone that hasn't seen it, check it out. It's on Hulu right now. There's going to be an American remake starring Josh Brolin...but it's a Spike Lee film. Not going to support that guy. Warning: Old Boy is really twisted. Not for the faint of heart.
Probably my second favorite scene from a movie. I remember not being able to breathe by the end of this scene. I also couldn't even hear the dialog at one point because the audience was laughing so LOUD!
from original post: "I see threads pop up now & again about certain films coming out, "Pacific Rim" for example...What else is out recently that you might comment on? "