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| Posted on Tuesday, June 04, 2013 - 08:13 pm: |
Irs hearings are on 8:00 pm eastern c-span 2 |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 04, 2013 - 08:31 pm: |
Liberal used to mean some thing different So true. Lefties think I'm a Conservative. Conservatives think I'm a Liberal. Progressives Think I'm a Nazi. Nazi's think I'm a Liberal. ( Nazi's BTW are idiots. Many don't even realize they are Socialists, while they complain about them......Hey! Skinhead! National Socialist Workers Party! Morons. ) (Progressives....... the US version of Marxism based on the strategy of gradual takeover and destruction from within, as opposed to Euro style Marxist revolution. About a century old, this evil is built on the fact that while in Europe, the Kings & Oligarchs were an easy target for Revolution, in the United States, we already had pretty much everything the marxist promised, ( but never deliver ) and were a much harder sell on the whole Revolution thing. After all, we already HAD ours, and ours worked ) Rush Limbaugh has never caught on to the difference between Freedom Loving Liberal and Progressive Authoritarian. Glenn Beck, however, gets it. Nowadays, while I Think of myself as Liberal, I suppose I'm more properly "labeled" Rational Libertarian. Raised a Liberal, and a Libber, early on I realized that those selling social change almost always tells half the story. Example. Womens Lib. Women are humans with the same rights as men. Sounds good. ( Is good, IMHO ) The folk selling this skip the part about same rights = same responsibilities. In the Olden days, a female was supported by family until she could be married and be supported by he Husband. Now, a female hitting majority has to go work to live just like the male. There are still a few glitches in the Post Liberation days, for example, Equal pay-equal work still isn't there yet. As an example, the Obama White House, where women make 16% less than men. ( And Never get invited to Golf with the Chosen One ) |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 04, 2013 - 08:34 pm: |
| elius-childs-lung-transplant-92237.html IIRC under the ACA ( Obamacare ) The Secretary Shall..... do what she wants. I would love to blame the rotten evil #$%^& for the death of this cute little girl, ( coming soon ) but I don't have all the facts. Feel free to blame her and Barack, if you like. After all, if you live or die IS now in the Secretary's hands. It's the law, now. |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 05, 2013 - 11:05 am: |
Rein: I sat and watched the Round 2 of the IRS Harassment hearings. Some things stick out, it is partisan, one democrat actually tried to blame the witnesses, groups, Many republican law makers are adding incidents of this targeting of THEIR constituents, to the record. ( the problem is more wide spread than we are led to believe ) one of the witnesses which is a law professor, He has determined that his agency was the victim of a Felony disclosure of sensitive protected records, that has resulted in donor harrassment. The records were leaked from IRS records, that the investigation is being stone walled. etc. The Repubs, made lots of speeches, several like Paul Ryan, asked lots of questions and for any and all IRS agent NAMES, Many echoing the sentiment that some in the IRS have forgotten that they are PUBLIC SERVANTS. LERNER is complicit with much of this IMO, and many others are too. The dems seemed to be more about deflecting, bringing up supposed BUSH erra wrongs, I heard ONE Dem speaker that I partially agreed with, in that The rules need to be clear, The IRS should not be doing the tests And we need to re-think the criterion used by many orgs, as they are untraceable campaign funds for candidates The testimony was riveting, ALL IRS employees who had any thing to do with this MUST be PUNISHED, at minimum dismissal, in some cases JAIL. The sovereign rights of citizens have been violated, by a corrupt government agency that with others is out of control The house is trying to do its job. Many Democrats are trying to do damage control, time to clean house! Vote them out. |
| Posted on Saturday, June 08, 2013 - 07:06 am: |
I quit listening to Rush years ago. I'd heard everything he was going to say, and could accurately predict his reaction to the news. Also, Rush understands science like Obama understands Freedom, that is, they saw the course description, but didn't actually read it as they had no intent of following that track. Sometimes Rush is right, but he's years behind smarter folk, like Glenn Beck or Hannity. ( both have their bad sides, like Hannity's getting 2 people to yell at each other while he sits back ) ca_in_the_midst_of_a_coup_d_etat Folks, here's the thing, I guess, that gets me. I mentioned Herbert Meyer. We interviewed him for the Limbaugh Letter a few short months ago. Herbert Meyer was in the national security apparatus during the Reagan administration. He was a good friend of Ronald Reagan, and was instrumental in establishing Reagan administration policies that brought down the Soviet Union. The big news to him that's really noteworthy, we talked about it, is that he thinks that the world's coming out of poverty. And it is a big story, The Economist in London had a big story on it recently. We mentioned it to you, and it's a great testament to capitalism. It's not socialism, it's not welfare, it's not compassion and it's not the redistribution of wealth. It's not high taxes that are bringing people out of poverty. It's capitalism, and none other than a leftist publication in London had to admit it. Well, Herb Meyer was the first to sound this notice some months ago. I also mentioned he wrote a piece that currently is in the American Thinker earlier this week, and it had the potential to be controversial because he used Adolf Hitler and Nazism in it, and it was his way of explaining, he made a point in the piece that nowhere, you know, people looking for a smoking gun to nail Obama on all these scandals, Herb says, "Ain't gonna be one." He said whether you believe it or not, there is not one document linking Adolf Hitler to the holocaust. Adolf Hitler never put it on paper what he intended to do. There is no smoking gun. And yet what happened? We know that the Nazis engaged in the Holocaust. Herb Meyer's point was that the people Hitler hired didn't have to be told. They didn't have to be given instructions. All they had to do was listen to what Hitler was saying. All they had to do was listen to what his objectives were. And he said the same thing's happening here with this administration. He went to great pains to say: I'm not calling this administration a bunch of Nazis. I'm just using this as an illustration. I know people will get my point if I use something this notorious, the Nazi regime. It's a point that I've made here about the IRS. They say, "Well, you can't link it in to Obama." You don't need to link Obama to it. He hired these people. Lois Lerner and everybody at the IRS who's doing this is doing everything they can to please Obama. There's not gonna be a smoking gun, but you don't need a smoking gun to know where this administration's doing what it's doing. Obama puts people in positions that mirror him. Eric Holder, you name it, they're doing Obama's bidding. Everybody. Susan Rice and Samantha Power, they are Obama, and there's a context for what's happening. Herbert Meyer, if I may quote him again, asserted that essentially what's taking place in the United States right now is a coup, not a violent coup, and not a million artistic coup, but nevertheless a takeover of a government, and it's being done by the Obama administration. |
| Posted on Monday, June 10, 2013 - 05:01 pm: |
MORE ! prostitutes-drug/2013/06/10/id/508999?s=al&promo_c ode=13C77-1 |
| Posted on Monday, June 10, 2013 - 08:07 pm: |
Are you telling me the State dept. is a bunch of butt covering butt kissers? I knew that. I'm not even especially upset by the NSA "scandal", although I give the whistle blower the lifespan of a gnat when the publicity ebbs. Still, we should ask our servants in the Legislature to curtail this crap. Nicely. Politely. If they don't, of course, we'll have to vote them out. ( you guys DO remember that's how it was supposed to work? )

| Posted on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - 08:40 am: |
| a-sucks-in-data-from-50-companies Interesting... I don't fear the NSA, ( shows how foolish I am ) as they have traditionally not been a domestic oppression agency. The IRS, FBI, BATF, and DHS, however, DO have a tradition of domestic oppression. Ricin? Frame your ex? Freaking lame, and a handy excuse to crack down on everyone. shannon_richardson_texas_tv_actress_charged_in_ric in_letters_case.html Then again, this could be all mistakes on LE's part. They never caught the Anthrax killer. They hounded a guy to death, but they never caught the fellow who tried to kill some Congressmen, but only succeeded in killing a little old lady and some Postal workers. Please, don't send murder through the mail. |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - 10:09 am: |
| brasi-bureaucrats-lee-habeeb-and-mike-leven The worst offense in this IRS scandal hasn’t been the manner in which conservative organizations were targeted for review and blocked from participating in two election cycles. No, disenfranchisement of conservative nonprofits wasn’t the IRS’s biggest sin; it was the “outing” of conservative donors who were promised anonymity, and whose anonymity is protected by an important Supreme Court case. Back in the 1950s, the NAACP was working hard to desegregate the South, and it was starting to gain traction in this effort. That’s when some Alabama government hacks hatched a scheme: Why not compel the NAACP to reveal its donor lists? Alabama tried it, and the NAACP declined. Alabama then turned around and hit the NAACP with a civil contempt charge, issuing a $100,000 fine for refusing to comply with state orders. Alabama’s intent was clear: to chill further donations and cut off the NAACP’s money supply. And money is the lifeblood of any corporation, even a nonprofit one. Donors to the NAACP had good reason for wanting to remain anonymous. They feared personal reprisals and worried their businesses might be punished, or worse, especially if they were white Southern donors. The Supreme Court saw right through Alabama’s attack on the First Amendment rights of free association and free speech. Alabama lost, the NAACP was vindicated, and the Court set an important precedent. Flash forward 55 years and we have an out-of-control IRS that is illegally disclosing the identities of people who donate to organizations that support limited government and traditional marriage. And the IRS outed these individuals for the same reasons that the segregationists in Alabama wanted to out the NAACP’s donors. The IRS then took things one step further and actually targeted some of those donors with IRS audits. That’s about as bad as bad can be. And when the IRS goes after you, it’s worse than when a prosecutor goes after you for committing a crime. You’re not innocent until proven guilty; you’re guilty until proven innocent. The fines start. And the penalties. And the interest. And soon, your lawyer and your accountant are pleading with you to pay some money just to make the IRS meter stop running, even if you were guilty of nothing. I suspect that many Americans — especially those who have complicated returns — would prefer a frontal lobotomy to an audit. Get accused by the government of a crime — say, robbing a fruit stand — and all kinds of rights are there to protect you, including the presumption of innocence. But when the IRS comes a-calling, everything is flipped. That’s why most Americans fear the one arm of the administrative state they know best: Internal Revenue. Because the government has all the power, and the citizen is at its mercy |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - 10:23 am: |
Don't fear the NSA data collection? You don't suppose the other alphabet agency consortium might have access to that stuff maybe?? After it's been conveniently collated into searchable databases no less. Don't you think this stuff is shared? By order of political appointee department head direction. I have no problem with the original intent of the NSA, it does concern me how it's resources will be used by the Administration that wields it. The organization memberships you hold. Everyone in your contact lists. All the data in your Cloud. All your online purchasing information. What other ether bread crumbs does the average American leave on servers every where? Even if you are a law abiding citizen, don't you think there is an awfully large temptation for the gov to abuse this information? All in the name of the children of course......or the collective good..... .......just to keep us safe. Yeah, right. A government that fears and distrusts it's own citizens should be monitored, closely. Nothing more dangerous than an animal that feels it's backed into a corner without egress. We have strayed far from of the people, by the people, for the people......... As to the label thing, I really have no idea what I a sound bite that is. I DO KNOW what I know and believe though, ultimately that is all that matters..... |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - 11:19 am: |
" a sound bite..." So true, labels are not the content. The map is not the terrain, the computer model is not the real system...... We do have to pay attention to this crap. I agree that the folk willing to destroy those who disagree with them will use any tool to do so. Knowing you visited could be very useful to a politician that thinks you an annoyance. ( like, say, if you pointed out that he lied, or used taxpayer money for personal gain ) Here's an interesting "rhyme" with Benghazi. man-spies-in-new-york.htm Because Wilson was in the middle of an election, ( sound familiar? ) he didn't want to blame the Germans for this sabotage. He was running on a peace platform, not wanting to go to war with Germany. ( an arguable policy ) So he blamed the explosions on greedy capitalists. ( sound familiar? ) Today, of course, Wilson would blame it on workplace violence. |
| Posted on Thursday, June 13, 2013 - 07:50 am: |
From a letter to Jerry Pournelle's website. ( the oldest blog on the Web. ) On the data collection scandal: SUBJ: Six lines . . . "If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged." - Cardinal Richelieu And now your every email and every board posting are available for the amusement of the Richelieus. Like many others, I believe the Republic perished last November. We are now merely being presented the conqueror’s terms. "An intelligent victor will, when possible, present his demands to the vanquished in installments." – Adolf Hitler With public outrage, the "Overton Window" now moves a fraction back to the left. But its architects are relentless. I pray good men will rebel while they still can. Cordially, John
| Posted on Saturday, June 15, 2013 - 07:30 am: |
| ted-a-single-tea-party-group-in-irs-probe-groups-s ay/ ews-confirms-sharyl-attkissons-computer-hacked/ Ms. Attkinsson has been quite brave in speaking truth to power over Benghazi and, especially Fast & Furious, the Program to make Obama's lies truth, and now owned by Obama in the wake of his Executive Priv. declaration keeping his AG from Impeachment for serial perjury. Mr. Holder has shown no signs of stopping being a serial perjurer, so unless Obama continues to insist that Holder Investigate Holder, ( quite likely ) it's highly probable that the AG will be Impeached for one Social Justice Dept. Crime or another in the months to come. Only a major change in the Senate's makeup in the next election cycle is going to allow the impeachment of Obama, and since his minions are cheerfully continuing the intimidation campaign against his enemies, despite the small amount of publicity, I have my doubts that Obama will ever see justice. ( the legal kind, not the Social kind ) |
| Posted on Saturday, June 15, 2013 - 08:18 am: |
| olitically-correct-brother-mark-steyn More a PC rant than a call for impeachment. And, well off topic, but strangely relevant.......... ourself-stupid-jonah-goldberg One of those cases where I know I'm crazy, but you folks are actually mentally ill. |
| Posted on Saturday, June 15, 2013 - 08:21 am: |
| s/the_scandalanche_the_data_mining_qZjnqkZHOs68lbs Yq4rLmN opinion piece. |
| Posted on Monday, June 17, 2013 - 09:55 am: |
Our populace has become so numb to political scandals we have ceased to care any longer. |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 11:07 am: |
Our populace has become so numb to political scandals we have ceased to care any longer. Please speak for your self....... At present there is not much any ONE person can do. Come Election Time, I think you will see a change, If you are right Hillary will be the next president( or biden ) and this country will be destroyed. OR The "democrats" [ socialist traitors ] will be voted out of office, CONSERVATIVE candidates will be put in place. obama care will be repealed and hopefully some folks at IRS will be fired and some will go to jail. I hope that this time the repubs remember why they are in office, and what needs to be done. I hope that there is result from Chairman Issa's various actions, specifically punishment for officials who have purger-ed or violated the laws of this country. Repeal of the pat act, and a general house cleaning. Other wise the whole of the hearings and scandals has been political theater and the "great experiment" has failed ......... |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 12:37 pm: |
The Republicans need to take control of the Senate in the next election while maintaining control of the House. That will be the only thing that makes me think this country hasn't sold it's soul to hell. |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 01:26 pm: |
I (personally) have an easy time voting for fiscal and constitutional conservatives. I have a hard time voting for many Republicans. (yadda yadda yadda, I know, lesser of two evils, etc). |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 01:30 pm: |
I don't like any of them really but right now I just want to do anything that will limit Obama's ability to ruin everything. |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 02:55 pm: |
I (personally) have an easy time voting for fiscal and constitutional conservatives. I perhaps Misused Republicans, I have yet to see a Democrat [socialist traitor] be a conservative, Most Repubs are, Darrel Issa R-CA, Trey Gowdy R-SC Paul Ryan R-PA(?) Louie Gohmert R-Texas John Bohner R-Ohio There are more.... Dems, Reid, Pelosi, Finestine, Boxer, Rangle, Schumer, Frank, Weiner..... I have to vote to REMOVE as many dems as possible, there are few Blue dogs left, (Mike McIntyre is one) and there are more Rhinos than ever( John McCain ). Funny We NC have 1 dem and 1 rep, for the most part I agree with the repub ( not always voted FOR the internet sales tax), The Dem she makes inexplicable choices including voting for obama care, netsales, carbon emissions tax, Gun control ( the list goes on and on) Most of her decisions I dis agree with, So its in my best interest to vote against her.. Either way The obama-files MUST GO |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 09:02 pm: |
Reepicheep, I understand not liking "Republicans". It's not the real human being citizens you are upset with, is it? If you are anything like me, ( you poor bast55d ) it's the "establishment" leadership that turns you off. These guys that run for office, some with the highest of motives, get corrupted by a system, setup, tweaked, and modified to give those in power as permanent a power as they can. ( without obviously violating the law... and in Obama's case, without fear of being prosecuted for doing so, when it comes to foreign "donations" ) The "Country Club Republicans" deserve your ire, and contempt. ( no matter that it's the same club that the Dems play golf at ) People who have been in D.C. for decades, like for example John McCain, are now wiling participants in the games and power plays. I'd be perfectly happy if the entire Rep. leadership was lost at sea. ( I'd be ecstatic if the Dem. Leaders with with them on that cruise ship. ) Preferably one from that line that keeps losing power and has feces running down the corridors. ( but I can be a bit cruel ) Now, there are some who buy the party line that the Tea Party people are crazy rednecks. And, that line comes from both parties. I'm sure that some in the "tea party" are crazy rednecks. How does that make them different than the rest of Congress? But the idea of fiscal responsibility and reducing the intrusion into your life seems to be the heart of the matter. note, I'm not in that tea party, since I live in NY, and must have declared party affiliation to vote in primaries. I will listen to them, if they make sense. after all, as M Bachman says, "I'm not a witch." |
| Posted on Thursday, June 20, 2013 - 08:09 pm: |
| 3054.html rnalist-records-called-chilling Blackmail, intimidation, threats, violence, murder, of the Press and Opposition.. All signs of tyrants. How many of the above list has happened in the last, oh, 3-4 years? Imaginary cookies for the correct answers. Please cite references. 2652/wikileaks-says-michael-hastings-contacted-it- just-before-his-death-are-they-implying-he-was-mur dered/ s-hastings-said-he-was-being-investigated-by-fbi/ Sometimes these things are just a coincidence. Like Hillary's lawyer's "suicide" with a gun not on the books since 1934, that he did not legally own. I'm not on the Princess Diana conspiracy list either, nor any of the Kennedy ones. Or 9/11, Barry Dunham's birthplace, Flight 800, or the rest of the grand conspiracies. My favorite ones, ( crazy conspiracy ) are the classics, like the Nazi Antarctic Saucer base, and the Ancient Astronauts. I don't believe either for a second, but they at least have a cool sci-fi, X-files vibe, and they've been around long enough to be tropes in the tabloids. ( which I also won't read, except for the covers at the supermarket. ) You have to be careful not to believe everything you hear, and paranoia, while a survival trait not to be sneered at, seems inappropriate in a world actually at war. If the IRS hearings had not had a succession of lies from highly placed & very well paid people, in that the fingers were pointed first at a few "rogue" operators, and the succession of revelations that it was in fact an institutionalized effort, directed by D.C. and to this very day, SOP at the IRS. ( No correction of these actions is even contemplated, apparently. ) So the proven fact that "they are, after all, out to get you" is not a happy thing. On a completely unrelated note to politics, The Wallenda family used to practice at my great Aunt's farm a generation ago. Ran a wire from the Barn to the House. ( She was "dating" one of the Wallendas, according to Mom. ) The clan would summer there, and did for years. -grand-canyon-high-wire-201220347.html |
| Posted on Friday, June 21, 2013 - 08:36 am: |
| ion-required I may have to get this one. |
| Posted on Friday, June 21, 2013 - 02:35 pm: |
| ity/in-syrian-chemical-weapons-claim-criticism-abo ut-lack-of-transparency/2013/06/20/fa799e6e-d925-1 1e2-a016-92547bf094cc_story.html Interesting. A few points worth noting. The UN Inspectors have not been allowed into Syria, and they say they cannot verify the Sarin attack claims without direct involvement. While that seems like a cop out, it's really not. If your neighbor hates you and tells the police you are a cannibal killer and he's got proof, they are foolish to arrest you without an investigation. Sarin degrades with exposure to air and sunlight. Lots of both in Syria. Getting samples today for an attack 2 weeks ago is problematic. ( VX, OTOH is persistent, and collects as an oily film where washed by rain. You can drop dead turning a doorknob months after a VX attack from invisible residue on the bottom of the knob. ) The UN Inspectors on their return to Iraq did not find Chemical weapons where they had found them shortly before. They were missing. Over 10,000 tons, missing. We know now that much of the weapons were sent to Syria, to keep them from being found. Syria also has it's own Chemical weapons production facilities. We just don't know how good they are, since Syria won't allow UN in. For a couple of real good reasons, the UN won't sign off on a strike on Assad. 1. The probability of false accusations are ridiculously high. The "Rebel" forces have among them people who lie all the time. The UN knows this, though they can't admit it. 2. The probability of Obama lying to them is ridiculously high. By this point everyone who isn't an idiot knows he lies all the time. The UN knows this, though they can't admit it. 3. Putin Knows both these things, and he'll say whatever he wants, and he'll veto the UN. |
| Posted on Sunday, June 23, 2013 - 08:16 am: |
| gium-announced-after-accusations-soliciting-undera ge-prostitutes_736922.html How many times does someone have to provably lie to you before you stop believing them? |
| Posted on Friday, July 19, 2013 - 08:21 am: |
| s-officials-washington-ordered-special-scrutiny-/ To reiterate, Benghazi is still a case of abandoning folk to be killed. We still don't know for sure that it was another Obama gun running program since we can't hear any witnesses. General officers were canned. Obama went to bed, to be fresh for his fund raiser. "deal with it". And today Obama is counting on his pre paid race riots to keep you from asking questions about the last 5 treasonous acts. |
| Posted on Sunday, July 21, 2013 - 09:21 am: |
| -administrations-race-baiting-campaign-andrew-c-mc carthy He who used hate to gain power is evil. It's sorta the definition. |