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| Posted on Thursday, January 10, 2013 - 04:05 pm: |
Hoot- good on ya to be concerned about Frogs... I think he's living life OK so far- he owns more Buells than anyone I know, and has a pretty pony too. I claim him as a bird of similar feather, friend, and fellow rider- I suspect he's got a pretty good grip on the good life. Just with a warped perspective... which, in my experience, is more accurate than most. I really appreciate this thread, BTW- we benefit from such progressive dialogue. (Yes, pun intended- going forward...) |
| Posted on Thursday, January 10, 2013 - 04:07 pm: |
Good to hear. Thanks. I've already lost a friend a fellow Bueller to suicide. I don't want to lose another. |
| Posted on Thursday, January 10, 2013 - 04:36 pm: |
"The best solution is putting a bounty on liberals. Send them to their natural envions Calif NYC Chicago Detroit etc. Once there they cant infest the rest of the country." Please no! I live in the Detroit area, we have enough. |
| Posted on Thursday, January 10, 2013 - 05:46 pm: |
These two statements are related. Lack of empathy is a hallmark of the psychopath. I hate to pick on a fellow BadWeb member, but if you want to prevent psychopathic killings, at what point to you call in the "pre-crime" division? You can ban weapons all day long, but you are dealing with a symptom, not the disease. If you aren't comfortable with labeling, and dealing with potential psychopaths, I can understand that, but realize that you are effectively saying that we need to tolerate a certain amount of these psychopathic killing sprees in the name of freedom. Honestly, I would be in that camp, I just have my doubts about many people being willing to be honest about that. |
| Posted on Thursday, January 10, 2013 - 06:32 pm: |
Re: Video games. I have been addicted. In my case Mechwarrior (4, but I've played them since they were miniatures games ) I actually worked up to 12th rank, going for top ten when I read my stats on hours played. Went cold turkey. I still play, but not online, not RPG's and usually not total time suck games, like WOW or other MMORPG's. I stick to Halo, some race games, and Borderlands ( a real time suck, but I only play with a buddy on the Xbox. no solo play ) Does violent video games desensitize? Yes, somewhat. I never play games like GTA where you shoot women and innocents. Occasional bouts of shooting Nazi's and Terrorists, mutants, zombies, And aliens, Lots of aliens. It is a deliberate choice on my part not to play games where I shoot women and children. The Xbox controller sure doesn't do a thing for my shooting skills, probably hurts them. FPS games do teach a little about shoot and move, the need to reload, and situational awareness. So IMHO Vid games are not utterly irrelevant to shooting skills and attitudes, but they are no way the cause of these massacres. Most cases seem to have the following in common. Psychiatric drugs. Gun free zones. Guns illegal for the person to own. ( age or criminal record ) Upper middle class parental neglect. Not all of the above apply. The Webster NY Ambush murderer wasn't in a gun free zone, for example. I don't know about his use of drugs, and I don't know about his Mom. He murdered her. ( and had done time for murdering his Grandmother with a hammer... so GUNS have diddle to do with him ) He also didn't have legal access to firearms, and used a 22 year old neighbor girl to purchase them. Her court experience has just begun, and I shudder to think of the possibilities of how and why. It's going to be very ugly. Not all cases of massacre/suicide are drug or bully or all anything. They are not all Goth, not all outcast, not all teens or young adults. They all decided, somehow, to murder their way to death. In some cases it really was a case of "I'll show them!" but I doubt we've plumbed the depths of broken souls. The use of Psychiatric drugs is on the rise, big time, and long term exposure to ADD drugs may just beginning to show up. I fear we've not seen the strangest stuff at all. |
| Posted on Thursday, January 10, 2013 - 06:42 pm: |
quote:You should get some help Froggy. And I mean that with all sincerity. Life is worth living.
Yep I've been getting help, but there is only so much they can do, but I am quite a different person today than I was back during my adolescence. On the surface I appear to be fairly normal, as I have a good job, loving girlfriend and family, pay my taxes, obey the law, etc. It is when people start to converse with me is when they realize that something is off, but luckily most just brush it off as me being weird.
quote:I read in a business law book once that sociopaths and CEO's have a scarily similar psychological profile
I've heard that too, but I guess my morals are the reason I'm not rich then.
quote:There are certain things about video games that can be carried over to real life
Indeed there are, I won't directly dispute your list as it does have too many variables, but I will say that the general idea gets conveyed. I'm not a gun nut, but I do know a bit about guns, mostly from games and movies. I do know some things like holding still gives an more accurate shot, couple quick taps on the trigger instead of holding it down, etc. If I was to go on a killing spree basic knowledge like that would help, but that is about the same as saying I watched and studied some Rossi videos and now I can ride like him.
quote:Not to mention the fantasy factor. It can cause a rush, killing online. A rush that can become physically addicting.
Indeed it can be addicting due to the way how our brains are wired, and like you mention there are people that take things a bit extreme. I do know of a few rare cases of people actually dieing due to video games, mostly disputes that get settled offline, and some guy in Korea who was marathon playing Starcraft to the point he literally died. I personally have done a few 20 hour sessions of World of Warcraft, but these days I just don't have the time to commit to something like that anymore.
quote:I'm not saying blame the video games, but I'm not saying look right past the possibility of the game being an influence to the right mind.
The thing is, if that right mind was influenced to do something based on a video game, they would just as easily do that same thing because the saw The Rock do it on WWE, or they saw Stallone do it in his latest action flick.
quote:I don't want to lose another.
You never know, I might get invited into the 27 club!
quote:You can ban weapons all day long, but you are dealing with a symptom, not the disease.
Exactly. Not having a gun wouldn't make someone not want to kill someone, even if guns never existed they still would find a way. A quick trip to Home Depot can get you all the ingredients to make something dangerous.
quote:realize that you are effectively saying that we need to tolerate a certain amount of these psychopathic killing sprees in the name of freedom
I agree with that. I hate to see something ruined for because of a bad apple, especially when those bad apples can be easily identified in their youth and to a certain extent treated. |
| Posted on Thursday, January 10, 2013 - 06:50 pm: |
quote:It is a deliberate choice on my part not to play games where I shoot women and children
Hey now thats just sexist! Also there are no children in the GTA series. I can't name any game that lets you kill kids, I remember being agrivated in Skyrim, the kids are among the few that can't be killed. Little piece of crap insulted me, I wanted to shove my axe up his ass Still I love how you said you don't play time sucks then go on to mention one of my favorites, Borderlands
quote:Most cases seem to have the following in common. Psychiatric drugs. Gun free zones. Guns illegal for the person to own. ( age or criminal record ) Upper middle class parental neglect
You have me pegged |
| Posted on Thursday, January 10, 2013 - 11:44 pm: |
Oh, Borderlands! you farm guns.... bajillions of guns. Ok, Can't recall a kiddie killer game.... maybe "Postal" I'm still a game addict, I just ration myself... a little. Sexist? Sure. I'm a libber and all that, but it made no sense to shoot Strippers or Prostitutes. I respect them so much more than Congress. I don't know if I have you pegged.... maybe thats just the Bell Curve. I'm part convinced that the 24/7 media blitz you get for a massacre is part of the reason they happen. You see some guys face on tv every hour, every day for a month or more.... I'm actually surprised we haven't found suicide notes claiming to be going for the record.... |
| Posted on Thursday, January 10, 2013 - 11:57 pm: |
I lost two family members and a close friend to suicide. Another close friend is in the process of slow motion suicide via alcohol, which in a lot of ways is the worst of the four. Anyone can call me any time... I don't want to loose another friend of family member. No judging, just someone to listen. |
| Posted on Friday, January 11, 2013 - 08:51 pm: |
Serious problem, suicide. Not just the massacre/suicide of "death by cop" crap that generates so much press. ( and is the reason for this thread, and many others, web-wide. ) The people left behind are the ones that suffer. You can't help but wonder if you had just tried a little harder, if you had only paid attention, if you'd just called them and talked, if you hadn't lost touch so much, if you weren't so busy..... If only.... some of the saddest words. |
| Posted on Saturday, January 12, 2013 - 12:05 am: |
If your expecting responsible action or opinion from the pysch proffessionals your depending on a broken leg! That world along with the media types are the one of the largest groups of the mentally ill. Media people are basically untreated Psych people are treating themselves. Examples Psych community in UK wants to defend and promote pediphilia as a sexual orientation and the media types usually end up jailed or dead by suicide. Ever meet a happy liberal ? I dare you to find one! Being incapable of running thier lives they want to run others. Example Bloomberg wants to limit doctors proscribing pain meds in the hospitals. Reason your pain will prevent some one on the street from stealing your meds ! In the hospital. I am not sure if Bloomberg needs a lobotomy or has already had one. |
| Posted on Saturday, January 12, 2013 - 03:15 am: |
quote:The government is afraid of the guns people have because they have to have control of the people at all times. Once you take away the guns, you can do anything to the people. You give them an inch and they take a mile. I believe we are slowly turning into a socialist government. The government is continually growing bigger and more powerful and the people need to prepare to defend themselves against government control. - Timothy McVeigh
quote:If you see something, say something. - George W. Bush
| Posted on Saturday, January 12, 2013 - 06:56 pm: |
| .htm It's a real shame that McVeigh didn't express his concerns for the destruction of our nation in a positive way. Once you go to terrorism, I don't care what your cause is, you suck. When you target women and children, ( as the Islamofascists do ) or just don't care who dies as long as you make a spectacle, you violate any honor you may have had. I won't even discuss your cause in context with your actions, it's an automatic lose. The fact that the dead guy Buellinmike quotes is essentially correct in THAT QUOTE, does not change that he sucked. After all Stalin, Mao, and many other evil mass murderers have said things that are true and/or make a lot of sense. Mao's work on asymmetrical warfare is noteworthy. As is his distinction of being the a999hole who murdered more people than anyone on the planet. Ever. Heck even Bill Clinton, and Barack Hussien Obama don't lie ALL the time. Otherwise they'd never get the burger they want. re: the GW Bush quote. That was about terrorist acts. Still, I think a tiny bit chilling. For the full freeze, you gotta admit Barack wins. Things/ nt-obamas-report-your-neighbor-program-the-executi ve-branch-has-your-info-forever/ ll-for-informants-if-you-oppose-obamacare-the-whit e-house-wants-to-know-about-it/ -attack-watch-website-to-help-supporters-fight-bac k/ Now you too can report anyone who disagrees with the current ruler. After all, if you disagree, you must be lying, right? |