But we can dream, can't we? Considering that they just won an election based on the "fact" that I'm a racist, sexist, zionist/anti-semantic (pick one) superstitious, homophobic pig that does not know what is his/her economic interest one would think they would want to provide me with a homeland well away from them.
Hey, I got an idea! How about Texas gets independence & Porto-Rico becomes a State? Porto-Rico already "blue" in the sense that the net flux of resources is in & now that coaling stations no longer needed and firing range is closed it is totally useless real-estate. Think of the fortune we could save on flags if we keep the number of states static
I wonder what would happen if TX did secede, would the US have the military to fight them? TX might stand a better chance now with the military cuts being proposed than back during the civil war era. Throw in some other states, and the US wouldn't stand a chance.
I and many others want that govt back. Right now we feel enslaved and oppressed by the federal govt.
The union forged in liberty expressly to defend our God-given unalienable rights to freedom and the personal pursuit of happiness has been progressively obliterated.
If Obama has his way, religion will yield to state.
How can any God-fearing American support such blatant tyranny???
Are you okay with the govt forcing Americans against their longstanding deeply held religious beliefs to accept that homosexual partnerships be viewed legally identical to marriage, and that religious institutions be forced to offer medical insurance that covers contraceptives and abortifacients?
Are you for the rule of law or the rule of men?
Anything other than strict adherence to the rule of law as written and as intended is tyranny.
I'm just fine with Obama as pres. I would not have been excited about Mitt BUT I wouldn't be talking succession.
The question of succession was decided a long time ago in a very violent manner. Fortunately we moved beyond.
As far as gay marriage, I'm all for it. America used to find some forms of marriage between men and women to be contrary to God and religion. If your religion prohibits gay marriage don't marry another guy. Simple.
Some religions are against drinking but we allow drinking. Drinking is a major revenue source for government, it is regulated and licensed by government but it is against some religions.
The question of any state seceding was answered 147 years ago. I doubt there is any change to the Federal government's stance on the subject. I understand some are disappointed in the outcome, but doubt most Texans would want to give up their citizenship because the big O has another four more years. It's not like we do not know he will be out 2017.
why not, Not like other states are safe havens for amnesty for illegals - might as well have one independently sovereign state that promotes economic growth.
Govt allowing voluntary behavior is hardly the same as FORCING people to affirm that which violates their long held deep matters of religious faith.
I could care less if any homos want to pretend that they are married or if people want to use contraception. The problem, the tyranny arrises when I am FORCED to affirm, condone, and facilitate such sacrilegious behavior.
>>> The question of any state seceding was answered 147 years ago.
For that time and its issues it was. It speaks little to our current situation. The looters, liars, fornicators, adulterers, sodomites, moochers and those who enable them have taken over America.
50,000,000 and counting of our most helpless and innocent murdered.
The fires of hell are surely coming to consume their just deserts here in America. When it happens the fools will continue to blaspheme G-d and blindly follow their chosen master.
we lost some - there were 26 that sued the government over the Obamacare bill....Sadly Washington was one of them that embraced the bill, and the emperor that is still without clothes.
The famdamily is down in Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana - we never got along; but I have always loved the food and shine.
I wonder if this Civil War will get brandished about as a racist issue too.
"As far as gay marriage, I'm all for it. America used to find some forms of marriage between men and women to be contrary to God and religion. If your religion prohibits gay marriage don't marry another guy. Simple.
Some religions are against drinking but we allow drinking. Drinking is a major revenue source for government, it is regulated and licensed by government but it is against some religions."
Agreed on both points.
Im not a homosexual, dont have an interest in starting to touch boys either. But if two men, or two women want to get married - sure, go for it. What will it actually change in my life? And yours? These homosexual relationships are already taking place, so its not like it is something new that would be happening. The only difference is they would be getting the same rights as the other citizens in our great country.
Blake - I understand your disgust with homosexual behavior, and thats ok. But I dont think youre right in thinking youre being FORCED to condone it. There are many things in this country that are taking place that I dont agree with, but I do not feel that the government is forcing me to like it.
Blake, I'll try top be clear. I see no reason why the Government should not allow marriage between people of the same sex, please stop using ugly slurs against friend so mine; it is insulting. If your chuch does not wish to preform them or condone them they do not have to. The law does not in any way say that gays have a right to force a church to marry them.
And I am alos very offended by all the seditious talk. It is uncalled for.