**GALLUP SHOCK** Romney Maintains Six Point Lead John Nolte, Oct 20, 2012
While we were all enjoying the ride while it lasted, I don't know of anyone who expected Romney to still hold a six-point, 51-45%, lead in the Gallup poll when today's numbers rolled in. But he did. This is the fifth day in a row where Romney's been at 50 or above and the fourth day in a row he's been ahead of Obama by six points or more.
...At this stage of the race, it's all about momentum and there's no question the momentum nationally and in the individual swing states is with Mitt Romney. The latest polls out of VA, FL, NC, NH, and IA show Romney leading. Colorado appears to be moving into his column and over the last 36 hours every poll out of Ohio shows major gains by Romney in what is now, undoubtedly, a tied race. Though they haven't posted it on their website yet, Democratic pollster, PPP, just released a Ohio poll showing Obama only up one, 49-48%.
Tidal Wave: The Reno Gazette-Journal Endorses Romney Michael Patrick Leahy, Oct 21, 2012
Saturday, the Reno Gazette-Journal [see below - FB], which endorsed President Obama in 2008, announced that it is endorsing Mitt Romney for President in 2012:
The Gazette-Journal recommends a vote for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney for president of the United States.
It wasn’t an easy decision. A recommendation against an incumbent can’t be taken lightly.
...In 2008, the RGJ warned that a vote for the little-known Obama was a gamble, albeit one that Americans should embrace. The country was in need of a course correction.
Based on our current fiscal condition, a still-weak economy and a Congress deeply divided along party lines, our next president will continue to face a daunting challenge, one that must be met for the good of the country. Four years later, we find ourselves in need of change yet again.
Nevada Needs A Change Now; Elect Mitt Romney President Reno Gazette-Journal, Oct 20, 2012
The Gazette-Journal recommends a vote for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney for president of the United States.
It wasn’t an easy decision. A recommendation against an incumbent can’t be taken lightly.
...Obama cannot avoid the consequences of poor decisions and misplaced priorities.
...A vote to re-elect Obama promises four more years of the same. In the two debates between the two candidates so far (a third, on foreign affairs, is scheduled for Monday), the president has shown little understanding of how his failures are affecting the nation, and he hasn’t offered any tangible proposals to change course.
...[T]he United States, and Nevada, cannot afford four more years of the same. The change Obama promised four years ago is needed right now.
...In 2008, the RGJ warned that a vote for the little-known Obama was a gamble, albeit one that Americans should embrace. The country was in need of a course correction.
Based on our current fiscal condition, a still-weak economy and a Congress deeply divided along party lines, our next president will continue to face a daunting challenge, one that must be met for the good of the country. Four years later, we find ourselves in need of change yet again.
Survivor Ann Romney Attends Breast Cancer Awareness Walk in Florida Published on Oct 20, 2012 by jackohoft
Ann Romney attended a breast cancer awareness walk in Florida this morning with Florida State Attorney General Pam Bondi. Ann is a breast cancer survivor and reportedly took time to meet with other survivors to chat and hug after the event.
For more than a year republicans in congress have refused to put President Obama's jobs bill up for a vote even though projections show it could create nearly two million jobs without adding anything to the deficit. The problem is that the $447 billion dollar bill would be paid for thru a surtax on millionaires. House republicans have voted three times to extend all the bush era tax cuts, and Ryans budget would give another 2.5 trillion to the wealthiest among us,while slashing spending on everything that isn't medicare medicaide and social security by half. To Romney and Ryan life begins at $250,000.00 a year. The only reason they have a chance of winning is that the entire middle of our county seems to be populated by Evolution denying fools that vote with their faith,not with thought.
I don't have time to list the lies you just posted.
I know you are just repeating the propaganda a millionaire paid to have pumped at you. So I'll assume you are NOT a fool or an idiot, just misled.
The House passed more than a dozen job bills the Senate won't even allow a vote on. Do you have a clue what's in those?
I see no way that Obama's bill can create 2 million jobs, when his past record on that is failure. Do you have a clue what's in HIS bill?
I AM aware that the House has voted to extend the Bush era tax cuts on everybody. ( even though the D's lied to you then that they were "only for the rich". Notice that, they lied to you then, and now they say they want to keep the cuts for the middle class that they denied existed. )
You realize that the use of class envy, and hatred of those who have more than you is a real old trick for people far richer than you to steal your stuff, and blame all their faults on others? How the heck can the Ryan Budget, ( which is only an idea on paper no one will ever vote for as is ) "give" 2.5 trillion to anyone? That's so stupid you have to see it's a lie.
OTOH, I know a guy who is convinced the planet is only 6000 years old. That Dinosaurs and cave men lived together. I'm grateful he is not a Congressman. I'm very happy he's not my boss. I don't think he's a danger to the community unless we need him to do geology, and he treats his kids well.
But that's not FAITH, that's the same gullibility that makes you think Obama can create jobs, when his record, despite his "laser like focus" over 4 years show a steady increase in people out of work.
Aes why respond to some one so delusional? Its not worth the effort Some one with so much greed jealousy and anger will never consider your logical postions.
Had a great ride today. Sunny, warm, colorful, good friends! Probably the best weekend day this fall.
Someone jumping in labeling an entire group "Evolution denying fools that vote with their faith,not with thought" isn't looking for intelligent dialog. Nothing else he said was any more factual. Time to move on.
Romney for President Houston Chronicle | Sunday, October 21, 2012
The Chronicle's backing of Barack Obama in 2008 broke a 44-year string of endorsing Republican candidates for president. Like so many others, we were captivated by the Illinois senator's soaring rhetoric and energized by his promise to move American politics beyond partisan gridlock and into an era of hope and change.
It hasn't happened. Four years later, President Obama's deeds have failed to match his words, much less his specific vows to cut the national debt by half and bring the nation's unemployment rate to 6 percent.
...We do not believe four more years on the same plodding course toward economic recovery is the best path forward for Texas or the nation. And so we endorse the Republican team, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, in the belief that they can do better by Texas and the nation.
...Gov. Romney impresses us as a focused, task-oriented problem solver, both by inclination and by experience - a "fix-it" guy.
A lot needs fixing in America, from a broken economy to a broken-down political system. Mitt Romney offers the leadership we require from the White House.
For more than a year republicans in congress have refused to put President Obama's jobs bill up for a vote even though projections show it could create nearly two million jobs without adding anything to the deficit.
} Dale I would have to ask what about Harry Reid pocketing several House budget bills ? , would it be fair to say that its partisan politics?
After N.Polosi's Famous "You have to pass it to see whats in it" comment about the health care plan you have to wonder would you vote for an onerous bill because it MIGHT create jobs? , Also the Rank and file Deomcratic members have not fallen in with the president on many of his proposed pieces of legislation this also raises questions about the contents of many of these proposals. I will Skip Dod Frank as I am not a banker but it nearly cost me my job...
The problem is that the $447 billion dollar bill would be paid for thru a surtax on millionaires. This is more of the Class war fare rhetoric that the admin has been spouting since the start of the election cycle.
Consider this
The admin had a Clear majority for 2 years in the house and senate yet all they accomplished, the stimulus.... with hundreds of fraudulent and wasteful programs (SOLYNDRA is at the top of the list) and the affordable health care act, which they raided other programs for funding AND did some questionable accounting to claim to pay for.. [ this cost ME MY HEALTH INSURANCE as the premiums went up 100% in 3 years ( concurrent with Mr O's term ) ]
House republicans have voted three times to extend all the bush era tax cuts } The senate is still majority democrat, They passed it too, so they are ok with this? or perhaps you are miss informed? It might be that the DEMS LIED TO YOU, Consider this that the nations wealthiest pay the lions share of the taxes this statement is on record as FACT..
Mr Obama's policies for the most part DON'T WORK if they did things would be improving they are not. Spend some time researching the great depression, the path that Obama proposes with the "Balanced approach" is similar to what lead to the economic collapse of the 30's and would likely do so again.
}The only reason they have a chance of winning is that the entire middle of our county seems to be populated by Evolution denying fools that vote with their faith,not with thought.
} give some though to this, IF gas is running out of your CARB do you change the plugs to fix the problem?
That paraphrases his approach. I and a number of my friends and acquaintances have reached the conclusion that what Mr.Obama is doing is not working and won't, Further His actions and those of his associates bring into question his wisdom relative to his ....
A. CHOICE OF ASSOCIATES Bill Ayres - Known terrorist ( Weather Underground )
Jeremiah Right - Ever hear the "GOD DAMN AMERICA QUOTE"?
Debbie Wasserman Shultz who has been caught in a number of outright lies and with proof at hand she stood and denied them outright.
Harry Reid, who has pocketed at least 6 house budgets. We have been 3 maybe 4 years with out a budget ( against the law ) oh and Obama's own party voted down his proposals unanimously .....
Kathleen Sebelius who violated federal election law by campaigning for her boss at a government function ( this is a felony )
The SOLYNDRA scandal where a number of WEALTHY [ RICH ] campaign donors were given a loan that the co could not qualify for the whitehouse was involved.... Thru some highly questionable maneuvering left US the taxpayers holding the bag while the RICH guys got their money out before they went under ( a violation of federal law. BTW there are over 100 failed Green energy co that have failed on our nickle... ( This is documented )
The Fast and Furious Scandal, he finally had to save Holders Arse by invoking "executive privilege"
The Ongoing LIBYA debacle HE is trying to cover the ineptitude and failure of his policies and subordinates, HE needs to be able to say Alqueda is dead, after 911 I would say not.....
The open mike gaf to RUSSIAN PRESIDENT MEDVIDEV "I will be more flexible after the election"
His comments about building COAL fired power plants will not be feasible as "you will go broke", Just how are we going to recharge all of these electric cars?
The Keystone XL Pipeline we can get the oil from CANADA, or they can sell it to China..
The lies about increased production of oil on federal lands The lies about mandates requiring all new cars to get better mpg The LIES ABOUT LYBIA 4 americans are dead and he is apologizing to the Radical Islamists....
I promise you many folks are thinking HARD about his RECORD, The Broken promises, The sealed records, the coverups, WE are doing the homework.
Dale you have a choice, evolution dictates that if a behavior that is counter to an organisms survival, and it does not change, the organism that exhibits it dies.
We are at a cross roads if we dont change the leadership and its behavior we as a nation will die ether from within or without simply put the choice is yours,
Poo-Poo me if you like there is nothing in the record of this administrations accomplisments that is compelling to me to vote for continuation, there are Numerous reasons to remove them....
I HAVE LISTED ONLY A HAND FULL the choice is yours ...
Ohio: Columbus Dispatch Newspaper Endorses Mitt Romney For President Sahit Muja, Oct 21, 2012
The Columbus Dispatch daily newspaper based in Columbus, Ohio has endorsed Mitt Romney For President on Editorial, October 21, 2012 [see below - FB].
Mitt Romney and President Obama rank Ohio as the most important swing state in the 2012 election. The Columbus Dispatch daily newspaper based in Columbus, Ohio endorsement is very good news For Mitt Romney.
For President Romney has real-world experience to lead nation out of economic malaise The Columbus [Ohio] Dispatch, Sunday October 21, 2012
After nearly four years of economic stagnation, massive unemployment, record-setting debt and government intrusions into the economy that have paralyzed the private sector, the United States needs a new direction. For this reason, The Dispatch urges voters to choose Republican Mitt Romney for president in the Nov. 6 election.
In 2008, The Dispatch warned of the problems that would result if Barack Obama were chosen as president. Noting the scant experience that Obama offered the nation in 2008 — eight unremarkable years in the Illinois Senate and less than one term in the U.S. Senate — the newspaper said:
“A resume containing so little evidence of leadership and accomplishment leaves in question Obama's ability to handle the most responsible and difficult job in the world, especially at a time when the nation faces a combination of problems so large and complex that they would challenge even the most seasoned leader.”
Four years later, the nation is in the grip of the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression.
...Obama has failed. That is why Mitt Romney is the preferred choice for president...As a career businessman and former governor, Romney brings a wealth of executive experience in the private sector and the public sector that dwarfs that of Obama. From working both sides of the government/private-sector equation, he understands how that relationship can aid or impede prosperity. His election would be an immediate signal to the private sector that someone who knows what he is doing is managing the nation’s economic policy. The effect on business confidence would be dramatic and immediate, and business confidence is the vital ingredient needed to spur investment and hiring, the two things that the United States so desperately needs.
In 2008, Americans made a leap of faith when they elevated the inexperienced Obama to the White House. That faith was not rewarded. This time, voters should place their hopes for change in experience, by electing Romney.
Gallup: Romney Holds Steady +7 Lead Mike Flynn, Oct 21, 2012
Today's tracking poll from Gallup confirms that Romney has opened a consistent, and significant, lead in the race against President Obama. After dipping a point yesterday, the poll finds Romney again leading Obama by 7 points among likely voters, 52-45. Romney even leads by 3-points among registered voters, a sample which gives Democrats an advantage. The Gallup poll has been remarkably steady since Romney surged into the lead.
Considering the source of this poll, this is stunning:
WSJ/NBC: Romney Surges, Tied with Obama Mike Flynn, Oct 21, 2012
A new WSJ/NBC poll, released this morning, finds Romney surging in the final weeks of the campaign. He and Obama are tied at 47%. Previous polling by WSJ/NBC showed Obama with a steady 3-5 point lead in the presidential race.
Full details on the poll won't be released until 6:30 p.m. EDT. Keep in mind, that WSJ/NBC has employed some of the most ludicrously skewed polling this election. Their polls have lived in the land of unicorns and pixie dust in assuming that Democrats will increase their turnout advantage over 2008. This not only defies common sense, it flies in the face of actual evidence derived from early voting statistics. Their assumption also defies virtually all polling, which consistently finds GOP voters more enthusiastic about voting this year than Democrats.
It remains to be seen whether Romney's surge in the polls is the result of WSJ/NBC adjusting their polling to something approaching reality or whether Obama is in deeper trouble than anyone realizes. If they are continuing to assume a massive Democrat turnout and the race is tied, then we are about to experience our first one-term presidency in 20 years.
Rasmussen Has Romney Up +4 Over 0bama In Swing State Tracking Poll The Right Scoop, Oct 21, 2012
While Gallup has Romney up +7 points over Obama today at 52% to 45% and Rasmussen has Romney up +2 points over Obama today at 49% to 47% in their respective national daily tracking polls, the poll I’m most excited about is the daily swing state poll out today by Rasmussen which has Romney up +4 points over Obama at 50% to 46%.
...The debate was on October 16, so it looks like Romney has started to push ahead in the swing states since the last debate.
"IF gas is running out of your CARB do you change the plugs to fix the problem?"
0 would: 1) Blame it on Bush. 2) Go play another round of golf...
Mitt Romney Has Destroyed Obama's Lead In Two Key Swing States
Mitt Romney has pulled ahead of Barack Obama in Iowa and New Hampshire, destroying the president's once -decisive lead in two key battleground states, according to a new poll from the left-leaning Public Policy Polling.
The poll, released Thursday afternoon, finds Romney edging out Obama 49% to 48% among likely voters in both states. That's a massive decline for the president, who was beating Romney 51-44 in Iowa and 51-43 in New Hampshire in previous polls.
It's about time Iowan's may be coming to their senses. I've never figured out how so many hard working decent people can vote for D's. My brother, who took over as city manager for a town that was in serious financial trouble due to poor spending decisions, straightened it out in just a couple of years. I asked him why the federal govt. should be any different than Spirit Lake? He doesn't understand. He came out of college thinking China had a good system and hasn't changed his thoughts.
Mike, it's the debates that are driving up Romney's numbers in the swing states, IMO. 0 owns the MSM, and THEY controlled the narrative on Romney, who he is and what he's about.
Until the debates.
Folks who otherwise haven't been paying very good attention are FINALLY getting to see and hear Romney with a much thinner firewall in the way, and his climbing poll numbers are reflecting that.
His spate of recent hi-perf endorsements, of which I believe will come more, should also improve the numbers for Romney in the all-important swing states.
I KNOW there are patriotic democrats out there.....although it's been a long time since I talked to one. I'm with you: How an honest, hard-working, law-abiding, America-loving American can even consider voting for 0 is beyond me.
Best, FB
Meanwhile, yet more good news, hot off the presses:
The Robbins Report: Romney Has Best Gallup Tracking Poll Numbers Since 1968 James S. Robbins, The Washington Times, Oct 21, 2012
Mitt Romney continues to out-poll every winning presidential challenger since 1968.
The latest Gallup daily tracking poll of likely voters has Mr. Romney leading Barack Obama by seven points, 52% to 45%. Mr. Romney’s total is greater than Richard Nixon’s 44% at this point in the race in 1968, Jimmy Carter’s 49% in 1976, Ronald Reagan’s hard to believe 39% in 1980 (Carter was ahead with 45%), George H. W. Bush’s 50% in 1988, and Bill Clinton’s 40% in 1992. In 2000 and 2008 George W. Bush and Barack Obama both tracked at a within-error 51%.
Tampa Tribune Endorses Romney Michael Patrick Leahy, Oct 22, 2012
On Sunday the Tampa Tribune, one of Florida's most influential daily newspapers, endorsed Mitt Romney for President in 2012 [see below - FB]:
Mitt Romney is the man who can lead the nation out of its lingering economic doldrums and restore faith in the United States.
A successful executive in the public and private sector, Romney is a committed capitalist who understands that the nation's prosperity is driven by free enterprise, not government.
Under President Barack Obama's liberal and inconsistent leadership, the country has limped along, barely a step ahead of another recession.
The deficit soared, government expanded and the prospects of more regulations and taxes chilled corporate investment...
Romney's record as a determined, detail-oriented leader who demands results strongly suggests he would find a workable middle ground in such conflicts...
Seasoned executive Romney would come to office ready to put the country on the course to more freedom and prosperity.
The Tampa Tribune, with confidence and enthusiasm, endorses Mitt Romney for president.
The Tribune joins another major Florida newspaper, the "progressive" Orlando Sentinel, which also endorsed Romney last week. Look for more major newspapers in this key swing state to endorse Mitt Romney over the next several days.
Tribune Editorial: Mitt Romney For President TBO.com Staff, Oct 21, 2012
...Under President Barack Obama's liberal and inconsistent leadership, the country has limped along, barely a step ahead of another recession.
The deficit soared, government expanded and the prospects of more regulations and taxes chilled corporate investment.
Just as we warned four years ago, this master orator has pushed "America toward a European-style social democracy."
We don't question Obama's motives. The president sincerely believes in the inviolable ability of the federal government to make all things right. But Americans should see that this top-down approach doesn't work.
Romney, in contrast, would capitalize on individuals' ingenuity, not Washington directives.
The contrast in their approaches is seen in the president's insistence on increasing tax rates for the rich so they will "pay their fair share."
But the wealthy already pay most of the country's tax bills. The richest 10 percent pay 71 percent of federal income taxes.
Any such tax increase would likely hurt small business owners, most of whom are hardly well off even if their incomes are higher than $200,000.
...The stimulus, however flawed, was nothing compared to what would follow. As Romney pointed out to devastating effect in the opening debate, with the economy still gasping and Americans desperate for work, Obama turned his attention to a monstrous health care plan full of hidden taxes and government commands.
The result outraged citizens, terrified business owners and caused an even harsher partisan divide in Washington.
...Romney's record as a determined, detail-oriented leader who demands results strongly suggests he would find a workable middle ground in such conflicts.
When he took over the faltering organization charged with putting on the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, he restored order and a sense of mission in a hurry. As governor of Massachusetts he worked effectively with Democrats.
You can trust him to fulfill his pledge to slash the overabundance of federal regulations. We expect he will tackle the growth of entitlement spending methodically, understanding caution is necessary when revising important programs such as Medicare and Medicaid.
...[W]e are reassured by Romney's history as a deliberate leader of strong conservative values who will listen to others and carefully evaluate the facts.
President Obama may have good intentions, but he is simply taking the nation in the wrong direction.
Seasoned executive Romney would come to office ready to put the country on the course to more freedom and prosperity.
The Tampa Tribune, with confidence and enthusiasm, endorses Mitt Romney for president.
O can pretend not to be a socialist (commie lite) but that's what he is. Anyone not blinded by his radiance can see it. I have taken the President's advice, and judged him by those he surrounds himself with, and those people are self described communists and socialists.
13-Year-Old Jenny Gives Report Cards to Obama and Romney Published on Oct 19, 2012 by Jenny Cantrell
Jenny is a 13-year-old 8th grader who's been interested in politics for a couple of years. She was confused about the claims of the Democrats and the claims of the Republicans. So, she decided to look at the facts and do a report card for President Barack Obama and one for Governor Mitt Romney. She compared them and now presents her findings in this video.