One of my all time favorite many "quotable" scenes. Great job of casting too. Every time I see Cary Elwes in another role though I can't help but see him as The Dread Pirate Roberts.
"To the pain" Was kinda "drug" into seeing the movie. It would have been one of my biggest regrets to have never seen it on the big screen. Absolutely one of the best movies I have ever seen
Also loved Billy Crystal and Carol Kane (IIRC) as miracle max and his wife.
for that type of movie Alan Rickman had a the BEST lines in Robin Hood prince of theives.... "I'll cut his heart out with a spoon!" with a spoon? why not with a knife or an axe?" "Because it will hurt more you IDIOT!"
In John Ringo's Novel "Ghost" a retired Navy Seal witnesses a kidnapping, pursues, engages the terrorists that took her, the terrorist leader holding her with a gun yelling "Now we will negotiate!"... The Seal mocks the terrorist, eliminates him, then cuts the girl loose from her bonds...
She asks, "who ARE you?" He replies, "The Dread Pirate Roberts... damn, I always wanted to say that." "What??" "The Princess Bride, you've never seen it?" "no" "rent it. You owe me."
"Ghost" is an improbable tale, running from adolescent violent fantasy, "the lone hero" through darker, and darker places, Not for kids, But I liked it.
The point is the Hero like many of us, draws strength and his core beliefs from his Culture and the movies we absorbed through our life.
"The Princess Bride" is on the short list for greatest movie ever. I don't believe that just one film can be "the Best" for any person, or even for one person over a lifetime, as we grow and change.
"As you wish" May be the grandest proclamation of love in Cinema.
(makes "Love means never having to say you're sorry" sound like the insipid crap it is...)
Good friend got married this weekend. Ceremony started out "mwarrig..." I heard the officiant practicing, I thought she was joking, but no, total princess bride riff to kick things off.
THAT was easily in the top 3 funniest scenes for me! As great as everything else was, this was a "sleeper" scene- almost Pythonesque... when the priest began his speech I couldn't believe it, was crying with laughter shortly after that!
Speaking of Python, who's seen "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen"? All who post here and love great movies MUST see that one!
She did the first couple of lines. There were some confused people in the crowd, and some looked like they would wet their pants. I was confused by some lines latter on about a ring being a circle, not a triangle, but that was a movie I never saw. Second wedding for me this summer with internet ministers, good friends ordained to make it legal in Vermont.