I only watched the first video posted, I enjoyed it...enjoyed it cause it made me laugh. It made me laugh how they show the extremists of the group, like a Christian has never acted out like the people in the video - rioting, causing a scene in a classroom etc
After all. Only about 200 million people think it's a good idea to murder you if it advances Islam. ( from a planetary poll ) A much smaller percentage would ever actually murder you and rape your children. But that small number, possibly under/over a million, WILL cheerfully do so, believing that it's the Will of God.
Now, there certainly have been issues with those dang Christians. The Inquisition, witch trials, the current mass subversion by Liberation Theology, and, to be sure, a relatively intolerant attitude on sexual mores and human relations.
Heck A christian might protest you getting married if you are gay! ( I'd disagree with them, but hey!, it's ok to protest, right? )
Now an Islamist, he'd hang those gay lovers, and crucify those who disagree with an Islamic ruler. But Hey, I'ts ok to murder those who disagree, Right?
Now of the fanatical, murderous religions of the last century or so, Islam can't be higher than #3, #2 at best, on the killing your own people scale of mass murderers.
Depends on if you want to break down the leftists into fascists, Maoists, and Soviets. If not, Islam is #2 with a bullet. The mullahs have a much longer history of mass slaughter than the leftists, but It's doubtful they will catch up to Mao for decades, yet. They are working on it though, Let's see what happens with Israel in the next months. ( because that's all the time that's left. )
Now for most likely to unleash a Satan Bug, that's the Greenies.
We Still don't know who used Anthrax to murder a little old lady and some postal workers.
Now an Islamist, he'd hang those gay lovers, and crucify those who disagree with an Islamic ruler.
well, that depends. Go hang out in afghanistan and see how muslims in third-world shit-holes feel about homosexuality... but, oh wait, it's not gay unless you're in love with the man you're having sex with (or the 13 year old boy you've got chained to your bed). i somehow highly doubt that afghanistan is the only country with this cultural acceptance of homosexuality.
The New World Order Many people who wish to establish a one world union believe that there are only three reasons in which war is waged:
1. Differing political ideals and laws
2. Economic gain and border disputes
3. Religious supremacy and differing belief systems
According to the Unified World believers, to abolish war and suffering, the only solution is to create a one world order, or New World Order by establishing three things:
1. One World Government, under one law
2. One World Economy, under one currency
3. One World Religion, under one belief system
Mikhail Gorbachev wrote a book in 1987 called Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World. In this book he states:
"It's my conviction that the human race has entered a stage where we are all dependent on each other. No other country or nation should be regarded in total separation from another, let alone pitted against another. That's what our communist vocabulary calls internationalism and it means promoting universal human values."
Chrislam anybody? Ever heard of Astana? Borat knows where it is. Population about 700,000. Wonder where they got the 'finance' for this little project?
Not cynical? You mean a realist? ( they can be hard to tell apart. )
So.... the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood is a Zionist plot? I have a hard time wrapping my head around that one.
Supported by Obama & his CIA? That actually makes sense.... Barry did grow up with madrassa school... That presupposes that Barack Hussien Obama isn't honest in his motives and statements.
Oh, those pesky Christians. Oh wait, sorry. Crowds of protesters committing rape doesn't happen at Christian rallies, though some of the OWS miscreants may have called themselves Christians.
Thank goodness the Muslim Brotherhood has taken over. Maybe Egypt will finally be "cleansed".
>>> Hybridmomentspass Posted on Sunday, August 19, 2012 - 10:25 pm: >>> I only watched the first video posted, I enjoyed it...enjoyed it cause it made me laugh. It made me laugh how they show the extremists of the group, like a Christian has never acted out like the people in the video - rioting, causing a scene in a classroom etc
Something I'd expect from a blithering idiot. You can do better.
Flush a Bible down a toilet or make cartoons depicting Jesus. How many riot and kill in response?
Blake, that was lie about flushing a Bible down a toilet. Just wanted to make sure that got corrected.
It's easy to pick on the Christians. For quite a while, the Christian attitude is peaceful resistance. Things were different back in the Crusades.
While not a Coptic Christian myself, my experience with them has been positive, and my only complaint a cultural one that I don't think has anything to do with being Coptic. My complaint? the "it will work if God wills" attitude very common in Islamic countries, thus my belief it's cultural. ( all the Coptics I've met are Egyptian )
I suggest you seek them out and learn about them. At current trends, the only ones left on Earth will be in America. The rest in africa will be murdered. It's going on now. Who's doing it? Islamists.
It's really simple. The worst problems of violence on the planet today are either tribal, or religious.
Many of the tribal problems were created or exploited by the colonial powers. http://worldnews.about.com/od/africa/f/tutsihutu.h tm Many problems were created by the colonial powers after WW1. That's when a lot of the planet got divided up along easily exploitable geographic lines, drawn by Europeans to divide the spoils. Sometimes with callous ignorance, and sometimes on purpose, those arbitrary lines divided tribes and put tribes long at odds in a situation of fighting for political dominance in a new, arbitrary nation. No one asked the locals where the water rights or traditional boundry's were.
England was very clever at exploiting tribal differences to keep control. To be fair the ex-brit colonies seem to be the most functional of the former colonies.
The other main violence issue on the planet is religious. There are a few intolerant faiths that have as standards attitudes I find, well, evil. Memes designed to give unfair advantage and use the weaknesses of good people.
Among the badness actively encouraged by these violent faiths are:
By any means Necessary. It's ok to lie to an unbeliever. Those who disagree must be silenced.
While the Liberation Theology disease in Christianity embraces all of those things, they are not prime tenants of Christianity. They are the foundation of the Statist/marxist/fascist faiths. In fact the Pope refers to that disease of Catholicism called Liberation Theology, "Demonic".
Face it, Christians (and I, too, am one) have done terrible things too. I think that the guy in the first video is a joke, again, showing all these negative things. But its understandable, when youre making a point you arent going to show the muslim folks living peacefully. WBC, they're Christians, are you proud of their actions? Do you think they accurately represent the faith? I sure as hell dont. Its an extreme example, but on par with the actions shown in the video above.
It just irritates me that this joker is trying to make it seem like the ad (in the program clip) is "a lie" and has to be a lie because other Muslim have done terrible things; rape, murder, inequality.
So please, go on, call me more names, I look forward to it
It's NOT that some muslims, or christians, or hindus have done bad things. That's NOT the point at all.
It's that the people who have "hijacked" the faith, are the ones who are, in fact, the leaders of it. Now, not all Muslim Leaders agree with the Wahabists, or Shia. They are, in fact, a minority. But they are the driving force behind the mass education of children, and terrorists.
They claim that theirs IS the One True Faith, and all others are not just wrong, but evil, and must be destroyed.
So this minority has long since declared war on the rest of the planet. Been going on for centuries. The death toll is staggering. They are at war, not only with Us in the West, but with all other forms of Islam.
The man who straps a bomb on and walks into a shopping mall didn't wake up one day and decide that was a groovy thing to do. He was educated, indoctrinated, and taught, week after week that martyrdom was a great thing, and that your family was a valid target for his rage.
This teaching of rage and shame happens to all those children in madrassas all over the planet. ( Our Prez went to one, and it has an effect ) It also happens to adults. Many of the Chechen Rebels were factory workers in the Soviet Union and never even thought of Religion before the fall of the Empire. After all, THAT Empire's religion is also an intolerant one.
Someday I really have to do a paper on how much the Soviet's hard handed suppression of Islam is to blame for the state of Islam today.
The wahabists will quote the exact Sura that justifies the preaching of hate, envy, and murder. You can feel free to read the Koran. ( In fact, if you find a Burton Translation in a used book store, let me know, I've loaned mine out and it's gone... ) You have to understand it's printed in order of Size of verse, but is to be interpreted by date. A later verse overrules an earlier one.
As to "other muslims have done terrible things, Rape, murder, Inequality." You don't get it. Inequality is the key. You claim to be Christian. That makes you a person of the Book. You may live in a Sharia state only if you pay a tax on your faith. I, on the other hand, am Pagan. I am to be enslaved or killed. Period. No other option.
It's not that "muslims do.... ". And "Christians don't..."
It's that the Law. Sharia, that is the duty of all muslims to obey and spread, is an OCD man created system to rule.
A deliberate behavior modification system. ( as are some other faiths... ask Tom Cruise. )
Btw, Every Christian I ask about the scam club that's the WBC, tell me they aren't Christian.
Go ask some Muslims if they think the wahabists aren't Muslim. ( some WILL tell you so, mostly Sunni. Ask. )
Don't get stuck on stupid. If you can't see the global problem with islamism and how they orchestrate their incredibly patient long term strategy, then it's easy to come across as a blithering idiot.
Educate yourself and stop playing the fool. There is no moral equivalence between Christianity and islamism, period. No amount of self loathing hand-wringing will alter that fact. Millions of Christians in N. Africa, Indonesia, the Phillipines, and now Egypt are being slaughtered by Islamists and you equate the two.
Blithering idiot is the kindest characterization of such asinine anti-Christian, blind-to-islamist totalitarianism, equivocating propaganda that I can muster.
You've been horribly misled. Wise up.
Islamism is nothing but an Arab-spun misogynistic version of Nazziism couched as religion.
"Blithering idiot is the kindest characterization of such asinine anti-Christian, blind-to-islamist totalitarianism, equivocating propaganda that I can muster. "
Remember, a Pakistani Official suggested they might want to review the Blasphemy laws. His own bodyguard shot him, repeatedly.
Certainly Christianity has had it's dark days. The Inquisition, ( the current Pope was head of the Holy Inquisition. Seems like a nice guy. ) the witch trials, ( still held in some parts of the world....) and of course, the really messed up sexual issues of the Church that led to multiple counts of child rape, and the covering up of same. ( there is a reason a certain Cardinal is in the Holy City, and not America. )
They seem to have the child rape thing toned down a bit, though I expect to see old priests murdered for quite some time as the adult survivors of that abuse succumb to the long term effects.
But I don't expect in the 21st century to see a Christian pastor call up a mob to murder a little girl for violating one of the ten commandments. Do You?
I DO expect, in 21st century America, to see 12 year old girls tortured to death by their father and uncle for refusing to marry the 50+ year old uncle. Again.
I DO expect, in 21st century Europe, to see someone who speaks the truth about the effects of 8th century social engineering to be murdered in the street. Again.
I Do expect that me even making this statement, condemns me to be murdered by a total stranger, urged on by his "pastor" to erase the Shame that I bring to his faith, by suggesting that it is not the Will of the Gods to murder your daughter, by stoning ( torture ) to death, for the crime of being raped.
While I'm sure some of my attitudes might offend Blake, I have no worries that he will call a mob of people to murder me, by beating me to death, just because I disagree with him.
That happens all the time, in Islamist countries. Most of the Blasphemy charges brought against people are because of grudges, and ( and this is fracking true. ) to punish, with DEATH, a young girl because she would not allow herself to be "seduced".. ( gang raped ) or just talked back to scum giving her crap.
These things are NOT just a tiny minority aberration of mentally ill people. This is the Holy Law that was proclaimed by the Last Prophet.
Have you READ the Koran? ( I understand it's much better poetry in arabic ) I have.
I have no idea if Hybrid is "anti-christian". Don't care, nor is it my business, what his faith may be. ( although if he shares the faith of Rev. Wright and Pres. Obama, and wants to push it, I'll gladly discuss WHY the Pope calls it "Demonic" )
Apologizing in the Alinsky Mode for Evil men doing Evil things TODAY by pointing out that some other Evil men did Evil things in the 6th century? Bogus. You can do better than that.
By the way, how do you think they are going to destroy the Pyramids & the Sphinx? ( the nose of the Sphinx got shot off by Napoleon's men with a cannon. Jerks abound in all ages )
aesquire I'll guarantee you that I am NOT anti-Christian(quite the opposite, I am, and will never turn my back on being, a Christian) I am just against people discriminating against an entire population because of some of its members.
Judge a person for what they've done, not for who they are.
Im not denying that horrible acts have been committed by people of the Islamic faith, but I hate the guys (original video) approach that since some of these people have committed violent acts then it must all be a lie that some COULD be peaceful people.
It is all about extremes. I know I am not what WBC is,and they call themselves Christians. And I am certain that many people on here would be upset if compared to that group, associated with those, well, terrorists. So I can understand how some of the Islamic faith could and would be upset that they are judged on the actions of the radicals.
I see a problem with the comparison of WBC and Christianity to Islamic terrorists and Islam. The WBC is NOT doing what is following what is written in the Bible. God does NOT hate fags. The terrorists on the other hand are doing what is written in the Koran. This includes killing infidels that don't bow to the Islamic faith. I find this to be an important difference that nullifies the comparison.
Ok, Ok, I'll do the bull crud political correct disclaimer.
Not all Christians want to kill you.
Not all Christians want to murder their own children because they brought them shame. ( ok, a little bit. Maybe )
Not all Christians live in a completely screwed up culture that is medieval... actually less functional than medieval.
Not all Christians are suicide bombers.
Not all Christians would pass their baby forward in a crowd with a bomb strapped to them to kill Jews.
There. Happy now? Feel free to substitute the faith of your choice for "Christians" in the above disclaimers.
Now, back to the subject. While "muslims" are not bad because they are muslim, "Islamists" ARE bad because they are Islamist.
Let's try that again.
Not all Germans and bad because they are Germans. Nazi Death camp Commandants ARE bad because they are Nazi Death Camp Commandants.
Get it yet?
Do you understand the difference between "muslim" and "Islamist"???
Here's a clue.
An Islamist would tell you that the President of the US, because his father was Muslim, Is Muslim.
So, either the Prez is obeying the laws of Islam, which permit him to lie about being muslim, ( actually a pretty smart thing in the context of the time. Glad to rant in detail on the subject. ) or he is telling the truth about abandoning his legal faith and is now apostate, and so, condemned to death.
There are no other choices.
Most Islamist groups seem to have adopted the attitude that Obama is just dishonest, because I don't see a lot of calls for him to be murdered by any muslim in the world as a duty to Islam. Killed for bombing Pakistan, sure, but nothing new there.
Just take them at their word... They say "we will take what is rightfully ours". They say "we will do so through war". They say that if you "are occupying their country, you should be killed". They say "one of the tenets they cannot renounce, is the Islamic Caliphate and the ruling of the world". They say "we will be masters of the world". That is when there will be peace. Yes, through war and world domination, Islam will become a peaceful religion. don't take my word for it. Listen to their words...
U.S. Embassy 'Condemns the Continuing Efforts by Misguided Individuals to Hurt the Religious Feelings of Muslims'
The U.S. embassy in Cairo released the following statement:
The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others
The statement comes after a mob of Egyptians climbed the walls of the embassy and tore down the American flag. Reuters reports:
Egyptian protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy in Cairo on Tuesday and pulled down the American flag during a protest over what they said was a film being produced in the United States that insulted Prophet Mohammad, witnesses said.
In place of the U.S. flag, the protesters tried to raise a black flag with the words "There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his messenger", a Reuters reporter said.
Once the U.S. flag was hauled down, protesters tore it up, with some showing off small pieces to television cameras. Then others burned remains.
"This movie must be banned immediately and an apology should be made ... This is a disgrace," said 19-year-old, Ismail Mahmoud, a member of the so-called "ultras" soccer supporters who played a big role in the uprising that brought down Hosni Mubarak last year.
It occurs to me, if I wanted to harm someone, I'd just start a rumor that they wipe their butts with a certain holy book.
Unless the South Park boys are involved, I suspect there is no such movie. just as no Koran was flushed at Gitmo, and people died.
Telling the truth about a religion can get you murdered. That's been true about a lot of religions for a long long time.
This admin still won't admit that the Ft Hood terrorist attack was a terrorist attack for the glory of Islam.
...Iran's FARS news agency says the film is the work of a group of "extremist" members of the Egyptian Coptic Church in the United States.
Al Ahram online says the film is reportedly being produced by U.S.-based Coptic-Christian Egyptians, including Esmat Zaklama and Morees Sadek, with the support of the Terry Jones Church in the United States.
Jones is the evangelical pastor who stirred controversy last year by threatening to burn a Quran in public.
CNN says the film in question is a Dutch production.
The AP says clips of the film available on YouTube show the prophet having sex and question his role as the messenger of Godâ??s words.
So, is this a con to whip up frenzy at the remaining coptics in Egypt?
Thank you Fb1 for this link from the thread on how a 14 minute crappy fake trailer for a non existent movie led to mass murder and "rage attacks" on Embassies throughout the mideast & Africa.
Hirsi Ali is far braver than nearly any man I know. She is under sentence of death, ordered by evil men who use religion as a tool to gain and keep power.
In a past age, those evil men with power from a faith could have been at the Vatican, at Canterbury, or Angor Wat.
None of those places, today, is a source of secular power that can call a mob to murder at whim.
The Mullahs of today can, and do.
Islam means submission.
Submission to the will of God is not, by itself, a very bad thing.
The problem is, how do you know the Word?
In Islam you know the Word from the hadithas. These are writings from after the death of the Prophet ( who, like Yogsothoth, or Voldemort must not be mentioned..... or cartooned ) by people who wanted the power he had left behind... and in some cases were actual good pastors to their flocks, trying to explain the medieval spin on a Total Quality Management Of Everything In Your Life manual, the Koran.
Posted on Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - 09:06 am:
Aesq., I read that when I got up this morning. Did you see the "breaking news" on the same website? France is shuttering 20 (all?) of their embassies in Muslim nations on Friday, in preparation for angry people looking for something to vent their anger on.
Question: Does all of this crap going on right now in the Middle East constitute our Reichstag Fire? Is all of this commotion our October Surprise, only just a little early this election onnaconna the Preezy of the United Steezy sees another term quickly getting away from him?
Didya read this morning that the Ed. of Mother Judas News admitted that the critical portion of Romney's "secret tapes" is conveniently missing, at least one minute, possibly two minutes, of the really, REALLY important stuff that Romney said, the stuff that would explain all the other stuff that he said.
Magically disappeared, it did.
The Ed. said it was a momentary camera malfunction, but not to worry, the stuff they could use to paint Romney as a, well, you know, conservative, managed to somehow survive.
Another frikkin' technical error by the left.
They seem to be doing that a lot lately.
(Oh, and Jimma the First gave Jimmah the Fourth hearty congrats for his efforts to untarnish the family name. Geez, guys, it'll take a lot more than this. Not to worry, though - the current pres has taken over 1st place...)
Anyway: Is all this manufactured stuff in the Middle East setting us up for, say, um, err, ahhhh......something??