My newest favorite quote heard on NPR. "The lower 48 states have all shown the hottest temperatures on record" Now to state the obvious.........If its Global climate change wouldnt it effect the whole globe, and not just 48 of the 50 states (or 57 according to Obama)?
57 he'd visited in his campaign in '08, one to go, and they ( the campaign staff ) "wouldn't let him" campaign in Alaska or Hawaii. ( his 'home' state, and where I'd prefer to be too. )
( and, despite all the mocking he gets for it, Obama was joking. Few in the crowd laughed, but that's typical of leftists to have little sense of humor unless it's a mean spirited kind. Obama learned from that experience. Note his humor today. Far less subtle and kind. )
BTW NPR is wrong on the weather. Too. Ask the Olympic staff how warm it was.
The former breadbasket of Africa, Rhodesia, now the basket case of Africa, no question. Nice one, indeed.
Funny how modern African leaders came out of the old communist university system, like Patrice Lamumba U. in Moscow. Like, for example on Barack Hussein Obama out of the US version of the same. Hey, ho, halcyon days. Now lets collect a few roots and grubs for dinner . . .
and, despite all the mocking he gets for it, Obama was joking.
I'm not sure he was joking at all. If he was, his timing is pathetic. If you tell a joke you need to give a pause after the punchline to allow the audience to react. A change in expression also give a cue to laugh. Can he really be that bad at telling a joke? I seem to recall that the first explanation was fatigue. Anyway, judge for yourself...
Yep. A basically angry guy, I doubt he has much practice with humor. Not in large groups. While his resume has some big gaps, ( like college grades and finances ) and we now know his Biography(s) are "composites" of what he wishes he said and wished he could brag happened, I don't recall any stand up comic work.
The timing is rushed, that's nerves. Sure, he's happy talking to groups, but grand vague generalities, and well practiced class envy rhetoric are his stock stuff. Going for a joke is a different mindset. Sure, both a comic and a pol want the love from the audience, but a comic is under more pressure in a lot of ways.
Notice the very small laugh he did get. More of a nervous twitter. for 2 reasons. The ones who "got" the joke were afraid he really DID believe we have 60 states. A little bit. The rest just don't have that good a sense of humor, and certainly were not expecting this serious "clean well spoken" guy to tell a joke. If they'd been prepped before hand by him showing humor they would have been prepared to react with enthusiasm. At an Obama talk, "right on!" is expected from a few people, and even a "tell it brother" from the few black people carefully placed on stage, but that is expected to be scripted, and the bulk of the crowd would never speak up like that. Laughing? At Obama? Not programed.
Thanks guys, every once in a while, not often enough, I get the muse. Wish I could do that in daily conversation... I guess I'd have to write an autobiography where I win all the arguments and have the good zingers. I can see the temptation to do so. ( I also can see the temptation to do Heroin, especially on creaky mornings, but refrain )
I would have thought that a guy who spent his youth "choomin'" would have had some laughs and told a joke or two. Perhaps he really is THAT bad at telling a joke though. It did give us a new lapel pin though...
The funny part here is that I said the 57 state thing as a joke because its damn funny (joke or not) that Barack Hussein Obama said it. His teleprompter should never have had him say that knowing that people would run with it, but im glad he did. Almost as funny as "selective" man made global climate change.