The media has taken notice. But rather than investigate the concerns Rep. Ghomert raises, they've launched personal attacks against him. Aren't the fascists swell?
My apologies, Hoot. The analogy infers similarity of function... A:B :: C: D, correct?
Thus the statement infers that Gohmert's work to produce "justice" is similar to Ryan's work to produce a balanced budget.
So, the analogy may be logically sound and concurrently laughable. I'd guess I'd be willing to reconsider my position if Blake can provide an example of the inferred similarity. I've have yet to see Paul Ryan engage a cabinet secretary in a shouting match.
Civil Servant HMM serve the public quit and find a private sector job before the rush. We can cut the federal work force by 70% and still get the same amount of work done. Work doesnt include reports to other folks who report to others about the meetings they had over the reports. The GSA needs to be outsourced to a real property management company that works for a ROI to the treasury the more they save and still meet standards of care the more they make.
I.e., two men with honesty and integrity, patriotic politicians who warmly embrace the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and who are working their asses off trying to save America rather than conquer America.
I agree with the about half of that in as much as it applies to Mr Ryan. I think I'd even agree that Mr Gohmert is generally an honest broker. But how does the linked video above support that assertion? Gohmert levels half-baked allegations on a cabinet secretary while in front of a TV camera, and then shouts over her because he doesn't like the response. That is... integrity...?
And Ken, putting the ad hominem attack and hyperbole aside, I agree with your larger point. I know it's sometimes hard to believe, but some of us came to DC to make a difference.
...on a cabinet secretary while in front of a TV camera...
What does the TV camera have to do with anything?
...and then shouts over her because he doesn't like the response. That is... integrity...?
I'd be more inclined to say, "...and then continues to hold her feet to the fire (which, after all, is his job) when she continually, willfully fails to answer his questions."
Yep, I'd call that integrity.
What would you do differently than Congressman Gohmert when someone is testifying before Congress and you are tasked at finding out the truth?
Coops its not working When Holder and Big Sis evade direct questions we have a problem with our gov. If this type of people remain in office the natural outcome will be enforcement of the Constituiton.
Interesting perspective. I could also see how this confrontational approach could be interpreted as political grandstanding.
If I sought information about a particular issue or incident, I would call or write the agency head and request a briefing. As a Member of Congress with a committee assignment whose jurisdiction includes oversight of the federal agency in question, I would be entitled to this information. Armed with knowledge of the issue or incident, I would be in a much better position to make a policy decision.
Please don't misinterpret my disagreement with Blake's analogy as anything other than that. I certainly wouldn't endorse anyone misleading Congress. I'd point out that Paul Ryan has had several cabinet secretaries testify before his committee, where he engaged them in productive exchanges and came out ahead in every case I can think of. I cant recall a single instance of him having to shout down a witness.
Interesting perspective. I could also see how this confrontational approach could be interpreted as political grandstanding.
So it's your opinion that Congressman Gohmert is being, um, persistant in his questioning of Napolitano and Holder purely to advance himself?
If I sought information about a particular issue or incident, I would call or write the agency head and request a briefing. As a Member of Congress with a committee assignment whose jurisdiction includes oversight of the federal agency in question, I would be entitled to this information. Armed with knowledge of the issue or incident, I would be in a much better position to make a policy decision.
Really? It's that easy?!? Here, let me try:
Mr. Holder, welcome and good afternoon. Thanks for your time; I know you're a busy man. I have just a few simple questions today. This should go quick, and then we can all get on with the, um, you know, important stuff we're supposed to be doing here in Washington.
- What was the purpose of Operation Fast & Furious?
- Who was involved in planning this operation?
- Who ultimately authorized it?
- Why did you, um, obfuscate to Congress for so long, only to have Mr. Obama finally declare executive privilege on your behalf?
- Have you or Mr. Obama ever apologized to the parents of Border Agent Brian Terry over the death of their son? They're still fairly distraught over all of this, as you might imagine.
Thank you in advance, Mr. Attorney General, for your honest, forthright and timely answers to my questions, and when we adjourn this afternoon I hope you have a truly splendid rest of the day, sir!
Oh, sorry, just one more thing: Do you know that you're the ONLY Attorney General in the history of the United States to be formally held in contempt of Congress? Congratulations, sir - you've earned a dubious place in the annals of American history.
Now then: Could you please answer my questions?"
Please don't misinterpret my disagreement with Blake's analogy as anything other than that. I certainly wouldn't endorse anyone misleading Congress.
Thanks for your upbeat tone, I appreciate it. I don't endorse anyone misleading Congress and, thus, misleading America, either. It's encouraging to me that even in this dark hour there are folks in Congress who are showing some backbone and conviction. We need more leaders, and less bleeders.
I'd point out that Paul Ryan has had several cabinet secretaries testify before his committee, where he engaged them in productive exchanges and came out ahead in every case I can think of. I cant recall a single instance of him having to shout down a witness.
Different men, different styles, but both after the TRUTH, in my opinion. As their employer, I applaud their honesty and integrity.
And courage.
Save me some searching on the 'net, please? Has Napolitano or Holder ever testified before Mr. Ryan??
The Fast and Furious investigation is not similar or germane. Briefing requests were not honored, and requests for documents were denied. Mr. Gohmert isn't even a member of the Oversight and Gov't reform Committee.
What does that investigation have to do with Blake's analogy?
Agreed. Mr. Gohmert is okay in my book. But the Paul Ryan : Budget analogy is, in my opinion, inappropriate. Different issues, different stakes, different men, different styles, different results. I'm comfortable leaving it at that.
It sends a powerful message, a message that something has fundamentally changed in America, when the Attorney General makes a mockery of the laws of the land.
There is a judicial overlay operating that the majority of people don't know about, or won't acknowledge. Once aware of it, everything becomes clear.
I apologise to any of you who are annoyed by my political posts, especially when I am not an American. My interest stems from an interest in my own country's affairs which led back to your Constitution.
Court: "It sends a powerful message, a message that something has fundamentally changed in America, when the Attorney General makes a mockery of the laws of the land."
Every part of that video can be verified if you would take the time to research it yourselves. Dun and Bradstreet however, is not an easy site to navigate through, on purpose.
In UNITED STATES CODE, Title 28, in Section 3002 Definitions, it states the following: (15) "United States" means— (A) a Federal corporation;
"About U S Attorney Office Website: Information not found | Phone: (202) 616-1458 | Is this your company? Claim This Profile Business Categories Federal Government-Legal Counsel in Washington, DC., Legal Counsel/Prosecution, Legal Counsel and Prosecution. U S Attorney Office in Washington, DC is a private company categorized under Federal Government-Legal Counsel. Our records show it was established in 2010 and incorporated in District of Columbia. Register for free to see additional information such as annual revenue and employment figures."
District of Columbia is NOT in America. City States. "Did the world wars, revolutions and big events of human history happen naturally or coincidentally, or were they calculated and pre-planned? If they were pre-planned, who planned them?
The answer to this question can be found within the boundaries of three of the worlds most powerful cities. Those three cities belong to no nation and pay no taxes. They are Washington's District of Columbia, which is not part of the city of Washington or the United States. The inner city of London, which is not part of London or England, and Vatican city, which is not part of Rome or Italy.
These cities, called City States, have their own independent flag, their own separate laws and their own separate identity."
Just business, and you are what they are trading. I won't even start on the United Nations.