When was the last time a poor person hired a dozen people at well paying jobs?
A totally unfair question. Obvious and silly. Poor people can't hire anyone, they are poor.
Why are they poor? That can range from no fault of their own, to total fault. Some people have birth defects that prevent them from getting a classic good job. Others have been injured through no fault of their own, and dropped from societies good graces as they lost utility. Others, at the other end of the spectrum, prefer to be free from the daily cares of life. Why work when the Gov will pay you not too? I know some of these people.
Most fall in between. bad decisions abound. I know I've made many.
I've had one guy brag that he never has to work, and I'm paying for it. My response was.. "I wanted toys, like this Cyclone, so I worked for it." He thinks he's more free than I am, and is a way, he is. I'm a citizen, he's a subject. I work for a living, he's a servant. He just doesn't get that he's such a crappy one, that they pay him not to bother them.
Today, with the government "helping" us all with more regulations and higher taxes, a lot of people who made fairly good decisions are suffering because many people who would have hired them and grown their business can't. The price of a new hire has risen dramatically, and most businesses run on a very narrow margin. ( companies that can afford to lose a billion dollars are rare. And probably contribute a lot to Barack Obama. ) Most small shops can't afford to have one more person and their costs, or it's over.
So, yeah. the best way to grow an economy is from somewhere above bottom. A rich guy like BHO could hire many people to do his bidding, to make things, to improve everyone's life. And make money at it. Barack never has done that, Mitt has.
When taxes were cut by JFK, RR, and GWB, the rich did trickle down wealth on the rest of us. The economy got better. We tax pretty heavy still, so we could get another bump with tax cuts. The Laffer Curve does say there is a point of diminishing returns. Only way to find out is to do it.
When the soak the rich crowd jacked taxes on rich guy toys, ( Clinton comes to mind ) the rich just buy them elsewhere, park them somewhere else, ( See Kerry's yacht ) and the regular guys that build them, here, lose their jobs. look at what happened to the luxury boat building business after Clinton's rich toy tax.
I don't like Mitt. He's one of those rich guys, Like Barack, that are out of touch with us common guys. You can tell that's true, because one of the first things Barack did when he got the job was to cut funding for children to go to a better school in DC. look it up.
On the other hand, I'ts quite unlikely that a poor guy will ever get the job. Even if we skip the whole Democracy business, and use Google' s super servers to pick the best guy for the job. Some slob who's happy I pay for his beer and doesn't want to lift a finger to help himself or others probably is a worse choice than the last several Presidents. Not by much, in some cases. In fact, a lazy slug who just drank beer and played video games would probably do less damage than the jerks we got. But that's fantasy.
So, Geedee, are you convinced it's all a plot by the rich elite to screw us all? Won't argue. Look how much they pay Barrack to give them your money.
"So, Geedee, are you convinced it's all a plot by the rich elite to screw us all? Won't argue. Look how much they pay Barrack to give them your money."
The President's official pay isn't much different to that of the Prime Minister of NZ, dollar for dollar that is.
Am I convinced it's all a plot by the rich elite to screw us all? Can I change that slightly to 'am I convinced there has been and still is an agenda by an elite?' Short answer is yes.
22 mins, 31/32 mins and 49-54 mins.
Why hasn't someone declared this woman an American National Treasure?
The article assumes voters are neutral on the fast and furious scandal, hypocritical executive orders with immigration, the green money pit failures, the assault on catholics etc. There are so many examples of massive leadership failure if not for media support the democrats would be running Hillary for sure. Think about it; the first "black" president in the US needs a special YouTube channel to energize the "black" vote. Kinda sad if you think about it.
I don't think that there is a special or secret agenda of the rich to make every bit of profit they can - thats kinda the business model. I do believe that too many lawyers, economist, social workers, community organizers and political hacks would have such an agenda to steal that which they did not create, contribute, or sustain - again by any means possible. That is your choice - Create and bilk; Thieve and Milk - they are both in it for themselves - if you believe otherwise, you are not paying attention.
but yes, please do vote, the French company that is counting them needs to be 'productive' come November.
Its amazing to ponder this: there is a likely hood our highest law enforcement officials funneled US made guns to criminals in Mexico and then blamed those illegal sales on US gun dealers to further their desire for strong restrictions on US gun ownership. Couple that with their war on medical marijuana and recent polling that Romney and BO are neck and neck and you have to feel very concerned.
American citizens and registered voters turning their heads and covering their ears while elements of our gov brazenly trample the constitution. Reminds me of that sandusky coaches wife. Buellinmke use to run his mouth once a week about the patriot act. Now he looks the other way. I am truly disgusted.
I didn't like the patriot Act. Some of it's provisions were good, but idiocy like the TSA, Homeland Security Agency, etc. all were, and are bad.
It is always a tendency to cheer the extra power your favorites get and use in times of emergency. People don't think if they want those they disagree with to have that power.
Example. GWB signed the ( temporary ) Patriot Act. BHO made is "stronger" and permanent.
BHO signed the "I get to imprison, in secret, forever, anyone I want to, with no trial, no lawyers, and no hope. I also get to order the murder of anyone I want to, with no trial or review. Oh, yeah, I have to accuse them of being suspected of terrorism, that makes it all Ok" Act. He has expressed his fears of such power in the hands of Romney. ( swear word here )
But that's ok. Romney assures us HE would never abuse that power, and he sure Obama won't either. ( swearing insult here )