It's pretty cool to see a local innovative company like SpaceX making progress in aerospace. Nearly everyday when I pass by their headquarters and the Tesla showroom at the Hawthorne airport I get a sense of pride and hope in what they're doing there.
Glad to see it. While I was sad to see the shuttles go in a way I was glad. My hero were explores NOT grocery delivery boys. I think NASA got side-tracked into shuttle fever after the moon shots not really having a plan.
IF they had had a plan and the funding (there's the rub) 30 years ago we might be on mars by now. There would be without a doubt a moon base.
Let private ships deliver the grub and NASA get back to exploring.
NASA had a good plan for real spacecraft that could fly into space and return, back in the '70s. Senator Proxmire managed to kill most of their funding. The Shuttle was all NASA could afford after their money evaporated. Now, that jackass in the White House has killed NASAs funding for a manned Mars flight. History repeats itself.
Sounds like an attempt to duplicate the Boing/Bigelow CST-100 or the Lockheed Martin Orion and a step backwards from the very successful and ongoing X37 program, at several times the cost. What's 3.8 billion among friends? Sounds like a Solyndra to me.