I've played soccer, reffed soccer and coached at the high school level. I don't think the girl was close enough to her to trip her. Looks as though she tripped on her own two feet and started pounding whoever was closest.
Although part of me preys there's more to the story. I just like to think that people are better than they are.
On a side note I had a teammate get up and punch a guy after a take-down. (though he hit him once knocked him down and stepped away) He got ejected as he should but the guy had it coming. He cheapshoted us all day. that was the last stray still wrong. We lost because of it. Anyway point is some times there's more to the story....
XB, while you are clearly making a joke about this video and the situation in Florida...you think it should be illegal to protect yourself by shooting someone who is threatening your life?
I'm not saying the situation in Florida was justified....but you can bet your ass if I feel like my life is in danger, the person is getting shot.
I can't believe some states actually require you to run out of your own house if it is being broken into.
well that would be DC where there is on of the highest murders and you can't shoot a crook getting into your house. thank god, virginia allows you now with the new law to shoot any attemtimg to enter your home.
Geeze...I wonder what woulda happened if no one stopped the black girl..... ---------------- edit: ...I meant to say: I wonder what woulda happened if no one stopped the girl that was throwing the punches....
If you take every fight between people who have different skin tones and make it a "race issue" you are being a tool of evil.
There is indeed racism on this planet, and in this country. We may differ a bit on how much or from whom, but the blackmailers and professional agitators named in this threads title, are delighted that you feed the fires that warm them in their unearned wealth.
Grow up.
To be fair, I did not get to see the video. My statement stands. Yes, the racist jerks who are one sided would not organize marches to protest the killing of one "not their own". Nor would the Klan.
If you take every fight between people who have different skin tones and make it a "race issue" you are being a tool of evil.
Of course not all fights between different raced people involves racism. Only when a white person takes on a black person. Or maybe even a "white Hispanic" person.
Everyone knows by now that racism is a one way street.