The federal government recorded its worst monthly deficit in history in February, according to a preliminary report Wednesday from the Congressional Budget Office that said the deficit in fiscal year 2012 is already more than half a trillion dollars.
I think America is brain dead. How else can you explain how Obama is ahead in most polls against Republican candidates. It's absolutely beyond comprehension.
I believe that we have already slipped past the point of no return.
I am hopeful that the 2012 election could at least slow the downward spiral long enough to address the systemic issues, but I am fearful that the election will produce another 4 years of Obama and Progressive ideologies.
Despite being presented Constitutional reasoning, economic forecasts, and basic logic, those who advocate for more Progressive policies and larger and larger entitlement programs are simply unwilling to waver in their support of these practices.
It isn't about "getting mine" any more. It has become about keeping you from getting "yours".
When asked how higher taxes will directly benefit them, most Progressives couldn't tell you.
When asked what obligation the recipient class has to the payer class, Progressives WON'T tell you.
There is NO social contract.
The wealthy have NO obligation to provide for "those less fortunate".
The recipient class has no right to the product of another's labor simply because they draw breath.
Despite the recent talk about things turning around (I was hoping there was some truth in this, but really had my doubts) it looks like unemployment is spiking up again. 9.1% for February.
I think that Michigan gal who won the lottery and kept on (legally) collecting her welfare check pretty much sums it up . . .
If you are one of the "on the tit" . . be it General Motors, the unions or a welfare cheat (although, the law clearly states that having a million dollars doesn't disqualify you) . . . you are likely to stay there and do whatever you can to keep from having to produce.
What a shame. . .what a cryin' shame how lazy so many have become.
I believe the actual number was 18%, counting people who have left unemployment.. ( for Feb, last I looked )
The applications for SSI disability are at an all time high. ( by hundreds of % ) Not the usual bad back stuff.. ( not that that is bogus. Hard work often hurts backs. ) but mental conditions and stress......
I can go on the permanent underclass roles for stress? Damn. Here I've been working for a living.........
Perhaps not just leftist media. The powerful people consider themselves above politics.
Court always tells us to look at the bigger picture. Your Constitution is in the way of the bigger plan.
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years... "It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government." "The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries." - David Rockefeller, Trilateral Commission Founder 1991.
"Some even believe we are a part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty and I am proud of it." - David Rockefeller from his book, David Rockefeller: Memoirs.
I have an interest in American politics because it affects everybody. I'm not sure Americans realise how much so.
We had hope and change at the last election. Now we need to FIX our problems, not hope they go away, and change the way we look at them, per the political norm.
I am hopeful that the 2012 election could at least slow the downward spiral long enough to address the systemic issues, but I am fearful that the election will produce another 4 years of Obama and Progressive ideologies.
Fatty, a question for you, but first an observation: In the first three years of Mr. Obama's administration, our national debt increased by 50% (+$5,000,000,000,000). We're on track, based on the just-released numbers by the CBO, to rack up an additional $3,000,000,000,000 of debt in 2012 alone.
There can only be two logical conclusions as to why our national debt is in a such death spiral:
1) The folks in charge, try as they might, just can't figure out how to do anything about it;
2) The folks in charge want us to be in this financial pickle.
Answer #1 seems implausible. Yeah, ya ain't gonna fix things overnight, but despite our government's "best efforts" we've tacked an additional 5.5 trillion dollars onto our national debt during Mr. Obama's tenure.
And if it's answer #2, this begs the question: Why?
PS: If it's answer #1, perhaps the people in charge should let someone else be in charge:
Tea Party Senators Unveil Five-Year Plan To Balance The Budget By Alexander Bolton - 03/08/12 02:16 PM ET
Members of the Senate Tea Party Caucus on Thursday announced a plan to balance the budget in five years, cutting spending by nearly $11 trillion compared to President Obama’s budget.
The plan, dubbed “A Platform to Revitalize America,” is a wish list of conservative policies, none of which have any chance of passing the Democratic-controlled Senate or being signed into law by a liberal Democratic president.
The ambitious blueprint would achieve a $111 billion surplus in fiscal year 2017.
“The whole point here is to show we can reasonably balance the budget within a five-year period,” said Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), one of the sponsors of the plan.
“This idea that we have to look 30 years out to balance the budget is not only unnecessary, but it’s improbable. We cannot continue to spend at our current rate for 10 more years, much less 20 or 30 more years.
In one month. That's a staggeringly large number, and it inspired me to run some other numbers.
I survived on $837 during the month of February. Census figures from July 2011 state that 311,591,917 people live in the United States. If each of them were to be given $837, that would cost $260,802,434,529 - one half of what our government managed to OVERSPEND in one month. Oh yes, because keep in mind that they have income. That 500 BILLION dollars is only what they spent above what they earned.
My question is, did every single man, woman and child in this country get $1,604.66 worth of benefit from good ole' Uncle Sam? If not, then where the **** did all the money go?
Fb1, your option 2) would be supported by this statement, made quite a few years ago:
"The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debts." - Henry Ford, Industry Giant
These are the people who fund the agenda are they not? 'They' control both major parties and discourage any third party choice. Why would they care if the agenda is achieved approaching from the 'left' or the 'right'? They select your choice of candidates, the voter merely elects which one.
Sure thing! The full 17-minute Hollywood-quality video (narrated by Tom Hanks? Sigh, is nothing sacred??) is set to be released soon. I'm stocking up on popcorn...
My question is, did every single man, woman and child in this country get $1,604.66 worth of benefit from good ole' Uncle Sam? If not, then where the **** did all the money go?
Actually the debt is quite manageable. Roughly 5 trillion is "owed" the Fed. They are us. There is zero loss in saying we will not transfer cash from one pocket to the other. Its all ours and the debt does not exist. All "debt" to foreigners, roughly 9 trillion is redeemable for goods produced in the us. The remainder is actually quite manageable given that "globailizaiton" will have been killed by the first two actions.
I would be tempted to call Obamas election a fraud perpetrated on the us citizen by the democratic party and thus we are not responsible for any of his criminal activity. Simple solutions with one simple guiding principle. The USA is too big to fail, we must take advantage of the worlds sheer terror of that one prospect.