He got elected largely because many ethic groups voted for him. Lots of women of all kinds voted for him too. Much of what he said in that vid is true.
He makes a serious mistake with this vid, however. Black people are not stupid.
Anyone of any race, color, creed or sex that votes to re-elect this man needs their head examined.
Boy, I can't wait for that! That means next time I take the post office test I won't be five points down for being white and another five for being male.
I was really hoping this was going to be about the White's of West Virginia.
"I ... place economy among the first and most important of republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared. ... Taxation follows that, and in its turn wretchedness and oppression. ... We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude." --Thomas Jefferson (1816)
...the facts are as follows: On the day Obama released his first bloated "New Era of Responsibility" budget (seriously, that's what he called it) in February 2009, the national debt was $10,881,159,722,000. When Obama released his current budget earlier this week, the national debt was $15,359,441,622,000.
Now, if you don't have your nifty debt calculator handy, that is an increase of more than $4.47 trillion. That's right, Obama did not "cut the deficit in half" as he pledged in 2009.
In fact, he increased the national debt, in just his first three years, more than all previous U.S. presidents from George Washington to Bush(41). [emphasis mine - FB1]
As you may recall, on July 3, 2008 -- the day before Independence Day -- Obama lectured the nation on "patriotic responsibility," saying, "The problem is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt ... we now have over $9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back. [That's] $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That's irresponsible. It's unpatriotic."
After three years of Obama, make that $15 trillion in debt and more than $50,000 for every man, woman and child.
I truly hope that people in this country see this garbage and do not reelect him as president. I think it was Court that posted it in the Pres ZERO thread about gas prices etc - seriously ,people give/gave Bush (W) lots of crap....but Obama is making things way worse than W did.
He gets reelected. The have-nots are growing at such a pace that they KNOW a republican will cut off the gravy train - Nero fiddled while Rome Burned this guy wants to Karaoke Al Greene songs.... History will paint them as the same.
>>>The have-nots are growing at such a pace that they KNOW a republican will cut off the gravy train -
Therein lies the problem.
When suddenly you have 51% living on the government teet . . . any expectation of "reducing government spending" is, nearly by definition, doomed to failure.
A lot whites voted for him, becuase they just wanted to have a black president so figuring out this might stop the "racism" in america. a lot of white girls voted for him becuase they thought he was good looking. lol remember the Obama girl,lol
Disagree. It's a brilliant move, timed nicely with the upcoming election. He's buying votes, amigo. Never mind that he's a liar (I'm being kind) and the worst President this country has ever endured (I'm being kind). The folks who know he's a liar, like you and me, won't vote for him REGARDLESS of what he says.
But the people he's buying off don't care that he's a liar, all they care is that the government teat keeps delivering the cream.
He's an awful excuse for an American (I'm being kind), but he ain't stupid.
The multiplication of public offices, increase of expense beyond income, growth and entailment of a public debt, are indications soliciting the employment of the pruning knife. - Thomas Jefferson, 1821
(Reference: The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Memorial Edition, Lipscomb and Bergh, eds., vol. 15)
And the biggest issue Americans face this year is the cost of birth control. Wonder how big of a handicap in terms of percentage of votes the media is responsible for in this next presidential election?
caucasionsforromney.com is an available website. Im just saying. Stuff like that just erkes my hide to no end.
In the 2nd vid, they advertise how our dependence on foriegn oil is down by 50%! Really? We are approaching times comparable to the gas prices during the 70's gas shortages. Really? Last week I had to pull out more than a 20 dollar bill just fill my bike up and grab a drink and some nabs! So ridiculous, just so ridiculously disheartning the direction things have gone.
"In a world gone mad, one man thinks he can change it, save it, deliver a new hope, a new day of change, a transformative realignment with history and social justice. Where everyone is given their fair share, and stimulus will create prosperity. This is the sequel that will bring down the house"
And the critics are raving Rex Reed for the Chicago Son - " I have never been so moved "
Adam Smith " An ObamaNation" George Washington " I am glad I am dead" Thomas Jefferson " This is the time to replant that tree of Liberty" Karl Marx " It is good, I like the tune - but he haz f#ckered up the simple concept of my dialectic - watch for a surprise ending" V.I. Lenin " Komrade Obama is making a shining path to the revolution of humanity' Joseph Stalin " Your paranoia is not high enough Hopey Changey one - it is time to purge the dissidents" Fidel Castro " You mean this guy won again ?!!?! I voted for the robot"
OBAMANATION - never have so many suffered because of so few.... except maybe the French Revolution, the Soviet Revolution, Nazi Germany, the Khemer Rouge, The Balkans.... In office again soon, and playing the misery index loud at your very own address.