"Hybrids, if you meant "don't blame the kid's behavior on divorce of the parents," that's not what you wrote; you wrote what reads like the opposite. No biggie. "
I didnt realize how I worded (poorly) the statement. My fault.
"You no write good. " Pot calling the kettle black, huh?
"The breaking up of a family is incredibly traumatic for children."
I agree with this Blake. As a child from divorced parents, I know what its like to go through it. Its tough, but it doesnt automatically turn kids into brats or whatever, that is purely from poor parenting. Now, I am sure there are cases where kids lash out a bit, act up because they think they can get away with it, blaming the divorce on their actions. That doesnt make it right, I dont agree with it.
Contrary to what you probably beleive Blake, I think I turned out alright. Wasnt a problem child after my parents split, no bad behavior really to speak of. Not saying I was a saint, all of us have done bad things (accidentally break a glass and maybe not immediately confess to it etc), but dont automatically blame the poor behavior on this girl, or any other, on the divorce of their parents.
>>> (divorce) doesnt automatically turn kids into brats or whatever ... dont automatically blame the poor behavior on this girl, or any other, on the divorce of their parents.
T'is true after all. You no read good.
No one made any such claim.
What was stated: "Divorce and generally poor parenting are likely factors."
I don't really know you, so can't comment on how you turned out.
Kewl! so I can blame all my problems on my mom and Dad splitting up when I was young. I demand compensation for the pain and agony I've dealt with due to this. Surely Obama has something in his medical plan to help me with this. I will never become a healthy, productive, member of society due to my parents divorce. I should be able to go on welfare, due to my fragile state of mind.
I'm ashamed I even watched the first video. Deceivers suck. If it was a joke, then it ought to indicate so at the end. Integrity and truth are in short supply with some people.
+1 on what squids said about your pic Court,... that pic is very touching.... (unless your just gently telling her your about to send her a full 360 degrees around...) haha