No, LMFAO > Chrome Cash One is "Sexy and I know it" the other is "Poser but don't know it"
I will admit there is a Harley Iron parked next to my Buells. It belongs to my friend but it is a nice looking and decent riding motorcycle... no chrome though.
(Message edited by notpurples2 on February 09, 2012)
They're really no more than a Gatti-town motor company anymore in my opinion. I mean, think about it, at Gatti-town you're lured in by the pizza buffet and then stick around playing games on your "card" and getting "points/tickets" and in the end you're rewarded with a "prize/chrome". If you had gone to the store to buy the "prize/chrome" in the first place you would have gotten it much, much cheaper. Just have to look at it for what it is I guess, a job. Someone is getting paid for that marketing, and it works on some. I got the "come buy a real bike" e-mail some time back and without thinking I replied with a curt, but respectful, reply. The sender e-mailed back and completely understood, he worked for HD but couldn't grasp why they had done what they did to Buell. Again, it was his job. I don't like what I do all the time but it's my job. Sometimes I have to be the prick but at the end of the day my community is a better place for it.