Posted on Wednesday, February 01, 2012 - 05:38 pm:
>>> Not sure i see anything about WBC.
Then you no read good. Note my comment in my 2nd post, "nor does G-d hate fags" directly refuting Westboro's favorite slogan, "G-d hated fags", which is also the target of the parody and the title of this thread.
The depiction is mocking scripture on four different accounts, one a big banner top and center.
>>> Once again wasn't done IMO
What wasn't done?
Once again we find a discussion devolve into criticizing Blake.
I have an idea, how about we you don't want to discuss an issue, we avoid the discussion? Really! Is that so difficult?
If we want to talk about me, then start a separate thread for that. Really! Is that so difficult? Have at it!
"God hates figs" isn't mocking the quoted scripture. It's mocking people that take certain parts out of context of the bible(like the part about jesus whithering a unproductive fig tree) and use it for hate.
The similarity of the word Fig and Fag holds a mirror up directly to those that hold to the scriptures of the old testament (particularly Leviticus) that condemn the act of homosexuality while ignoring, or willfully breaking, other scriptures in the same part (context) of the bible that forbids eating certain animals, wearing mixed fabrics, eating meat and dairy in the same meal, or allowing menstrating women in public And also requires animal sacrifices and gives very thorough instructions on exactly how to preform those sacrifices.
If it's mocking the scripture then please explain how?
(Message edited by notpurples2 on February 02, 2012)
The prominent use of and references to actual scripture in the context of the parody are nothing but mocking.
Had the depiction included some note to the effect "how to misrepresent scripture to justify bigotry and hatred", then it might be excusable. But there is no such notation.
>>> those that hold to the scriptures of the old testament (particularly Leviticus) that condemn the act of homosexuality while ignoring, or willfully breaking, other scriptures in the same part (context) of the bible that forbids eating certain animals, wearing mixed fabrics, eating meat and dairy in the same meal, or allowing menstrating women in public And also requires animal sacrifices and gives very thorough instructions on exactly how to preform those sacrifices.
I don't know any educated Christian who ignores the scripture you mention. Maybe it is you who are missing the context and intent of scripture and its understanding by Christians?
Do you for instance understand the difference between G-d's moral law-giving versus His civil law-giving and ceremonial law-giving in the context of a society of escaped slaves wandering through wilderness and hostile territory surrounded by enemies?
How many of G-d's moral laws prohibit certain behavior and declare them an abomination to G-d?
What is your understanding of G-d's covenant as described in the old testament versus the new covenant taught in the new testament?
HOWEVER, that being said, you have a tendency to barrage people with questions that are almost impossible to discern your intention of.
IN FACT, many of the arguments that you get into on Quickboard end up in a bullying stance that you take with people who do not agree with you.
I have seen this happen with an increasing frequency where people who are having an honest discussion with you are reduced to being called "bigoted", "dishonest" and "mislead". Some people continue until they are kicked off the board. It almost always comes down to that.
I PERSONALLY do not want to have a discussion at length with you on here to be labelled as such, since I am none of the above.
If you come to Homecoming or West Virginia or Dragon or whatever, I would be more than willing to have an all night debate in person with you, with or without beer involved, and discuss at length the nature of the Universe, as I would be happy to do with anyone on here, with the exception of a few.
AS A SIDENOTE, my two best friends that know absolutely everything about me are Christians. However, they do not try to manipulate my words, nor do they take every opportunity of my sharing my personal experience to prosetylze. In fact a few of my friends are very devoted GAY CHRISTIANS. *Gasp*
They serve in their church and communities and never foist their "secret agenda" on unsuspecting victims. In fact, if you met them in person over coffee, it might take you several hours to discover they are in fact gay, as they are normal people, who live simple lives and pursue everyday goals of raising their children and buying homes and giving back to the community in service.
ONE THING that does fascinate me is the twisting of religion for purposes of power and control. Now, don't go getting your undies all in a bundle and assume I am talking about you per se... but I have a newfound fascination with sociopathy and psychopathy and the criminal mind. Some of that comes from enduring abuse from these types of people and some of it is just interest from a scientific standpoint.
I have read extensive work on cults such as FLDS and Scientology and I find it really fascinating how people become victims of the evil things that people will do in the "name" of religion. Similar to WBC.
So, no, I did not post the photo in an attempt to ruffle your feathers, but I also will not subject myself to unending argument on line with someone who so to speak "speaks a different language than me".
I was raised Presbyterian. Didn't work for me. I have lengthy experiences in Shamanism, Asatru, 12 Step Programs, Buddhism, and have checked out other religions. For me, the only one of the mentioned above that really gives me any practical comfort at this point is the practice of mindfulness meditation and tonglen, which are Buddhist core practices.
With the "personal God" or "Higher Power" I have been through a twenty year process of sorting that out for myself. What gets tricky is explaining one's spiritual beliefs in words to people who operate on a different paradigm than I do.
THUS, at the occasional 12 Step meeting I will use the language of "God" or "Higher Power" so people can understand what the heck I am saying. However, I believed in a personal God for 8 years, struggled to believe in a personal God for 8 years and just let that struggle go as recently as January of 2011.
The end result of this spirtual journey was 10 straight weeks of unbridled joy and being in the moment during my cross country bike trip that I would not trade for anything now that I have experienced it. I can honestly say over that ten weeks I experienced a hint of lonelinees maybe once or twice. So, yeah, I KNOW from my own experience that I am on the right path with it.
I have been around and around and around with it, getting much advise from people, including an AA sponsor that I had for over 7 years who is a very, basically put, practical Christian lady.
SO, no, per se, I was not making fun of Christianity.
WHAT I do have a problem with is people who try to tell me how I should live my life according to their religion. I also have a problem with people who think that their religion should be practiced in MY LAWS and laws that are made for the general public. THAT I have a problem with, just as I have a problem with institutionalized racism, or forced sterilization and IN MOST instances, the death penalty (not all, but most, just for the simple fact that the death penalty assumes that our justice system is 100% fair and accurate and never makes a mistake- which most certainly is not the case).
So there you have it.
If all else fails, you can try the Baloney Detection Meter, which, again, I post as something that is funny to me, yet true, and not as a pot shot at anyone who may be of a particular spiritual belief.
Well said char, the original pic was to poke fun at the wbc, nothing more. Just because it had bible verses on it didn't mean it was mocking the bible, all in jest.
Everyone needs to walk to their own beat, if it offended anyone then maybe they should leave the thread and evaluate themselves if a pic of peeps causes that reaction
Obviously some here have issues with fruits. But I really think this is an apples and oranges discussion. I choose to preserve your right to your choice in pursuit of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. A joke is a joke, no need for sour grapes.
>>>>>Once again we find a discussion devolve into criticizing Blake.
I have an idea, how about we you don't want to discuss an issue, we avoid the discussion? Really! Is that so difficult?
If we want to talk about me, then start a separate thread for that. Really! Is that so difficult? Have at it!
Fine whatever. I saw no need to nor will i ever (most likely) start a thread to discuss a bad web member. I think such a thing would be rude.
Furthermore I wasn't trying to criticize you so much as lead you back to a normal path. You were taking (IMO) this thread down a serious path that it didn't need to go. It was a joke. It was a knock on the WBC not God.
WBC is here in St.Loo today, protesting outside a school. School district officials suspect recent publicity given to the school's Gay-Straight Alliance may have prompted the visit.
First, I'm okay with those thems of WBC taking a day off from upsetting veterans' families at funerals. Second, I disagree with the signs that say, "God hates fags," while it's clear that fags hate God. Third, I have no idea if WBC folk will have front row seats on the lake of fire for all eternity for the hurt they cause families of our fallen military personnel. I also have no idea if they disinherit themselves from grace; (repent and sin no more). But gays who hate God? I'm confident it's not in their best interest in the long run.
I'll prolly roast in hell for the amusement value experienced from my cheap seat in the social arena.
I wanted to boycot the Supwerbowl commercials and the halftime show. I saw only one commercial that was even OK for superbowl adds... dam now I forget what it was... must not have been that good. I liked Madonna's show except when that british mia broad gave the finger to the camera (to the usa, who else??) and when they brought out that birdman C ee Lo... blah blah blah.
I probably would have picked someone else (younger) over Madonna If I was choosing for the show, but then again...they let old men sing during halftime, (Mick, SteveT. etc) why not some old ladies too!
Seriously though, I thought Madonna had a great performance and was a great show all except for the ending. I really thought it was stupid to add that message at the end.