The coming Food Crisis.... the Govt is stock piling MREs and the ilk, but it is 'extreme' for you to do the same plus.jpg The costs of grain fed livestock have escalated due to the switch in priorities to ethanynol production from corn... so much so that the White House thinks it is a good idea to have Horses legislated as viable human consumption meat source.
And in the land of 'plenty'.... you are really only about 21 days from total shortage, especially with most retailers ordering 'just in time' and being at the whim of interstate trucking (you think that during a shortage the produce would ever even make it to the shelves - you are fooling yourself in a fools dream)
oh but the central government will take care of all of our needs .... It didn't work out so well for Ukraine during the Stalinist control of state farm lands and production - millions dead to its testimony of failure.
Beef prices have gone up due to drought conditions. Lowest supply on the market in a long time will happen soon. Prices low now due to massive sell off by drought stricken ranchers. Hay costs. The feed lots use the corn.
The condo in Kiev is finishing April; I am already working for a consulting company out of Kiev - so the bank accounts are indeed, already there. they are converting many of the old Soviet Block Administrative buildings into condos and hotels - capitalism en progress - luckily I have beat the Euro 2012 Rush - I hear the rents for the summer are over triple what they have been ... and expected to get worse as all the hotels fill.
Ukraine loves Capitalism - everything is indeed for sale - and the hustle is on at every turn. It is funny that the American Companies that are represented there will not return my calls domestically, nest on a resume like it is an endangered egg, and have essentially 'parked' a help wanted ad claiming that they have 'created' a job.... My phone rings from Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan from the exact same companies. meh. And the stink of it is, O gets four more years. No way I stay for a bout of Hope & Change 2.o
Let's say, You come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup in your neighborhood....and your home has sewage all the way up to your ceilings.
What do you think you should do... Raise the ceilings, or pump out the shit?