He is trying to get out from under this by total denial of ever, ever having treated any woman unfairly or inappropriately, yet there were, what, two different settlements with women who accused him way back when?
You appear to have not listened well. There were no legal settlements. There was a termination agreement. The legal case was dropped however.
Total denial of even having a clue who she is, after she and a witness both say she was with him a month ago backstage after a Tea Party?
A witness saw her come up and hug Cain. I wonder how many hugs and hand shakes a Presidential candidate gets from people they don't know at a political event?
the women who allege Cain's misconduct never asked to be in the public spotlight
Who put them in the spotlight if not themselves.
Anita Hill? Another person who doesn't want to be in the spotlight? Inserting herself into the spotlight again. She lacks credibility in her own story. She has no place in Cain's story whatsoever. She should STFU.
Well I know Herman. I met him first during the Fair Tax Rallys we held at the Gwinnett Colosseum, then again at a rally for him when he decided to run for President. All this is so much garbage. He is a very personable man, a very honest man, a caring man, a man in love with his wife, and his country. I can't imagine him acting the way these women are accusing him of acting. One reason this isn't holding water around here is because so many people know him, and know he's just not this way. This won't stick the way it would stick to a politician, for the simple fact, Herman isn't a politician, he's honest. I've always supported Herman, and will to the end. If, IF it came to light that this did indeed did happen, I would be heart broken, I think that much of him. Herman is the man that got everyone talking about solutions rather than more political rhetoric, and the normal posturing. They don't like Herman, he doesn't fit in the square hole they're trying to beat him into, and it pisses them off. Herman is the first person in my lifetime I'm going to vote for rather than simply voting against someone. Edit: I knew I left something out. I also know Herman from the Tea Party, during the early times, I helped (still do) organize Tea Party rallys. Thanks for reminding me Ann!
I do want you MEN to keep in mind that women often don't report REAL sexual harassment immediately. Rape goes unreported the majority of the time.
Why? partly because SOME men use power of position to intimidate, demean, and make the women think it's her fault. partly simple shame at "letting herself get in that situation" and partly because we are a male dominated society that women just don't get as fair a hearing as they should. And they know it. ( light years better than half the planet, and twelve hundred years better than Islamist places, but equal isn't reality yet. ) A buddies girlfriend works at a battered women's shelter. Sometimes she comes home and unloads emotionally on me, because I'm safe. ( she's a multi-black belt and I instruct in an Art ) She knows I know where she's coming from and won't lose it when she goes off. It can be rough. ( on ME, to the women involved, it's magnitudes worse. Every Day. Don't ever let me catch you beating a girl. )
Nothing, Not ONE thing in this manufactured scandal comes close to reality for thousands and thousands of women every day. Perspective.
Don't get me wrong, there are cases where the women get the breaks, often involving child custody & divorce.
The psychology of sex, assaults, harassment, rape, and betrayal is convoluted and, frankly, you might never understand, simply because your brain stews in a different bath of chemicals than women's do.
I don't like people attacking the women. Lacks class, even if she is a gold digger.
If she's the liar, she should pay. Since the one we're talking about is broke, Allred should foot the bill, including a major punitive damage award to the accused.
I doubt there will ever be a resolution to what actually happened. I doubt the woman involved will submit to a lie detector, ( and they aren't all that accurate anyway ) and I can't think of any other way to resolve it.
Actually the timing for the Obama camp is perfect. They reeeeeaalllly don't want to run against Cain in the election. They can't pull on him what they pulled on Clinton. Bill Clinton's mentor was a racist, and the right wing talk shows had played that up enough that when the O campaign called him racist, it got traction. ( whatever bozo called Bill "the first black president" is also notably racist. Think about the arrogance and classist attitude behind that statement )
No, Obama's crew ( the SAME crew as 2008, he NEVER shut the campaign down ) wants Romney. They probably wanted Huntsman more, but he fizzled quick, every other Conservative choice is unlikely or already trashed. They have to eliminate Cain before the primaries.
From what I read, the pundits seem to have already decided: Romney will be the Republicans’ man.
Why? He’s more “electable,” they say. They’re probably right. Cain is a wild card. As near as we can tell, he is an interesting, energetic fellow. He has ideas and an open mind. He has a sense of humor. He’s even refreshingly candid and direct. Obviously, he has no place in politics.
But Romney knows how the game is played. The party hacks, lobbyists, strategists, the pentagon, the health care industry, the education establishment and the media are more comfortable with him. They think they can depend on him.
I see sexual harassment all the time. Sometimes it is a man pre-judging a woman. More often, it is a woman manipulating a man. I don't appreciate either.
At every big company I have worked for, a woman that utters even a hint that she may have been sexually harassed immediately becomes virtually impossible to fire, and no matter how much her statements lack credibility and no matter how much of a psycho she may have been in the past, she gets the benefit of the doubt by a ratio of about 4:1.
I'm sure its bad in some places. But its not bad in a LOT of places.
I would like to see 2 (two) Georgia boys in the white house. If you mean as Pres & Vice, not going to happen. Georgia would lose their electoral votes. I think it's the 12th amendment.
I like Cain also. Interesting though, that when a black man needs to be politically assassinated, they go for what they think is everyone's black man fear...a lusting, leering rapist. They tried that with Clarence Thomas. We need this no nonsense non-political uncommonly wise man in White (no offense) House. All the rest are losers. IMO
Posted on Wednesday, November 09, 2011 - 07:34 am:
The look on the womans face and the smirky smile tell it all. That and she was Axlerods neighbor. Funny how all these woman have links right back to Obama or HIS people
Posted on Wednesday, November 09, 2011 - 11:13 am:
This accuser appears to have made a career of using sexual harassment as an advancement tool. After bringing charges at the NRA, she did the same thing at her next job. What is the law about her breaking a probable confidentiality clause in the very few dollars she received from the NRA in her settlement? Can she be sued? This is increasingly looking like a political hatchet job against Cain.
Posted on Wednesday, November 09, 2011 - 07:20 pm:
Bialek had a judgement released by David Axlerods law firm in Sept kinda explains the Obama link and the Virgina Blonde Succchs Spelling some one Was up to her neck in the Elian Gonzales mess with Janet Reno in Miami remember that one! Renos sister is an Ex county commisioner and DEMON power broker where I live She is worse than Janet Hard to believe but true. The more your dig the more the blondes lead back to OBAMA