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| Posted on Friday, November 11, 2011 - 09:58 am: |
for being prepared, some of you should check out Every Day Carry forums Its not a survival forum per say, but just a handy forum. Its fun at times. I love discussing hypothetical situations like Z-Day with a friend over lunch or something, it can be fun. But in the end we both know it is so highly unlikely that it'll happen. Same for any sort of apocolyptc event or disaster. Yes, stuff happens, we saw issues in La after Katrina etc But this stuff is super rare and in my opinion people shouldnt worry or spend too much effort in prepping for such a situation. PS - preferred gun for Zday or disaster - a 22 rifle. Lots of ammo, small and lightweight, quiet |
| Posted on Friday, November 11, 2011 - 11:36 am: |
The idea of gun powder, etc not working is comical. That's just physics and simple machines. Now, I imagine a very strong EMP can knock out electronics rendering them useless. |
| Posted on Friday, November 11, 2011 - 11:45 am: |
yeah yeah yeah. i got on this kick two years ago. got guns, food, barter materials, fuel reserves, generator. etc etc.. i think the whole collapse end of the world stuff is over rated. and if you check old ancient forums they been sayin this stuff since the 60's me, i just bought a new bike instead |
| Posted on Friday, November 11, 2011 - 12:25 pm: |
Heck we have a disaster or 3 every year here. It's called winter. Enough snow that transportation is temporarily dangerous, power outages, ( rare for me but common a few miles away at a buddies house ) and spot flooding of roads and homes. Don't ever recall a Federal State Of Emergency locally, but Buffalo has had them. By rare, I mean a few hours, a few times a year. I've lived through 2 weeks solid without power, after a major ice storm. Earthquake, tornado, flood, Hurricane, landslide, Volcano, Blizzard.. All natural things that you may have issues with depending on location and season. All more likely than "civil unrest" or zombie apocalypse, but any may actually trigger riots or breakdowns in civil society. ( I'm not counting on the zombies... that's as big a fantasy as income equality ) So, depending on local needs, a backup generator is a wise thing. A .22 is a wise thing, if you care enough to learn how to use it and store it safely. ( most guns used by bad guys are stolen. The Glove box of your car is NOT secure. Buy a Gun vault for under seat, cheaper than the paperwork and a new gun ) But 2 weeks minimum of water and food and medicine is just common sense. Some people have far more, some faiths call for a year of food. Use realistic judgment. A disaster WILL happen. Might be after you pass away, might be next weekend. Look at the New England power outages from a single storm. How long without water? How long without heat? Plan for weeks, and a tragedy becomes a good story told next summer. A run-away pack of water, food, emergency camping gear, etc. is a serious life saver if the local nuke/chemical/Propane plant has an accident or OWS burns down the City. Don't forget floods, storms, and widespread grid failures, all real world concerns, all can make helping your neighbor and yourself reality. FEMA won't be there for at least 3 days. They CAN'T preposition supplies in the disaster zone. They get disastered. You CAN'T count on uncle sugar to save you. Many will tell you the best way to avoid the troubles above is to live away from cities. They have a point. But it's not a practical solution for most. Yeah, boondocks living avoids the majority of murder, riots, and industrial accidents that cities are prone to, BUT comes with higher energy & water supply difficulties. ( also different job and commute issues ) Fire Flood and Frost just happen. No Matter Where you hide. |
| Posted on Friday, November 11, 2011 - 03:08 pm: |
Yeah, boondocks living avoids the majority of murder, riots, and industrial accidents that cities are prone to, BUT comes with higher energy & water supply difficulties. ( also different job and commute issues ) I don't think it's those issues as much as the disease question of living in a big city after an emergency. Imagine NYC if the toilets aren't flushing, and the garbage is not being taken away. Now imagine that in the summertime. No way you'll find me there for that mess. Talk about a jumbo-sized Petri dish! Boonies: gives you options for alternate water supply, alternate food supply. And "The breakdown of civilization." A funny term. Most of the world's population would not be at all affected by such a breakdown (unless it were airborne epidemic, nuclear disaster, or such stuff). Most of the people on this planet are living just fine without the trappings of our so-called "civilization." |
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 01:14 am: |
Agree on the Petri dish argument. We have, as a culture, become so specialized that we are dependent on many others to run the complex machine we live in. This specialization also allows us to be far more productive as we don't have to cut wood for fires & grow our own food, a full time job itself. I try to avoid the happy savage thinking, though. Life with lower levels of technology is hard brutal work. I like having lasers and Kevlar. Read "The Machine Stops" by Forester. The All time classic dystopian future. html It's good to be able to use Forge and Anvil, Drill and Saw, and actually make something. I'm biased on that subject, since I study old tech as a hobby. Don't claim to be good at it... |
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 01:39 am: |
I'm going back to reliable mechanical injection pumps on my diesels. If the balloon goes up I'm only a coupla miles from Switzerland, we'll slip across the border & go to my mate Fredo's place in the Alps. |
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 05:51 am: |
The idea of gun powder, etc not working is comical. That's just physics and simple machines. Of course it's not "realistic", but as a setup for a story, it's a great premise. I'm interested to see if Stirling will make a serious attempt to explain "the event" by the end of the books. Some of the characters are smart enough to realize this took a fundamental change in the laws of physics in order for this to occur, and this change is limited to an area around the Earth. Otherwise the sun would have "gone out" and then they REALLY would have been screwed. This means "the event" had to have been orchestrated by some super-powerful intelligence (IIRC, they jokingly suggest "aliens space bats"), but that's about all they can say. By this point in the story (~25 years after "the event") they've even established a ceremony so that once a year, on the anniversary of "the event", they take some gunpowder out and light it to verify that things haven't gone back to "normal". |
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 08:05 am: |
I'm buying shares in this:
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 09:26 am: |
Dave great Idea Boy scout manuals cover all types of Campfire cooking with Foil ! |
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 09:42 am: |
better for hats, though. |
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 10:25 am: |
What are you doing to prepare??? Yesterday, I browned a little ground beef, added oregano, basil, garlic, salt, pepper, crushed red pepper, Pastene tomato paste, and water (all in the proper amounts)and simmered it over a very low flame for about 8 hours. It made a great sauce for the cheese ravioli we had for dinner last night. Now, to prepare a sauce for Cavatelli, I like to use sausage, but that's a sauce for another day. |
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 11:46 am: |
I keep telling you guys the guys at MIT tested foil hats and they actually improved reception of the freqs used by the CIA. It's a plot, I tell you. Consider the massive effort to make aluminum foil. Bauxite is mined, shipped across the planet in huge ships, massive powerplants produce enormous amounts of electricity and then chained lightning is passed through the rock ( bauxite ore is rock ) in a controlled atmosphere.... A light year more advanced than a fire, an air pump, anvil, hammer and file. When they built the Washington Monument the very tip is a small pyramid of aluminum. Far more rare than Gold. ( at the time ) ki-9511.html |
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 11:59 am: |
!!!WARNING!!! Facebook is planning to start scanning your brain for private information through your computer monitor. To stop this from happening, go to Kitchen –> Cabinets –> Upper Right Drawer –> then REMOVE the box that says ‘Aluminum Foil’. Wrap all foil around your head. Copy and paste into your status to warn all friends! (I read it on the internet on Facebook so it's just GOTTA be true.) You don't have to thank me |
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 08:07 pm: |
I'm still just drinking beer! (& trying to sell my Blast) Chris c |
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 08:25 pm: |
waiting on the new Kel-Tec Bull Pup Shot gun.... 14 rounds... and one in the chamber. Zombie killing goodness. |
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 10:39 pm: |
Still recommending gold and silver. Got the Mormon kit in the garage for food & water. Investing in Beta activities. Restoring the family farm w/ the artesian well and considering rebuilding on the original house foundation. Enjoying life while a few freedoms are still available. And laughing as chaos ebbs and flows across the moronoscope screen. Squeak, squeak (adjusting the foil hat). |
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 11:35 pm: |
I tried to be prepared by getting a Ducati before Italy goes up in flames. I have a Buell so I'm covered as far as the US goes. Greece, Portugal, boy, I don't know. Do they even make bikes? |
| Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2011 - 12:55 am: |
Kel-Tec sounds cool! Gotta get a good plinking .22 for the family fun-ness, will be nice for if/when zombie apocalypse happens. What's the "Mormon kit"? |
| Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2011 - 04:44 am: |
Oooooh I like that Keltec, wonder how I can get one past the borders? |
| Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2011 - 09:05 am: |
Mormon kit: Long term storable food & water. |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 - 07:43 pm: |
I work in financial services and read ZeroHedge alot. So I have a very negative view of how this could turn out. I have my house up for sale and multiple applications for new employment outstanding. My stock of canned goods is increasing. I bought a gas mask (probably never use it but riot participant is on the bucket list so why not). Most of my "gotta have it cause I'm an American stuff" is on Craigslist or Ebay. I haven't had an internet bill since I moved back to TN and recently cut off the Directv. The way I see it is like this. I love my dog and riding my motorcycles. Thats all I want to do. If I am wrong, oh well I lived a simple, no credit, lifestyle. But if I am right and SHTF then I should still be able to do what I love. The non-chalant attitude of many of the posts is scary to me. The world governments are doing more than you may realize to prop this shit up and keep the status quo in order. Color me concerned! |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 - 07:58 pm: |
You could paint me that color as well. |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 - 11:43 pm: |
The joke for years is the Zombie apocalypse, which is funny ( watch Wasting Away. ttp:// really made me laugh ) lacks any moral issues, ( until a member of your party gets bit, and then you have melodrama ) and makes a great video game. Unfortunately, it has near zero probability. Natural Disasters, OTOH, are near certainty. The little, transient ones, like tsunamis, volcanoes, hurricanes etc. take lots of lives each year, but tend to be regional. The rare ( but still dead fracking certain to actually happen ) mega events like Supervolcanoes, asteroid strikes, and magnetic field collapse are things that HAVE happened and WILL happen again. Effects can be so bad that civilization falls. Billions dead. Hopefully small enclaves survive and save some small skills into the next cycle of humanity. It would be the first time. ( I'll skip the long term periodic stuff like Ice Ages and solar aging... by then the argument will be what kind of meson rifle is best.... ) Dealing with the probability of human caused disaster takes a bit of planning. A few book suggestions. You might be amused, or even find a few good things to think about. nlein/dp/0671722069's_Freehold 43471830/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1321418109 &sr=1-1 0441690513/ref=sr_1_9?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=13214180 07&sr=1-9 |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 - 11:55 pm: |
quote:Robert A. Heinlein A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
| Posted on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - 05:37 am: |
The 'zombie' apocolypse is great - it gives the attitude that if you prepare for disaster, loss of power, disruption of services - you are in the 'tin foil hat crew'. It gives great propaganda to the -sky is falling mentality .... of course the sky isnt falling..... But I certainly don't like the clouds on the horizon either. Awareness, attentive inspection of trends, indications and warnings - have your go kit ready and standing by. I have had one at the bay door since the nineties - I have had to use it acouple of times. And when Y2K rolled around - I made fat bank doing consulting - my bank account could use another dose of unmitigated paranoia for the 2012 'end of the world' I doubt such a disaster occurs - I am much more concerned with what the agenda of 1600 Pennsylvania is up to. I do not like the parallels to the 1916-7 history - and they are pushing it early - I thought they would hold out until next election cycle - they appear to be pushing it sooner. Spring will be interesting. |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - 02:11 pm: |
I don't see it Brian. On who's side will the military and police fall? In Texas? |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - 02:16 pm: |
I think if it ever came down to a choice the military would dump Obama in a heartbeat even if he is their Commander in Chief. Does the name Stanley McCrystal ring a bell. |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - 02:20 pm: |
I though the Mormon kit was making sure you had some fat friends with you "just in case" you ran out of food |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - 06:06 pm: |
That ain't right. |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - 06:07 pm: |
Eating a diet rich in saturated fat is bad for one's health. |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - 06:24 pm: |
Long pig isn't saturated fat. It's Natural. Avoid Brains and nervous tissue. Donner, party of 4? Dannyd, ever hear of the Society of Cincinnatus? We will never have a coup. There may be mutinies. |
| Posted on Thursday, November 17, 2011 - 02:57 am: |
You forget here, that in our enclave, many of us enjoy guns, own guns, and are independent minded people that have had a bit of hard won success - we are an island. What do you think the rest of the ocean is like.... Push comes to shove, the closest many get to a gun is COD, MW3 or duck hunt And the military did, does, and will have protocols for fire on populace - all they have to do is classify you as a 'terrorist' badda bing, badda bomm, badda bang. And you keep forgetting about that new force that is training up under the guise of 'public health' It smells of 1916 all too much. |