If I ask you to waste 25 minutes watching a video that starts as a rant about the "pirate party" without offering any clue what point is being attempted to be made, please do.
Gotta go now, I'll try to get to the rest later. that guys funny.
Sifo, grap a cold one and watch that. There is nuttyness being spouted, true. It's also true that the actions of Congress enabled and caused billions of dollars to just go----poof! ( actually, went into the pockets of folk who knew the CDO's were crap and cashed out before the fall....at various financial companies.... companies that seem to have a lot of people now working for Obama. )
Holder should be impeached. We agree, at least, on that. ( and his boss if we can prove he was aware of F&F )
I made it through 7 minutes. They are good at making allegations of broken laws. Very light on any details of broken laws. They even complain about the media failing to provide specifics such as... then they fail to provide specifics.
You will never be able to escape the simple fact that you needed actual bad loans to be made in order for the mortgage industry to collapse. It was FM/FM under the watch of congress that made this happen.
The video contains pretty harsh, accurate criticism of the current executive branch, I'd say. I'm really not sure where you come up with such off the wall statements.
Or such gross generalizations:
Why is it people who have never created anything of value always seek to steal the work of others without paying for it?
The point, Blake, is to be outraged at the crimes committed by an out of control financial kleptocracy, aided and abetted by a lying, corrupt, bought government who is absolutely unwilling to represent us. Us. I said "us."
I don't know what it will take to get people to realize that there is a direct axis (of evil?!?) between Wall Street and Washington, a connection that our wise founding fathers tried so hard to keep from existing, by their effective (at the time of horse-drawn travel and sailing ships) physical separation of government and financial seats.
You can't just vote this stuff away, guys. It takes more.
he video contains pretty harsh, accurate criticism of the current executive branch,
Only that the Executive branch hasn't cast the Constitution aside enough for their tastes.
Or such gross generalizations:
So if I opened up an internet yak site called the Kaiser Report and used the same format but promoted a completely different agenda, they wouldn't be upset?
These are the same people who advocate sites like Napster and Limewire that allow the intellectual capital of musicians to be stolen without benefit being paid to the artists who created them.
Wonder how hard Erik Buell would work to create new technologies if he knew that as soon as he strapped them on his first bike, Honda could steal them and use them freely.
How many medications would be created?
Books written?
The stupidity of these two is incredible. Patents don't just protect corporations. They protect the individuals who have created these intellectual properties.
Sifo, the details are documented everywhere. You have conservatives such as former and present heads of Fed Reserve banks citing the crimes. You have William Black, former prosecutor who put many crooked bankers in jail during the S&L crisis being very clear that fraud has and is occurring. If you read news outside your usual offerings, you would see it documented. Try ZeroHedge, for example. Or, rather than taking it from me, watch this Dylan Ratigan interview with William Black: http://www.dylanratigan.com/2011/10/17/hijacking-p rotests-for-political-gain/
oh, unless you have already made up your mind that "those poor, poor bankers" suffered so much and their arms were twisted sooooo much by that dirty pair, Freddie and Fanny... all would be well in the world if only we could get rid of all oversight and regulation of the banking and investment banking industries, and let the GOOD light of "God's Work" (Lloyd Blankfein's words) shine.
Whats the difference between a street robber and OWS protesters ? Street Robber uses his own gun the OWS uses the Governments! Both want the same thing your money!
"oh, unless you have already made up your mind that "those poor, poor bankers" suffered so much and their arms were twisted sooooo much by that dirty pair, Freddie and Fanny... all would be well in the world if only we could get rid of all oversight and regulation of the banking and investment banking industries, and let the GOOD light of "God's Work" (Lloyd Blankfein's words) shine."
That's a fairly significant mischaracterization of the issue.
The banks were forced to make those loans, loans that conformed to FM/FM guidelines. I'm not in favor of massive deregulation. I do favor repealing/striking regulations that force banks to make poor financial decisions, or that cause the value of an asset to plummet to zero if no one wants to buy it. A home and the property it sits on has value, even if there isn't a buyer. SOX says otherwise. SOX was a knee jerk reaction, and so was Dodd-Frank. Both are bad ideas that don't address the root cause of either issue they sprang from.
It was me harping on trying to get a supporter around here to say what they want. I agree with Ft_bstrd that their demands are quite clear. It's just that no one seems to want to make it a clear statement.
Speaking of clear statements. Fahren, answer a single question for me. What aspect of the Glass Steagall act was repealed that would have prevented people from defaulting on their mortgages. A clear and correct answer to that question will have me with no option but to accept that you are correct.
"oh, unless you have already made up your mind that "those poor, poor bankers" suffered so much and their arms were twisted sooooo much by that dirty pair, Freddie and Fanny... all would be well in the world if only we could get rid of all oversight and regulation of the banking and investment banking industries, and let the GOOD light of "God's Work" (Lloyd Blankfein's words) shine."
The banks were forced to make those loans, loans that conformed to FM/FM guidelines. This right here is an example of the game plan. Create regulations that promote an agenda. When the crap hits the fan, demonize those same regulations, and...gasp...create MORE regulations to regulate the regulated. On and on and on the cycle goes...
Some people get upset if law makers are not passing new laws. Me? Not so much.
So the Government forced the banks into a bailout deal and profited from that deal. Isn't that kind of like stealing from the banks? The mob would be proud.
If you loved the Toxic Assets from the Failed Sub Prime loans as required by the govt with compliance to FM/FM; you will positively LOVE the failure of the insurance/healthcare industry from the PPACA (ObamaCare) and their unmitigated risks, and policies not based on actuarials or underwriting policies and principals. It crashes- and hard. Your trend is to maximize the game changers now, and DUMP them prior to 2015. HP/IBM/Microsoft Health/Oracle - and the Rx suppliers for Dialysis, Diabetes, and new DME technologies .... stay away from the 'exchanges' and any entity that endorses or creates them - they will crash the hardest.
This is your warn notice. From here out, I will be compiling evidence for my PHD Thesis Book work titled I F*cking Told you SO.
The banks were all forced to take money so that no one would know which banks were failing, thus preventing a run on those banks. It was a dirty trick, but I understand why they did it. I don't think it was a secret, I heard about it on the news shortly after it happened. Most banks just sat on the money until the gubment said it was OK to pay it back. At least one bank tried to pay it back too soon and was flatly told that they couldn't. Those protesters must have really short memories or are simply not paying attention.
ONE thing that bothers me about the protesters is...
If you don't like the system, then do something real to CHANGE it... like remove all your money from the banks and the 401ks, ETC. and put it under your mattress.
DUH ???
On the other hand... if we move to a 4 PARTY system in the US, it would only bode well for everyone involved... (Tea Party, Republicans, Democrats, Lunatics- or whatever else you want to call the OWS Party)
Don't like Starbucks... do not drink their coffee. Simple.