WE had a guy on a traffic stop once, Suk Wang. never laughed so hard and felt bad for the guy so we let him go.
Then theres the nice Ghetto mom who calls about a domestic issue, new guy is writing all the info down and asks the childs name, S-hithead. He bursts out laughing and says you named your kid Shit Head? Angry Ghetto chick now says it's pronounced Shi taed. Cant make this stuff up.
The town where I worked in my early twenties had a couple of customers who regularly came into our shop for repairs. I did not believe the names were real until I looked them up in the phone book.
One guy who wore a bit of make up and permed curly hair and gold bracelets, had the name of 'Fanny Matter'. What were the parents thinking? "Our kid will grow up gay so let's call him a polite form of shit"?
The other one, with an unusual name was that of an elder farmer, 'Harry Dickout'. You can just see the twelve year old mother in the year 1910 naming the baby after what caused it.
These are names you just cannot make up. It does make writing an estimate for damage repairs on their car a little more fun when you turn them into the dealership's main office. Lot of sick little jokes went around like "Hairy Dick out is after Fanny Matter", when scheduling the repairs.
I was a rural mail carrier for a while. One of my customers was named Hester Zass. She lived next door to Harry Place. One day I met Mr. Place at his mail box. I called him Harold. He corrected me, saying I should always call him "Harry."
That got me started on my life-long hobby of dreaming up ridiculous names, like Daryl Licht, Paris Seitz, and Justin Di McNurespreader.
Actually he was at UW-Stevens Point in the middle to late '80's while I was there perfecting my party skills. His was one of the few classes that I actually passed. I am not sure what happened to him after I left Point.
My wife called me from her work the other day laughing uncontrollably. She works in a fairly large Wally World store. Someone called in and asked to have a customer in the store paged. The lady was announcing over and over "I have a call in the fitting room for a 'Stu Pidazzol'.
My wife could not stop laughing about it because when she asked the elder lady who was duped why she did not know it was a jokester calling it in, the lady said he sound so serious and he spelled it out for me, so it looked ok. So she announced it six or seven times over fifteen minutes.
The wife was in their break room when she called me to tell me about this story, I could hear them all laughing. So I asked her how long the line was for the Wally World customers responding to the call. When she told her fellow workers what I said she had to hang up because they were all laughing so hard.