It is more useful to find points to agree on and thereby build a consensus, so let's focus on that. The article Blake and I both posted is a good example.
Once one agrees on principles and make them the bedrock foundation of a discussion, there can be a fruitful clash of conflicting ideas. It can get messy, but at least you know that underneath it all, you are standing on common ground.
It was just funny you like the link that I posted, but only saw it when Blake posted it (even though I described it as coming from a Tea Party founder).
No worries, I only bite at full moons, and peace medallions worn around the neck tend to keep me at bay!
I think what Thumper is trying to say is that no education is worth a s#it without hands on training as well. common sense will porevail every time.( I am a engineer but I have a BACK GROUND IN FARMING AND RANCHING with out witch I would not be worth a damn.
You are judging someone who may feel passionately about what he has decided to do, in the name of something he believes in, without concern for financial compensation.
Fahren those are the leeches of the world passion in stupidity is still stupid. History calls those folks Vandals. They destroy what they cannot understand or are incapable of participating in.
It's an interesting mix of paid protesters, ( Democrat Party, Communist party, Union, etc. ) libertarians ( ranging from rational to idiot ) and "followed the hot chick" college dropouts.
I don't really know what to make of all this, but the "media" is reporting derisive crapola. From MSNBC to Breibart, the tone is mocking. I don't like to be manipulated like that... so I'm watching and listening.
It's easy to be mocking with a typical "activist", since when the rhetoric is hard left, it's based on lies, and when based on adolescent wish fulfillment fantasies, it's based on believing the promises of liars. Many of those "manifesto" points are impossible. ( all debt canceled, etc. )
I also agree that Obama promised to do away with money influence in DC politics, and it didn't happen. Far from it. True, but unlike other promises broken, no one with a functioning brain thought that was going to be easy. It's also NOT within Obama's choice to change without bipartisan cooperation in Congress, which has no interest in cutting off their own bribe money. If I'm going to be angry at Obama for broken promises, it would be the "transparency" that is opaque as mud, the even greater hiring of lobbyists, etc.
I also agree the the Tea Party promised the same, and it didn't happen. Far from it. As with Obama, a little unfair, especially as "the Tea Party" didn't really exist 4 years ago, didn't have majority power for 2 years, ( as Obama did ) and doesn't now have majority power..... Also Congress won't give up their bribes.
Both the above have become twisted and corrupted all out of recognition from their original stated intent Think I have to disagree. Sure seems like it, I'll grant you. In the Tea party case, there has been an ongoing effort by it's enemies ( the Dems, radical leftists and Rep establishment ) to either destroy or subvert the Tea party. In Obama's case, I believe you can't claim his intent distorted. Just deliberately misstated. He immediately discarded the no lobbyist and other actual reform promises after he moved into the White House. I may have missed him calling for reforms during the 2 years his party held both houses and the White House, to be fair. The likes of Reid, Rangel, Pelois, etc. sure didn't enact any. ( so even had Obama intended good reform ( which I highly doubt, being cynical ) he didn't have a good shot at getting it done.
re: "activist" discussion. Activist, in modern context has come to mean progressive revolutionary. Or exploitive eco/critter rights con men.
Aesquire, interesting points. It sure is easy for us to become cynical when there is such a clear money trail up to both sides' doors: Wall Street for both sides, and the bros. Koc h on the other.
Biting the feeding hand - not easy. I think one could discuss all day the degree of manipulation, but one thing is sure, and that is that there is plenty of it going on, on both sides.
I don't like to be manipulated like that... so I'm watching and listening. You got that right!
Fahren We do not need the Kochs to tell us were taxed too much and we have an out of control federal gov. Why do you think some one needs to tell us what to do? The wanna be serfs do but most of us prefer to be freemen. People fled Europe to be free of the serfs and their handlers. By doing so created the greatest era of freedom the world has ever known. The reason most of these ( activists ) can exist is by the good will of the Hated Capitalist or the Taxes extorted with robbery by Gov. They are rapidly running out of taxes and the good will has been gone since the 60s. There will be another Kent State type incident a young Leo or Guardsman will set upon by the mob and will shoot a few ( activists ) Kent State put an end to lets burn down our school and put it too the man. The reason for these events is so BHO can declare martial law his presidency is done he is out on the election trail again. He needs a reason to Suspend the elections till every thing is ( In Order and SAFE) CityX can expound on this further. Obama is becoming more dangerous by the day as his desperation grows. The vote for this plan if you Love me is telling. In his present mental state violence is only a matter of time. He is the jilted lover so he will kill the lover he cant have in this case our country!
As a first had observer of the Nashville events, I can only see an event full of all sorts "activists". Self proclaimed Anti-Union, Pro-Union, Socialist, Marxist, Conservative, Libertarian, Climate change folks. They all are shouting their own agendas. No common cause. The only thing I see in common is a bunch of people who have little sense of personal responsibility. They feel that they must act to tell others to act? They seem to be a club of wanna be protesters. Conveniently most are unemployed and able to devote lots of time to hanging out and chanting for various causes.
I met one guy who was there only because he can only find jobs that will pay $10 an hour. This unemployed GED holder was being "oppressed" by corporations because he and others are worth more that $10 and hour. He claims "somebody" needs to do something about his problem.
Protester holding a sign "Protect our earth": Corporations are the only ones who can afford lobbyist to make laws for them. Lobbyist are evil henchmen and ruining our country. We the people must have a voice!
Me:I personally know almost a dozen lobbyists that fight for various causes...
Interrupting Protester: They are WALL STREET! THEY ARE EVIL!
Me: All the lobbyist I know work for non-profits. I have never met one who works for a corporation. Two of my friends WORK full-time for the Sierra Club...
Interrupting Protester: Its the corporate greed of See-Air Club that is KILLING OUR EARTH! Get educated.
Me: (Shaking my head and walking away, wishing I had my camera at that moment to record this trash.)
I heard on guy yelling about how he has $80,000 of college debt. He is fresh out of school and cant find a job. He demands that his debt be erased by the wealthy who need to be taxed more.