TED gives us hope. I have a friend doing a presentation in the near future on new flight, new wings, new controls. It was too late for me to get to the audience by the time I found out this week.
"Creativity" . . . at the risk of drifting far afield from the original post . . . has been threatened by the very same politically correct thinking that ushers in law suits for coffee that is hot and replaces haste to respond with fear of being sued when we see another in peril.
Creativity . . . the creative process at it's best . . .requires not only requisite talent but a liberal dose of self confidence in ones' abilities. I've love to be able to share a glimpse as to how Buell, both Erik and Erik Buell Racing, operate on the inside.
Imagine a room with 10 well educated, extremely bright and creative folks who see each others respective abilities not as a threat but as a potential compliment . . . literally the ticket for the group to intellectually go places no one of them can go alone.
Imagine . . and Barker you are a perfect example . . an environment where you produce your finest product and have 5 other Barke-likes, Dave Cohen, Dave Gess and a couple folks then adding a critical "how can we improve this" effort with no thought at all to "I can do better" but rather "we can go from here to great".
I think collectively we are all growing weary of the status . . "everyone is a valedictorian . . quo and that we may be on the cusp of seeing the emergence of some amazing things.
Call me an optimist . . . but I think it's going to happen. I'm going to do something about it and be part of it.
Court, there IS a revolution afoot. We have a nearly-silent group of "un-indicted co-conspirators" who are of the mindset that "A Rising Tide Raises All Ships." IF the view is taken where we don't consider other viewpoints as threatening or competing, we CAN work cooperatively. Overall we'll better ourselves and better ALL OUR SELVES.
THIS is classical collectivism - of which I am a true believer....
I'm all for voluntary capitalist collectivisim. Anything else is rubbish.
I am currently working with a small group of people to start up a new business. Our personal skills are unique. None of our team could do what we are going individually. We are discriminate portions of a whole.
We have 3 different venture capital firms interested. We are hoping at least one bites and cuts the check.
The Ken Robinson post reminded me of a statement that Attila the Hun set back civilization by thousands of years by destroying libraries and other centers of knowledge.
Are we not potentially doing the same thing by feeding kids who don't "fit the mold" ritalin and other drugs? Is attention deficit disorder (ADD) really a disorder or a is it failure to fall in line with PC ideas? Does our system really educate or does it teach that life is easier if you stay within the box?
We are very far down the path in our politics where we don't say "let's work together to figure out a better way" but we say "your idea is terrible because you are a liberal, conservative, socialist, fundamentalist, unionist".
We need to stop doing this but I don't really how we are going to pull that off. The blame game is pretty hard to stop once it gets rolling.
Clocks were invented by monks to serve the timing of canonical prayers. Moving forward several centuries, time management serves capitalism.
Guttenberg invented the printing press to serve the needs of the church. Moving forward, when folk could read the Bible, other Christian religions developed and revolted against the stranglehold of the priesthood.
Modern school systems developed on reading the printed word. Computers, videos, etc., have changed schools to something else entirely.
In 50 years, the bright, inventive child who has trouble reading may, indeed, fit right into whatever society becomes.
We as humans can and MUST transcend politics, labeling theory, "us vs. them" mentalities (would that be "anti-mentalities"?), and get on with getting ON.
I'd be happy to lend a hand anytime in that direction. It's only the way my momma raised me.