HUFFINGTON: But the point is that the most important number going into 2012 is going to be the unemployment number. And there is absolutely no prospect at the moment that would make us believe that unemployment number is going to be below nine percent. Now that is really the greatest fear for the White House. And of course Mitt Romney again and again is talking about the failure of the President to produce jobs, and he doesn’t have to tell us how he would have done it. He just has to point out to that failure. And when the President again and again talks about how, I mean, I went through and looked since 2009 how many times he has said, “Jobs priority number one,” “The sustained focus of this administration,” “The relentless focus of this administration,” “We’re pivoting to jobs.” Nobody believes it any more.
WAGNER: Renewables. Battery plans. If we see Obama in another battery plant in the next three weeks, I think everybody is ready to give up on wind, solar and hydro. I mean, the idea that that’s going to pull us out of the ditch that we are remain in.
I mean, you know, I was talking with Emanuel Cleaver earlier this week, and he was saying, look, you know, to a certain degree, there’s bound to be disappointment, people pin hopes on Barack Obama. But, at the end of the day, people don’t understand what these green jobs are, you know? And if that’s the only plan he has, I think the White House is in serious trouble.
no no, he has other plans, and they are just as well formed. Remember that Healthcare is only 1/6 of our 'productive, innovative, and creative' economy, and nearly 1/3 of our government expenditures for care (CMS, BOP, NIH, CDC, FDA, USPHS, ICE, all the DOD care arms, WIC, SSi, SSD, PEPFAR, yadda yadda yadda) just wait til he crashes that. DAMHIK.
He should immediately cease extensions of unemployment benefits. In 6 months when these people drop off the rolls he can claim a reduction in unemployment.
In other news, I read that Obama is now so unpopular that people in Kenya are claiming he was born in the US.
Brobamma's idea of green jobs is poor, uneducated minorities victimized by the incentive to play victim come into your house to grade and dictate the efficiency of your home. No doubt someone in a position like Michael chertoffs will get a big contract to sell subjects like me a solar panel to power my refrigerator light.
Maybe Iam wrong? Lets discuss his past work and accomplishments and use it as a gauge as to how phoqued we are.
they are behind the curve, the commies would have started with the purges by now... rest assured, they are on the way. If you want to know where this thing is going, read jones, C & P, but more importantly Lenin's 1921 'What is to be Done' They are knocking it out like mile posts. Their next step is a N.E.P. New Economic Plan in which the state seizes segments of industry forces production quotas, seizes foreign investment, realigns the currency valuation, and 'nationalizes' private entreprenuial efforts, controls technology innovation (by requiring all 'new ideas to be certified, state endorsed, and centrally taxed - for the benefit of the good of all'
They will continue to push for the 'conscripted universal healthcare, education, and impeachment of all that is capitalism' It is EXACTLY what happened 1921-1926...The killings started in 23. (they are still disavowed ) The revolution pushes and clicks in 2016, when the appartchik agenda resist the change back to a conservative base by election - and grab power forcefully.... all too predictably - the march of the Soviet drum is clear in their heads.
Woont'chu liketo see a President that people actually wanted to stay in for a second term? Has there ever been one? Well one thing's for sure, Obama is unlikely to pull it off after a few debates with the new contenders. Cain't seem ta silence Ron Paul or Rick Perry no matter how hard they try.
"Woont'chu liketo see a President that people actually wanted to stay in for a second term?..."
Franklin D Roosevelt was elected for 4 terms. A few others sought a 3rd term, but none were successful.
Food for thought. If Obama wins this election, he has met the 2 term limit. If he loses, he is still eligable to be re-elected for 1 non-consecutive term.
(Message edited by Paint shaker on August 22, 2011)